I've got a huge day today with 9 hours of teaching lined up. This is insane, but doable since it's only for today. I couldn't do that every day. Well maybe if the money was right. Today's total is a bit over two hundies which really isn't. Three would be more like it.
As for the questions on the last post, the thing on the window is something we bought at home depot. It's a kind of membrane with a design on it that you moisten and apply to the window. It can be taken off and put back on easily. Serge got the bright idea to cut out parts around the edges and he put those parts on another window of the house. As for it looking like spatter, I suppose so from far, but irl it looks more like stained glass. Oh and the reason we didn't drywall it up is because Serge loves light. This is a standard response from him when you ask why about just about anything. Why did you do that honey? Because of the light. I don't press further, I guess it's just a natural response from someone who grew up in the icy North with the long dark winters. Happy hump day peeps.
I love light too! And Georgie. And you! :-)
Get yourself one of those retractable leads to use with Georgie on your walks. Those things are wonderful, and will help you keep him out of the street.
I'm with Serge about light, and I grew up in sunny Sarasota. I love this time of year, when the day is still light at 9:00 PM. I could live with that all year long. Winter days depress me.
Yikes! Nine hours of teaching! You can do it.
Georgie is very cute and I know the feeling you are describing re the love we have for our critters. Yes, sometimes it feels so good it hurts.
I'm with Serge on the 'light' thing...the more the better.
I never get tired of Georgie pictures.
For reasons I don't understand, my children fail to appreciate light. I want the shades and curtains open to allow as much light as possible. All of them want to keep the windows covered, making the house gloomy. Gloomy house = gloomy mommy = cranky mommy = miserable life for everyone. They fail to make that connection.
You'd think that with my vampiric lifestyle I'd be down on the light, but really I can't get enough of it. Unless it's 5AM in the summer and I really need to be sleeping.
And I'm totally fine with Georgie pics. Makes me want to visit Montréal again just so I can meet him. I disagree with Cubby on the retractable lead thing, though. Can. Not. Stand. Way too easy to let them dart out and get into trouble before you can think to lock the mechanism and haul them back.
I'm w/Serge on the light. I got an eyebrow raised years ago about the glass and window in/near our shower, but it wasn't to show off. Honest. It was for the light.
And no, Geo pics NEVER get tiring, but you already knew that.
I also like the light. Serge should move north. In the summer, it's light out until almost midnight now and then it starts coming up again at about 4:30.
I also like the pictures of Georgie. He looks like he smells good, don't ask me why.
I thought light might be involved in some way, but I'd never have guessed you'd put some sort of decal on the window. It looks more like you daubed it with translucent paint.
As for the youngest member of your household, try a sturdy leash attached to a harness, rather than a collar. I've seen many a dog slip out of every type of dog collar available, but I have never heard of any critter (dog, cat, ferret, etc.) wriggling out of a properly-fitted harness.
The real question is if Georgie is getting tired of having all those pics taken of him?
Happy teaching!
I am a light fanatic as well, it seems like it brightens any room when you add light to it!
Georgie is a great subject matter, hopefully those rays of Georgie light will keep coming our way!
The Georgie pix are never tiring. I always enjoy cute pet pix.
You should start a Georgie blog and write stories from his perspective. Wait...that's a good idea! Think I'll do that myself.
Gotta go...
Nope, the Georgie pics don't get boring or old. And I have the same fears about Indi. One of Chris' friends' dogs got hit by a car a few weeks ago and I cried. I never met the guy or the dog but I can imagine how devastated I would be.
This love thing is a bitch sometimes!
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