The snow has returned. Which means all the trees are flocked. Very Christmas-y. But snow also means cold, and it has been cold this week, the kind of cold that makes your nose run uncontrollably.
When I first moved here, I was not accustomed to such temperatures. (It never gets below freezing where I grew up in Southern California.) The first time I had to walk to the metro in 20 below weather, the snot ran from my nose and froze on my upper lip. What's more is that I froze all the little delicate membranes in my nose from breathing through the nose. This caused a lot of pain for the ensuing week.
After much mocking by spouse, I learned that you breathe through your mouth when such temperatures are present. Who knew?
And I think I'm the only one here who wears long underwear all winter. Natives laugh at me when I tell them. I get the feeling that it's namby-pamby to wear such garments. But when it comes to comfort, I don't really care what message I'm sending.
This weekend is the final study weekend before the test Monday for citizenship. I've got all of it pretty much down, but I will review it a few more times and practice answering with Serge.
So there's no earth-shattering news this week in my world. Trying to get all the loose ends tied up before we depart for Mexico on the 24th. Only 2 weeks. It is this that keeps my chin up.
Good weekend everybody!
I worked with a francophone from Montreal and he started wearing long underwear as soon as it turned September. Don't let anyone tell you that 'real' Quebecois don't dress warmly.
btw - I had sympathy for you adjusting to the cold until I read about Mexico. What part are you going to?
Silly American, we Canadians are mouth breathers for a reason! ;-)
Good luck on the exam. Are they gonna ask you about the prime ministers? I kinda get lost after MacDonald.... Don't get me started on that Mackenzie, Mackensie-King stuff. Soon you will be 'one of us.' Welcome aboard.
I applaud your use of namby-pamby. I haven't heard that word in eons.
Good luck on the exam!
good luck on the test my friend.
Good luck for Monday !!
mmm. Mehico! That will be a nice switch from your current frostiness and give your nose membranes a break!
your fellow sniffer,
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