Good news. Jimmy paid most of his rent. Only $40 short and still doesn't know if he's moving out July 1st. It's still good news. Won a toonie (two Canadian dollars) on a scratcher too. Serge thought he had lost but he hadn't. He had nothing to say then but "pfft". He looked cute though before we sat out on the balcony in front and watched the parade.

See. And of course he loathes this picture. The parade
kind of really sucked, pretty much a repeat of last year and even smaller. It was rather bizarre when the end of the parade was followed by Hare Krishnas and separatists chanting different kinds of things. I announced half way through that we would have corn dogs in honor of the holiday - St Jean Baptiste, a kind of 4th of July for Quebecers - these were "pogo" brand.

This reminds me of something I said on the boat to some newlyweds we were enjoying the company of. I complained that a trio at McDonald's was $11.00 in Paris. (I didn't order one, I just peaked in to see how much. We did not go all the way to Europe to eat American food. Okay, except on the boat.) They looked at me blankly and said, "What's a trio?" And it was like they had asked me what air was, a trio, what else could it be but a burger, fries and drink? I said, "You know, where you get the sandwich, fries and coke." And they came to life then, "Oh, a COMBO. You mean a COMBO." A combo? That can't be right, I thought. Trio is right, it was trio in California, wasn't it? It can't be combo. And yet it is. I guess the American is slowly sloughing off of me.
I think sloughing is wrong, but I left it there anyway. Maybe it's right, right? And just how do you pronounce it, exactly?
I bought three souvenirs on the fabulous vacation of life. A t-shirt from Croatia. It's black and says "Croatia" on the front. In Italy, I bought a blue Italia shirt, which I think resembles the soccer team garb, but I didn't know this when I bought it. I just liked the blue and how it said Italia on it. And finally, I bought a pair of underwear. There is a print of something famous on them.
Nice underpants!
hehe, that term always makes me giggle, underpants.
trio is a French Canadian thing. At least, we still call them combos in Ontario. Maybe it's trio in other provinces.
It's been so long since I've been to MickeyD's that I sat here wondering what a trio was. I was guessing it was a new sandwich like the Big Mac with three thin burgers in it. Silly me. Yep, down here it's still a combo as far as I know.
Cute pic of Spouse!
As for the last pic, no comment... Just a giggle.
I thought you meant three people when you said a Trio, so $11 sounded reasonable. Never heard that one before.
"Something famous," indeed. Surprised to didn't hold off 'til HNT for that reveal...still fun souvenirs all around. Nice to see Europeans are as happy to make a buck off their priceless treasures as we are!!
I have more than a giggle for that last pic. A big sudden gut-wrenching guffaw. Showed the pic to my 10 year old son. He said "There's something wrong about that."
So you were the model for that statue? I so want a pair of those undies. Here at McDonalds I order a Big Mac meal or a quarter pounder with cheese meal and at Burger King it is a valuemeal. Will you be moving back to california now that they recognize Gay Marriages from other places? Ed
I am SO glad I wasn't at work when I saw that last photo. I laughed long and loud! I like Greg's suggestion: use them again for your next HNT.
I don't think the underpants do you justice. But they are a hoot.
While I'm not the final word, I do thing "sloughing" is correct. It's like shedding and you usually slough off dead skin cells.
OK, next I have to remember to READ the description BEFORE I look at the pictures! LOL!
Then again, I should have known that it couldn't have been your "corn dog" on display, after all that is one teenie weinee!
Firstly, it IS called a combo. Well I think it is. I know I've never heard it called trio.
And secondly, I sincerely hope those are the underpants you bought, cause if that's what lil' Tornwordo looks like...well I have deep sympathy for Serge then. :)
Combo here too.
I'm glad that kid paid his rent. I was having ND flashbacks.
I love that picture of Serge and the one of your undies is hysterical.
we were gallivanting around the continent at about the same time you were and had to pick up a pair of those underwear in italy as well. just couldn't resist.
Trio sounds funny, slightly feminine to my ear, while combo makes masculine sense. Musically inclined, both.
Nice underwear. Sort of.
Those undies are great. What a work of art.
Slough is pronounced sluff, but how is draught pronounced? It seems to be all over the Harry Potter books and it gets me every time.
Em, draught is pronounced draft. Will Torn be wearing those shorts in public?
The Nude Cowboy from NYC said that he was arrested in Indianapolis cause they could see his johnson through his shorts. So now he wears two pair of underwear all the time he is preforming on the streets. Ed
Oh my god, i nearly swallowed my gum when i saw that pic! Nice undies.
You are going to serve corndogs on St Jean Baptiste? OMG, the Pequistes will be coming after you!
Those shorts are... um... different. It looks like part of a tee-shirt hanging down the underpants in the picture. And, just because I'm me... what's that brown stuff on the inside thigh of each leg?
Hey Sticky Crows, welcome back!! I've read your blog and it sounds like you had a wonderful time...and that is what is the best about a vacation. I love the short pants too. You know you wearing those in Alabama would like, be, totally obscene, don't you? But they look really cool...I'd enjoy seeing some people around here wearing them. Could you imagine the stares before the police arrested you? Enjoyed the blog of your journey...welcome back home!!
I saw those same underpants all over Italy. We went to Venice first, and when I saw them there, I said to the ball and chain, "I'd get some for gifts, but the cock is so small, my friends might be insulted." But, sure enough, in Florence and elsewhere, I saw the same shorts, but with an, um, enhanced penis. I still didn't buy them, but I was tempted by the apron version.
The underwear doesn't do you justice (I am assuming).
I had to do a double take too.
We call it a 'Menu' here in LBF.
Which actually doesn't mean a menu (as you Montrealers will know already) - that'd be a 'carte'.
Anyway, great shorts - I fear you are underselling yourself somewhat least I hope you are!
I haven't had a corn dog in years and those look amazingly good.
Nice shorts.
You two need to take more vacations. You are two very handsome men, but after your relaxing vacation, your handsomeness quotient just flew off the chart.
Yes Richard, here in 'Merica we call it a combo - NOT a trio. :-)
Love the underwear! You should have worn them while sitting on the balcony as the parade went by. It might have spiced things up a bit.
Mark :-)
The undies are hilarious, and Serge looks totally adorable in the pic!
OMG! I love the manties!!
Love the undies.
I was wondering what a trio was too, never heard that one before. We call it a combo.
Yes. A thousand times yes to the underpants.
I would love to have a pair of trousers like that.
Oh, Darling, I'm in Southern California (born & raised YAYAY!) and we call it a combo. Like "I'll have combo #1, please!" lol I read your post & thought "What the HECK is a Trio?" Nice vacation pix, I really enjoyed them.
We use the term combo here as well. I would have worn one of those blank looks too if you mentioned a trio to me.
Those undies are too funny.
Your too cute!
I hope Jimmy comes up with the rest of the rent. You could buy several Trios with that 40 bucks.
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