Gosh summer just makes me want to flake on all my responsibilities, rip off all my clothes and run wild in the fields and rivers and mountains and beaches. It looks like this wish is going to be coming true. This weekend, I embark on my annual tour de l'ouest, visiting family and friends in California for two weeks. It will be another whirlwind visit and my calendar is full day and night with various engagements. Three days in Vegas and 4 days camping in Big Sur figure into the agenda.
What's more is that I have my new camera waiting for me. I decided to go ahead and get
this one and had it shipped to California. So this is the last week with my trusty Olympus 1.3 megapixel camera from 1998. Here are a few pics I took yesterday at the Botanical garden. (I've already gone thrice!)

This is not a new hairdo. Spouse said, "hey your hair looks good that way" the other day when I got out of the shower. So I left it. This is post bikeride to the garden.

We toured the greenhouses. I am in love with the orchid house, and tropical garden.

There are several bonsai gardens and exhibits. Bonsai rate high on my cool meter.

I'm a little distracted this week due to the upcoming vacation. In fact, sometimes the anticipation ends up being a better time than the actual vacation. (Well, not if I win ten grand in Vegas.)
Serge has good taste - your hair does look good that way. :)
I like that hair, too.
Love the catterserge and the flower pics.
Enjoy your trip home. Sounds like a nice time.
My hair looks similar out of the shower...no wait I shave my head so it doesn't...lol
I am officially banned from buying anymore bonzai's. The die rather quickly, in my care...
That bonsai exhibit looks awesome. Have a good time on vacation, and don't forget to post lots of pics with the new camera!
Hey Torn!
Thanks for stopping by!
I like the hair also.
That cam looks great. Carl Zeiss lens!? WOW. You know those are the best lenses?
Have fun in CA.
Yep, good camera. And you get to take videos with no time limit, as long as you have space in your memory card.
Have had mine for close to two years now, well the P100 so yours is definitely better :)
Wow, sportin the 'just-got-up' look and Serge was indeed right.
Enjoy your time with your family. It's always nice getting to see them even for a short amount of time, it's what makes it count more though. Take care!
i love that you have time to have already gone to the gardens three times.
way cool camera.
Wow, nice new camera. Take lots of pics of your camping experience.
Hey, are you thinking of selling your old camera? I really need a digicamera. You could do something productive with your old one that way.
I'd to do that to your hair for you when you just get outof the shower!
Have an awesome trip.
There’s a general consensus that agrees with Spouse – Your hair does look great that way. It’s playful and yet alluring.
So, are we going to get videos of you ripping off all your clothes and running wild in the fields? Blog readers are nothing if not lascivious.
I'm sorry...
Can't go with the crowd on the just-got-out-of-bed, post-bike-ride hair.
It looks crazy man, crazy I tell you!
But the gardens look fabulous. Vegas baby, Vegas!
1) I like the hair as well, course, I'm pretty certain everything on you "looks good that way" when you're just out of the shower.
2) Have fun in Cali.
3) Will the new camera be used to photograph you ripping your clothes off and running, etc, etc, etc?
4) Thanks for stopping by my blog. You're sweet. :)
Love the new bedroom hair look. Serge is right it looks great! Spouse looks like a worm in that last picture, maybe he will turn into a Butterfly?
I love that Serge lets you post his goofy pictures on the net! Catterserge...how sweet!
You're gearing up to go on vacation, I am wishing I was home. I am not cut out for this relaxing thing.
You will be blogging on holidays, won't you?!
I hope you have an awesome time on your trip. I'm the same with anticipation when it comes to vacations. Like a little kid!
Please give us reviews on the new camera. I'm shopping for a new one myself.
Keep the new do! Looks great on you. I tried it once and my kids said, "dad, you look like you just got out of bed," so I opted to go back to the old style. I can't pull it off...however it is apparent that YOU can.
Another vote for the shower/bedhead.
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