Sunday, September 16, 2012

Taste of Fall

Hiya peeps. Long time no write. Sorry about that. I'm still making it about once a month though at least. Today it was 42 degrees when I took the dog out. A real first shot of fall. I like it. I think last time (I'll go check...) yes indeed, last time I was here, I was facing two unexpected weeks off. I ended up going down to Ogunquit, Maine with a friend for a couple of days. It was beautiful, just like I remembered it, but the water was still too cold to go swimming.

As you can see, it was gorgeous. There is another photo though that I'm not posting here that David took of me on the beach. OMG, now I remember why I stopped taking my shirt off. There's a pot of jelly over my abs. So as soon as I got back, I started the diet again. I'm going to get my bod back if it's the last thing I do.

We did a big clean up and reorganized our office. Threw a bunch of things out and discovered a disc with some old photos on it. Found a pic of how my stomach once looked. THAT picture I will post here, haha.

What's funny is that I remember I hated this picture. Not ripped enough, lol. Ah how our criteria mellow over the years. Anyway, motivated. Lost 3 pounds in two weeks already. Yay!

Serge and I also went for a couple of hikes at local nature parks. The first one didn't allow dogs, but I found out the municipal nature parks do allow dogs, so today we took Georgie out and he absolutely LOVED it. We need to take him more. Of course now he's a total blob meister. Here's a Georgie pic for ya.

We had an election too and the separatist party won but not a majority. Whew. I hate the xenophobic rhetoric up here from the hard line separatists. The francophones will swear up and down that they just want to protect their language and culture, but the flip side of that coin is xenophobia because what they are really saying is that they are afraid those that are non-francophone will alter or take away what exists now. Fear based = phobia. Anyway, I was pleased they didn't get all the power.

I guess that's about it. Work season is back on and I've got my second group of nurses tomorrow. 15 students so it will be a busy week. Thanks for stopping by and see you next time.

10 comments: said...

Thanks for the pictures and the post. I love it when you post. Have a good month.

Birdie said...

I think you're mighty handsome no matter what, but that second shot: oh, hon.

And Georgie is just as cute as ever. You know, you could always post Georgie pics in between your regular posts. :D

Dan said...

As-tu fini de dire que le Parti Québécois est xénophobe.
Comme dans n'importe quel parti politique il y a du bon et du moins bon.
Tu en fais une généralité qui inclus TOUS les gens qui vôtes PQ et c'est vexant à la longue. C'est pas tous les Péquistes qui sont séparatistes.

Quand je vais au U.S. on me demande de parler anglais et ça s'appelle de l'ASSIMILATION. Quand un anglophone vient au Québec on lui demande de parler français et certains anglophones appellent ça de la XÉNOPHOBIE et du RACISME.
C'est une pensée perverse et vicieuse alimentée par des journaux et des éditorialistes anglophones qui écrivent des stupidités et des inepties ce
qui fait qu'un bon nombre d'anglophones crachent sur les francophones.
Aussi, les journaux francophones ne se mêlent jamais des élections en Ontario mais les journaux torontois s'en sont encore donné à coeur joie cette fois çi pour tapper sur les francophones allant jusqu'à nous dirent comment vôter.

C'est la différence et la volonté des francophones à conserver leur langue qui fait si peur à certains anglophones et plusieurs de ceux-çi se défendent par le mépris. C'est tellement plus noble, mais j'y pense...c'est pas être raciste ça?

A+ grosse puce ;-)


Mel said...

Ogunquit? You were right up the road!

And Dan, la realidad es que a partir de Maine y New Hampshire, el segundo más usado idioma no es francés sino español, así que a partir de aquellas excepciones es más ventajoso aquí aprender español. Dicho eso, cuando estoy en Québec, intento hablar francés lo más posible, a pesar de que no es un idioma que conozco. Igual, cuando tengo clientes de Québec aquí en Maine, resulta muchas veces que hablamos franglais. Al fin, Québec siempre será una isla francófona en medio de un mar anglo. Aunque sí se debe tener el derecho de proteger a su idioma y cultura, aislarse aún más nunca será una solución.

Anonymous, too said...

Are you sure the 2nd picture is of you, and not of Marky Mark in his underwear-modeling phase???

Georgie is as handsome as ever. Glad to learn he is fond of nature. Hope the squirrels realized he was chasing them just to have some fun!

Unknown said...

You look great... and so does Serge...hugs from the south...

Rox said...

Je m'appelle Guy, ou est la discotheque?

That's all the francais I remember.

Nice abs. Don't we all wish we had the bodies of yesteryear?! I wish I would have appreciated my flat tummy and perky boobs before middle age snuck up on me. Oh well.

Nice to see you post!

Blobby said...

"Blob meister"? I'm not sure I like the sound of that.

...and 42, is that in C or F? I mean, it is Canada!!!

Colleen said...

Was that picture taken on Marginal Way? We walked around that tonight - such a lovely spot. :)

CoffeeDog said...

You both look cute, Georgie and you!
