Serge arrived last Friday and we spent the weekend with family, hanging out here at my mom's house and also at the beach. We stayed at a nice hotel that I scored on Priceline.

Oh how I laughed when I opened the drawer in the hotel room. Spouse was confused as to why I was laughing so hard. He still doesn't really get it. (The "spirit" to serve, get it? Isn't Marriot clever?)

We had a good time at the Martini Bar at the hotel. The girl in the background poured us too many and this made for unremembered phototaking the next morning.

Spouse will surely insist that this comes off the blog when he wakes up and sees it.

Then on Monday, we headed up the coast to Big Sur.
(The 405 freeway didn't want us to get there very quickly though. Can I just complain bitterly for a moment about the torture that is driving on that godawful 17 lane monstrocity. I hate it because no matter the day or time, the promise of fast driving was foiled by TOO MANY CARS. In fact, the whole time I was in the states I felt like it was crowded. Everywhere we went, traffic and crowds. That is, until we got up to Big Sur country.)

A short walk up from our campsite.

A short walk down from our campsite. This was the resident Rock God looking over our campground beach. Oh and me in the foreground.

Stunning beauty everywhere.

Grassy hills and forested valleys with sharp cliffs meet the Pacific Ocean. I thought spouse looked cute in this one.

A nice one of us together.

Em knitted us scarves, and we modeled them for her.

Finally, our group photo from the trip. I think we all had great fun.
There are loads more pics, and lots of snippets in the journal so I'll delve into some of that this week. I missed everyone in blogland and will try to get caught up on blogs over the next few days.
ooo... great pictures. Were they taken with the new FABULOUS camera?
You look veddy handsome in the Rock God photo, but I like the scarves one better.
More stories please!
the closer you are to Serge, the bigger the smile. My heart crumbles into HappyDust to see you two together. especially the smiling.
Sounds like you had a blast!?
Really like the pic on the 2 of you in the woods.
Very nice.
Spouse is so patient with you. I'd be in so much trouble if I put a picture like that of me and my spouse up on the blog.
Big Sur looks gorgeous.
Don't you DARE let Serge take that pic down of you two - it is so cute - THAT is what vacations are all about! Looks like a wonderful time - Big Sur looks beautiful!
After seeing the bathroom and scarves photos, I am now convinced you two should venture on a side-career of being superstar, international models.
LOVED the photo of you two int he woods...very sweet.
Can't wait to see more!
Welcome Home, Torn! You and Spouse are looking good. It seems like you had a great time.
Thanks for sharing the pics - even the one that Serge may not like. It was precious! But the one in the forest captures it all. It is a beautiful pic of a beautiful relationship.
Thanks also for the pic of the night stand drawer. I got a huge laugh from the juxtaposition of the three books.
Can I move in with your mom?!
All the photos are.
Too bad you were stuck in traffic, but it looks like it was completely worth it for the destination. What gorgeous photos!
Yeh I really liked all the pirctures. As I looked at the picture of the Rock God and then read the caption I was thinking it is so unlike Torn to boast like that, then I read the Rock god was in the background. Tell Serge he looks like a hottie in the shirtless picture. Oh, and so does Torn. No it wasn't added as an afterthought. I think you both are hotties.
Missed you too! Glad you had a nice vac :-)
The Rock God looks so much like Michael Jackson's profile, it is creepy beyond words. You sir, look adorably handsome in that shot!
Could you and Serge be any cuter together?! And I am totally blown away by how organized you are, that you have already posted pictures in such a coherent manner to your blog makes me shake my head at my own state of terminal confusion.
I'm glad you had a great time and I look forward to more pics and snippets!
I just got home from a weekend at Madamerouge's parents farm with Jimmy - we had a great time and I love your pictures - welcome home.
I saw the Excedrin PM - need more Imovane? LOL :)
Wow, that looks like a fantastic holiday!
Looks like such a nice relaxing vacation. I so need one like that too.
i must confess that when i saw the scarves pic, one thought came to mind: this is the part of sprockets where we dance
As always, your pictures are awesome. Glad you had such a good time.
Thanks for sharing the photos! Here are my comments in the order in which the photos appear:
1. Your mom's house and pool are fab!
2. Does anyone ever really read the stuff in the night stand drawer?
3. 'M' is for 'Mmmmmmartini'.
4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mirror photo!!!
5. Big Sur proves bigger IS better.
6. What? Camping?
7. Ocean cliffs are majestic.
8. So are ocean sunsets.
9. Did Serge get constipated on the trip?
10. Great shot of you two with the lush green-ness in the back.
11. LOVE the scarf photo, too!!!
12. Very nice family shot.
I feel like I was on the trip with you! Welcome back,
Marvy pics. I'm glad the shot of you two in the bathroom stayed up, very cute.
Looks like it was a great trip! Thanks for sharing the photos.
what did I tell you about hotel room bathroom mirrors?
Great pics once again! glad you all had such a great memorable time.
Pics turned out really well....and u can tell u had fun! But sorry u still have that nasty virus!
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