We earned sore asses from a bikeride. It feels like my two buttbones are bruised. Also, if males have perenniums, mine is sore.
I stuck my toes in the St Lawrence River. It wasn't too, too murky. I'll keep you posted if they shrivel up and fall off.
Ate all meals outside and was therefore bitten by mosquitoes, twice.
Made this video. (I need to stop this, you already know I'm gay and corny.)
I stepped in dogshit. It was my own dog's so it wasn't too dreadful.
Made burritos. Burritos, baby.
Apart from the stepping in dog shit part, it sounds like a fantastic day.
Since it was your own dogs doo, that does make it a tad bit better.
It certainly was an outside weekend, wasn't it?
Sorry about the poo.
Hmmm Burritos !
Thats remember me I never showed up my videos quality isnt ? Hmmmm I try to do that later
the dog poo steppage? Were you shod in closed toe shoes, sandals or barefoot.
A world of difference in those options regarding stepping in the stuff.
Glad you had a good day.
I thought of helmets too! You guys are rebels!
You are blogging about fecal matter almost as much as I do! I love a good poop story!
Torn, that's not a very ladylike pose.
Just so you know.
something about seeing dogshit and burritos together like that kinda takes my appetite away.
Dantallion, that was pretty gross. I hadn't thought about that and now I won't be able to get the image out of my head.
Lovely weekend everywhere, I think.
I really love your videos, don't stop! I totally thought of the poo and burritos analogy-blah and hah all at the same time! Looks like a lovely weekend-yay for spring! Devo
Ooooh - An unexpected chest shot. Exxxxcellent.
For some perverted reason, I got the giggles reading this. :P
I LUV how in Canada, we insist that there be a line painted on the middle of bike paths. Why, someone might ride their bike on the wrong side of the path! Peace, Order and Good Government, that's what we're all about.
Very nice. I miss the rocks, water and trees of the Quebec-Windsor corridor. I don't miss the mosquitos and black flies though.
Remember my quiz, six things you can wear on your feet that start with s... like sh...
You're fun even when wearing dogshit.
Glad you got out and about even if your behind bore the brunt :>)
am quite certain that you and spouse are glad you chose toes as the water temp. testers, what with the whole shrivel-up-and-fall-off possibility and all.
don't stop the vids. they're fun!
You are so adorable with the videos I can hardly stand it. Is that the max you can post? I think you should go big and post your own little weekly update via random videos. Try to be shirtless in them, I think the viewers will appreciate that.
I thought the perennium was the part that held the foreskin onto the rest of uncircumcised males schlongs.
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