Well it's over. And I am now officially a Canadian citizen. Aside from being a lesson in the inefficiency of beaurocracy, (I'd say my presence was necessary for about 37 minutes of the 4 hour experience) it was unbelievably easy. They allow 30 minutes to answer 20 multiple choice questions of which you are only required to answer 12 correctly (60% for the mathematically challenged). I finished in 4 minutes. Really, even if I hadn't studied, I could have aced it. Here was one of the questions:
Of the following rights, which one is accorded only to canadian citizens:
A. the right to drive a car
B. the right to vote
C. the right to own property
D. the right to have children
They were all similarly worded so that there was only one obvious answer. And to think I actually studied for it!
The ceremony was cool though, there were 52 of us from 32 different countries. I loved the judge's speech about our responsibilities: to help your fellow man, to stand up and fight against discrimination and injustice, and to protect the environment.
I wonder what the judge's speech is like at the US ceremony. Maybe he demonstrates how to stick out your tongue and make dumbo ears while saying 'Nah, nah , nah, nah, naaaaaaaaah, nah" to the rest of the world.
Ah, it feels good to be here.
And the test is intentionally easy so American ex-pats can escape the GWB.
No fair! My test was way harder. Congratulations though.
Congratulations!! The judge really said that?! Wow I wish our judicial leaders said things like that. I wanna a Canadian citizenship for Christmas.
Welcome Citizen Tornwordo, in the noble country of Canada ! =P
Congratulation, nice to heard you had no problems.
Im surprised by the speach, they usually put up some crazy and stupid queen speech. I would have expected something like "As a new canadian citizen, you must defend the queen, long live the queen". Even thought she is in england and nobody care.
congratulations, eh?
and dang, that's a hot pic, too.
the fact that you chose a shirt that would match the judge's scarf thingy was nothing short of sheer brilliance on your part.
Bienvenue parmi nous, mon beau!
Bienvenue! Congrats. I loved the speech. We never hear that stuff down in TX. Even with all the Jebus fish on everyone's SUV, people aren't so interested in helping fellow man.
Adam, call me. I think I now have a way to pay for my trip to China this summer.... Spousal citizenship for $$? hmmmmm Just in time for the holidays, too! ;-)
Welcome! Montreal is a lot more fun than Toronto. Good choice.
Woo Hoo! Did they give you a touque with a flag on it? Honestly congrats to you and your hubby.
Congratulations!! I knew you could do it!! :)
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