* I thought it was funny that Bush said Israel overreacted. I wonder what Bush would have done had Canada-harbored-terrorists gone in and kidnapped US soldiers.
* CNN seemed to think that the utterance of the word "shit" by Bush warranted more coverage than the unfolding conflict in the middle east. (Insert bitter "news" remark here.)

* At the entrance to casino restaurants, we appreciated the sanitizer offered at the entrance to clean our hands with (you know, because we're going to EAT). But I thought that this supermarket version was a little overboard. Remember, if we are never exposed to germs, our bodies will not know how to fight them.
* I miss my friends and family and I always feel like my time is too short with them.
* It seems, more than ever before, that Americans are in love with chains. Every niche has been boiled down to 3 or 4 national chains and this makes everyplace look the same. I couldn't tell which airport I was changing planes in because they all feature the exact same mix of commercial enterprises.
* Speaking of chain infatuation. Starbucks is ubiquitous. They are even in the hotels and supermarkets now. Casinos serve it, as do the flight attendants on United.
* We drove by our house in Long Beach that we sold for 215,000 back in 2001. Imagine the wave of nausea we felt when we saw it listed for $695,000.
* Tomorrow marks 41 years since my womb exit.
First of all, happy birthday!!!
As for the Pee lesson - same goes for buses too. Especially in stop and go traffic.
Trying to imagine you in the plane potty... the expression on your face.
I was just thinking about the chain thing too. And, along with that, how the internet is becoming the only place a person can really choose what they want, instead of it being decided by higher up mucky mucks.
happy birthday dear! you want starbucks gift card?
Happy 41st year of being out of the womb and not trying to get back in like straight guys, yuck! There is no Starbucks in the county where I live but we've got plenty of other chains.
Happy birthday! Real estate prices make me physically sick. I wonder if I'll ever own something.
Happy Birthday! :-)
Happy Birthday.
And remember yellow and blue make green.
But yellow and shoe make people point and laugh.
Happy Birthday! Hmm...I guess you and Dan turned 40 are the same age. I'm in complete agreement with you about the bacteria thing. Anymore they have to frequently put people on probiotics. Also, the chain infatuation is one reason why I'm in love with where I live. The news here was just talking about how it's booming in mom and pop stores and there are almost no chains. Zeus bless San Francisco.
Happy Birthday Buddy :)
Real Estate is coming down again I heard, but yea, can you imagine a $400,000 appreciation in 5 years?
Happy Birthday, Torn!
As for the ubiquity of Starbucks, I love Lewis Black's routine where finding a Starbucks across from a Starbucks signals the end of the universe. I thinks he's right.
The thought of a big strapping lad like yourself trying to navigate in a plane potty is too funny for words, so I will settle for my own mental images.
Many Happy's on your birthday. I hope you get a splendid present.
Oh, and I make waaaay better espresso than Starbucks.
Add the train to places you shouldn't pee standing up.
You still look hot for 41 :)
Hail, Son of Leo! Happy Birthday! I hope that Spouse treats you extra special -- and I don't mean eating at a chain where they sing and make you wear a hat.
From one Leo to another - have a happy birthday! And here is to many, many more!
Happy birthday!
I'll let you select what you want from my backpack weekend.
See you tomorrow!
I like the challenge of standing and peeing in planes, I just make sure I have a firm grip on both myself and the handicap rail.
Your second bullet point cheered me no end. You really have no idea how good it felt to read that.
Bush said "shit?" I really need to catch up on the news.
I refuse to buy anti-bacterial anything. I want my immune system cranky and primed at all times.
Just coming off a week-long family vacation.
NYC is falling victim to mall-ification and it is so sad.
Have a slendid natal day, and as wise Owl wrote to Pooh: Hippy Pappy Buthuthday!
Bush said Israel overreacted? Oh man, that's rich.
You have got to be shitting me that you are 41 years old.
And yes, you couldn't buy a cardboard box for 215,000 in CA now, let along a house in LA.
If I were there, I'd sing happy birthday to you chain restaurant-style.
Ya old fart.
Happy Birthday to you!
I can appreciate the sanitizer for the cart handles. I know it is good to be exposed to some germs and all but babies have slobbered on the handles, people who didn't wash their hands have touched it, and if your carts we retrieved from the out-of-doors, birds may have crapped on them too! The whole thing is enough to make one wear latex gloves all the time! YUCK!
I hate real estate hind-sight. It is the worst!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope the spouse does something spectacular!!
Happy Birthday!!!
I disagree about the wipes in the SM. The last thing I want is baby spittle residue on my hands while I shop.
Happy Birthday, Tornwordo. Congratulations on reaching the second anniversary of your 39th year!
When you're the 30th person to comment, I think everyone else has already said what I was about to say.
Eh, fuck it anyway...
Happy Birthday!
I couldn't stop giggling about the weeing in turbulence incident. ;)
Happy birthday. :Di
well damn it all to hell and back i missed your birthday.
this vexes me no end!!
i hope it was a good day filled with all your favorite people. and cake. really good cake.
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