Afterward, we sought out a nature park to take a stroll and I saw my first robin of the year. Come to think of it, I saw my first robin when we went to the cabane à sucre last year. I'm not calling them robins anymore though, now I use their scientific name, turdus migratorius, or turd for short. I'm sure you can see how this amuses me.
In the evening we watched the Six Feet Under episodes. I was pretty squealy with delight over some of the situations, though I was yelling at the character in the closet (I haven't quite got their names down yet) and spouse has a sizable crush on Michael C. Hall. He kept making lascivious noises and I responded, "I'm right here, you know, and I'm at least half as pretty!" He wasn't buying it. I have to admit he is pretty hot though.
Is that a picture of you having a beer with James Franco? Who knew you were such a jet setter?
If spouse like Michael C. Hall, you should rent "Dexter" for him. If you haven't watch it yet.
What Petie said. Hall is sizzling as Dexter.
So now a robin is a flying turd. I'm sure this pleases you to no end.
You two look so cute in that photo! Eating well suits you. But instead of being jealous of Michael C. Hall, join the fun. It can be very rewarding later.
I can't wait to see my first turd bird of the year!
Michael C. Hall, wasn't he in the Breakfast Club? No, that was Anthony Michael Hall, wasn't it? This Six Feet Under, I may have to watch.
I LOVED Six Feet Under.
Oh boy, your desserts sound like our entire last week with my sister visisting. You boys are looking good!
Don't weigh yourself and only eat when you are hungry and only until you are no longer hungry, not stuffed. Or at least that's what I'm told.
I will go on record as saying that I enjoyed 6ft. Under early on in its run, but as it progressed, the show got more and more violent and the characters more dysfunctional, to the point that I just couldn't sit through an episode anymore. I do own Season One, though.
Mmmmmmmmmmm...I can't wait to eat there while you're away in CA. I think it'll be the higlight of our visit!!!
I kind of want to check out Six Feet Under now, but even more, I want to go to a cabane à sucre
I don't "get" the attraction to Michael C. Hall. Why has no one yet mentioned Freddy Rodriguez, the huggable restorative artist, Rico Diaz?
I wish that I had a baked alaska.
yay michael c hall! you should check out dexter as well...
i don't even own a scale so that way i can only wonder if i should hate myself rather than actually, actively hate myself.
Oh my, there's so much to love in this post! Turdus migratorius indeed!!!!
No,Michael C. Hall is perhaps half as good looking as you. I have watched every episode of Dexter.Dad
finally you are watching this show!
i loved this show soooooo much.
watch them all they get much better as they go along!
have fun,
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