It's a rainy day today so it's good we got everything done yesterday. We spent the bulk of the day shopping for a washer and dryer. But on our travels we passed by the SPCA so we stopped to look at the doggies. One of them,
Sacha, we both thought was cute so we filled out the form so that we could visit with her. She seemed more interested in the rabbits and cats there at the pound than with us, so we took her outside for a little walk. Lots of energy and the deal breaker, tons of shedding hair. The one thing we didn't like about Sara was her incessant and voluminous shedding. This dog seemed to rival her abilities in this respect, so we said we'd think about it and left. Maybe next week we'll have another look around.
On our travels yesterday we went to a second hand store where they had ancient models of washers and dryers, then to the Sears liquidation center where all the dented appliances were, then Walmart (just in case but they don't have washers and dryers) then Home Depot where the guy told us with a straight face that the $50 delivery fee applied to each item, then to Domon, another appliance/furniture store, and then I saw a second hand hole in the wall shop with an open parking spot in front so on a whim we stopped and there was a practically brand new pair of Kenmore appliances sitting there for $450. We bought them on the spot for cash, no taxes and they were delivered free of charge an hour later. We spent the rest of the day painting the downstairs apartment and new laundry room.

In the evening, Dan came over and we threw dinner together, filet mignon, mac n cheese and brussel sprouts yum. After dinner we whipped up a batch of crepes with the crepe maker. I'll do a recipe post on that in the near future. If you don't see me for a while, don't despair, it's just because I'll be working crazy hours this week. I'll try to pop in even for a baby post though. Enjoy the rest of the weekend y'all.
Mmmm, brussels sprouts. Now I'm craving them.
A non-shedder will mean trips to the groomers, so are you thinking super short hair like a min-pin or something? I'm so excited for you both to be looking!
Mac and cheese and filet mignon? That's adorable!
Ok, that is an unusual combination of food.
Deal breaker - the mac and cheese. I can see the filet mignon, and brussel sprouts.
Good for you guys adopting from a pound when it comes time.
I know your upcoming week will be tough -Andy is barely functional at the end of the day, let alone the end of the week. So I'm sending you out good vibes, and I promise not to grumble (too much) if I can't get my weekly dose of the stickies:)
We've had 3 dogs and finding each was a different experience, but in all cases I think they picked us. Our first dog pushed her nose toward us and wagged her friendly tale furiously ever time we walked by her cage. She retreated when anyone else went by. Our second rolled over on her back as if she wanted us to pet her belly every time we went to look at her. Our third (and present one) promptly walked over to our younger son (sitting cross-legged on the floor), crawled into his lap and fell asleep. They pick you; you do not pick them. Sacha seems a bit distracted. For non-shedders, check out "non-allergic" breeds, ones that have "hair" and not "fur". As Rox says the trade off is that they have to go to the "dog spa" once in a while for a trim. (Ours goes once every 8-12 weeks.)
I like hearing about the dog search. :)
filet mignon with mac'n'cheese? That is painful.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Brussel Sprouts....and, BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my washer and dryer ....they are so amazing that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do laundry.
Looks suspiciously like KD to me.
Filet mignon with mac and cheese? Then again, I've had a killer mac and cheese with lobster.
I eat lots of brussel sprouts. Yea for the w/d find.
I totally agree with Lemuel. Keep yourselves open to the experience and the dog will find you. I'm just so glad that it's almost time!
Dinner looks amazing, btw. I dunno how you cook brussel sprouts but I roast them in the oven with a little olive oil, salt & pepper and I'll never boil them again. They get a little browned, a little sweet and they are YUMmy.
OMGAWDERCOPTERZ! I soooo wanna dive headfirst into a bowl of Mac N' Cheeeeeeze after seeing that pic!
Here in the midwest, filet mignon is beef wrapped in bacon. Mac&cheese is midwest soul food. ed
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