The in-class film this term is "Groundhog Day". I chose it because I have many different levels of students and even if the beginners don't understand much of the language, the fact that the story is about living the same day over and over makes it easy to follow.
I've watched it five times in the last two days. In a strange kind of self inflicted irony, I felt confined by the repetetiveness of both my day and Bill Murray's.
On the surface, it looks like standard American Romantic Comedy fare, but it really has some deeper thematic currents running through it.
It wasn't until my third yawn-filled viewing that I sat up and said to myself - "Wait, it's a metaphor for every day of your life!"
Now you might be saying, "Boy, that tornwordo is pretty slow." And you may be right. But in my defence, I'm not usually priming my brain for philosophical ideas when renting a film from the romantic comedy section.
Every day can seem the same. Same routine, same people, same job. Get up, go to work, come home. Some of us find comfort in knowing the day ahead will be a repeat of some recently lived day. Others will find this bitter and hellish, feeling trapped by their repetetive lives.
The only real difference in these two views is attitude.
But wait, it goes even deeper. There's something closer to the "secret of life" being alluded to here.
Because no matter the routine, no matter the milieu, it is only in our choices that we can make a difference and grow, learn and find fulfillment.
How would you live today if you thought tomorrow would never come?
I bet it would be different than what you usually do.
I bet it would be closer to the thing you should be doing.
Let's think about it, shall we? (I still have four more viewings to mull this over. Gack.)
Happy HNT!
Oh crap. Now I'm upset.
Thanks man, Don't be sorry (unless you were the idiot in the van?!?)
nice dogs!
i have lots of dogs!
Happy HNT!!
Love that pic! Happy HNT!
Thanks ever-so-much. Now I have to quit my job.
(Nice pic, btw. Mount-royal park?)
Great pic. You're adorable!
Happy HNT!
oh very nice pic...love the dogs too!
I'm worried that it took you three times to figure that out. Nice pic though!
:* Princess
Nice dogs! Happy HNT!
Good shot...love the dogs! Cheers and happy HNT!
Great pic! I didn't even notice the "mini head" until you mentioned it and I looked closer!
HappY HNT!
Groundhog Day is regarded in some circles (can't be more specific) as a deeply spiritual film. You've certainly hit on one of the reasons why this would be so.
Awwww, cute pups!
ok i'm a bad person. but it's partly your fault 'cause you got me all flustered with talk of HNT and x-rated and more skin, because when you said mini head, my eyes went down, not up
~ for shame on me! ~
geeshh....what a deep thought post.... my mind can't handle much more....
I love the HNT, I love dogs too...
Have a great one!
A man and his best friends! Beautiful shot! Happy HNT!
You look peacefully happy, so yeah, it counts.
Since the dogs are all nekkid that balances out the photo to true half nekkidness! Happy HNT!
have you seen 30 first dates? same thing, cute on the surface, deeply thought provoking underneath. You have inspired me today!
And that's not so easy anymore.
Is that the Mount Royal? Spent many a fine night up there, learning the paths by heart.
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