So this new
camera I've got is really amazing. It takes video with really good quality, and poor spouse is getting annoyed at my constant filming. As for pictures, they seem to be pretty good and much, much bigger than the pics my old camera took. So far, I have relied on the camera's "automatic" setting, and as I understand it, the "camera" analyzes the shot and chooses the appropriate setting. There is also a manual mode where you can adjust the aperture setting, f-stop, white balance etc. If I knew what those things were, I might play around with it. There is also a "scene" mode. This must be for the people like me, illiterate in camera speak but wanting to have some say over the camera settings. So in the "scene" mode, you can choose outdoor shot, sunset shot, twilight shot, etcetera, and the camera will adjust the settings accordingly.
Last night, Australia put on their fireworks show as part of the International Fireworks Competition here. What better time to try out the "fireworks" setting on the scene selection mode? As it turned out, Australia put on one of the most moving shows I've seen- perfectly synchronized with the music, and reflecting the mood and color of each piece. From Pinball Wizard to Aquarius the sky was transformed into a huge work of living art.
Truly, I was blown away, and I predict that they will win this year's competition. They were that good.
Naturally, I took loads of pictures using the "fireworks" setting on the camera. Unfortunately, they all came out like this:

I had no idea my hands were so palsy. (adding "tripod" to the list)
you should have let the camera choose the setting, silly boy!
You were just profiled on Best Gay Blogs, again.
They talked about your post on needless waste on Air Canada flights and the tiny shampoo bottles.
It is pretty hard to capture the esssence of fireworks, but I give you credit for trying.
I've had my camera for five years and still don't understand half the features.
I'm sad that I know what all of those manual settings are. I'm just too lazy to use them, and then I'm unhappy with the automatic setting, and it's killed my desire to take pictures. Maybe learning them isn't the best of ideas. But a tripod is kind of a must if you're going to be even semi-serious about things, and it's not palsy hands.
Wow but i'm not surprised you're onbest gay blogs- what do you have to do be best gay blogger eh!!???
Funny the blog doesn't even seem that gay and I mean that in the nicest possible way- or taste as Kenny Everette used to say. Now did you ever catch his shows across the pond in the 80's- now that was camp!!!
Looking forward to hearing and seeing your exploits with the cool new camera.
Personally, I think it's no mystery why Best Gay Bogs can't keep away from you.
I am not very good at holding my camera still either. I'm taking a photography class right now, but I'm still osrt of lost when it comes to f-stop and whatnot.
And congrats for showing up on best gay blogs again. As you know I am a fairly recent convert to the Words of Torn, and am very glad I found you!
I like the picture of the attack of storm troopers against the Millennium Falcon. Don't worry I am sure Hans Solo will get the Princess to safety. Big Congrats on being one of the best Gay Blogs.
Fireworks are notoriously hard to photograph.
A tripod will change your life!
get the tripod, leave the aperture open for a full 5 or 10 or 20 seconds during fireworks and see the "artwork" you create.
international fireworks competition. i just really gotta get me to montreal one day.
I so need a digital camera now.
Am I the only one giggling over the constant references to tripod? Or is that just because it was code for a guy I used to date?
I love my digi but wouldn't give up 35 mm for the world. Esp in B&W!
does it have a "hotel room bathroom mirror fluorescent light" setting?
Torn, leave the manuel to does who know!
Lets grab a beer I'll show you how it works, granpa!?
We are very good at burning up millions of dollars in the name of entertainment. We really are. :P
Sadly, every picture I've every taken looks like that. I haver the shakiest hands in the (mid)West.
First of all - how much do I love that there INTERNATIONAL fireworks competition there? That is awesome. And quite random.
Second of all - crop that picture a little bit and you could can it art and sell it for about 500 grand.
Ya, slow shutter speed shots = tripod for sure.
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