We weren't very hungry come dinner time, plus we were feeling lazy so I suggested splitting the frozen pizza we had in the freezer. It was a Delissio Hawaiian pizza. When I inspected the nutrition panel I was horrified. The quantities noted were for 1/6 of the pizza so we had to triple the quantities since we were splitting it. 40 percent of the salt for the day so that means 120 percent each! And I'm feeling it this morning too, all bloaty and puffy. Gross. Never will I buy that again. There should be a warning label on such foods.
It's my last full time week of work and then next week I have work-lite and then I'm done done done for the summer. Getting pretty excited about that, but for now I've gotta focus on getting all the classes wrapped up. Time to get going. Have a lovely day peeps!
My weekend was filled w/family events, graduation, dinners, etc. I am missing my peeps in ATL, i.e. Mrs Coffeedog, the cats,, the dog...I came to Ohio solo
The inclusion in the title of the words "Boring Version" suggests that somewhere else there is a not-boring version, LOL.
Best not to read those labels, they are all bad news.
There is no healthy pre-packed rte foods. We always shop the perimeter of the grocery to buy fresh ingredients to cook from scratch. After too many years in public health, I'm not one to trust others (corporations)with my food.
Back at cha!
Your weekend was as thrilling as mine! =)
Oh! come here! We have an attic, a basement, and a garage that need someone to clean out!
you can root thru my house too - spouse is a packrat and keeps $h!t forever!
did NOTHING this weekend - too damn hot down here. did indoor chores and such.
I know, what a crapola weekend of rain, rain, rain. I absolutely LOVE sitting around eating peanuts and shooting the shit on a rainy day, so what you did sounds like fun to me.
Yay, to work-lite followed by vacations!
Wow! You're probably going to read this and think "I have no idea who the hell this person is", but I re-stumbled over your blog and remember you very well from about three (?) years ago when I was blogging regularly. We like, linked and everything. (I think mine was called "At a Loss For Words" at the time.)
I guess you can say seeing Sticky Crows again filled me with .... blogstalgia (??? -- At the very least you can say your posts have inspired a 21st Century 'condition')
Anyway, glad you and Serge are still together and doing well -and glad you're still posting. It already seems to be a dying art. Keep it alive!
A good weekend here. Got a lot of chores done.
That said, the nutritional info is always single serving around these here parts too.
I was doing a short contract for a company doing nutritional scoring. It runs on a scale of 0 to 100. After scoring thousands upon thousands of items a trend emerged.
The ingredients that would drop a score to almost nothing were sugar, salt and fats.
E.g. broccoli by itself scores astronomically high. Add a cheese sauce and the score plummets.
My, Georgie has a big nose. :)
"...blobbing around the house"
You did not get my expressed written consent. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
Warm here in SoCal, as summer gave us a reminder of what July, August, September will be like. Finished one book, started another, spent time with my friend JayTee and his hubby Adam.
Boring weekend for me. Or just a typical one?
Georgie looks so serious! Like he's going to have his portrait on money or stamps or something. Hmmm, Canada already has the loony and the toony, so why not the Georgie?
(I'll be your 14th comment so you don't have bad luck.)
We had somewhat of a rainy, lazy weekend too. Sunday was a complete washout with tornado watches and all.
Hawaiian pizza...I never think to get that. When I lived on the west coast it was all the rage. Here in New England they're pretty much non-existent.
I'm married to a pack rat, and I would LOVE to sell his stuff in a garage sale. We would make a mint from the old samples from his work that are many years old and still brand new. He spouts the packrat credo: "It's perfectly good! We may need it someday!" Someday never comes.
Read those nutrition labels. Some of the best-tasting stuff will kill you.
Could that dog BE any more photogenic? I don't think so. I love seeing pics of him...makes me smile.
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