Saturday, May 24, 2008

A good day

I gave my last crack-o-dawn class yesterday. It was pretty easy as we met at a local restaurant for breakfast. The two hours passed effortlessly as we talked about all sorts of things. I did make a joke the third time Martin said "He don't". I told him, "This isn't Texas you know, we conjugate our verbs up here." I got a laugh out of it anyway.

After "class" I came home and finished up the final paperwork (correcting final exam, filling out evaluations) and then the housecleaner showed up. She seemed annoyed to find me home when she arrived, so I took the hint and headed out. I went and deposited my final pay (until September yikes) and found myself near the cinema. I went in and bought a ticket for the new Indiana Jones flick and really enjoyed it. It being the film, not the ticket purchase transaction. They were true to the formula and instead of seeming trite, staid and redundant, it was like tasting that long lost recipe you loved and then grew tired of but then much later remembered again why you had liked it originally. I love that Marian came back. (Does that count as a spoiler?) Sure they are all old now, but so am I, and I thought, "No one escapes aging."

They had a Tim Horton's inside the movieplex. Hmm, do I want a popcorn and a coke for $9 at the concessions counter or would I prefer a donut and coffee for $2.50? It occurred to me that this must be a sign of age, this preferring coffee to coke.

On the way home it hailed.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the Batman movie with Heath Ledger as the Joker. Maybe the coffee doughnut choice has more to do with frugality than old age. They do speak English in Texas...sorta.
Movie quote from "Latter Days", "God hates Homos" Aaron, "and the French" "God hates the French?" Aaron, "Everybody hates the French". Ed

Summer said...

Harrison Ford sure looks good for his age, isn't he like 65? As for debating $9 for soda and popcorn vs $2.50 for coffee and a donut, you were a smart consumer, not getting older. Well we're all getting older but that's not a sign of it. Not remembering to put on your pants is a sign of getting up there in age. Movie theatres should be ashamed of themselves for charging what they do for concessions.

Snooze said...

I love drinking coffee at the movies. I usually pour some brandy in it though.

your last early class sounded like tons of fun.

lattégirl said...

You don't gotta be in Texas to speak wrong. One of my friends drives me nuts whenever he says "'posed to" (rather than "supposed to") and "there wasn't no more" and so on. It takes every ounce of willpower not to correct him every time. And he's English...

word verification: atbiggts, which sounds like "biggots"...

Greg said...

...and the cleaning lady said "Oh, mon dieu, zee foul man who don't cleen zee toilet and smell of egg sandwich, he eez home. Alle au cinema, foul man..."

Oh, man...I wish we could get coffee or a donut (mostly, I'm wishing about the coffee) at the movies...

Yuck to the hail...

Anonymous said...

I probably would have enjoyed the ticket transaction more than the movie because I'm not an Indiana Jones fan and besides, I'm just kinda like that.

RJ March said...

Love the picture-- you look like YOU should be in the movies, not watching them.

Patricia said...

I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait to see the movie! We're going Tuesday. Everytime I start to say "Indiana Jones" to Chris, the dog's head pops up. I'm still not tired of this game. Am I a freak for naming the dog after these movies??? Wait, don't answer that.

David said...

It hailed because you saw the movie and spent only 2.50 at the concession stand, thus the God of Overpriced Concession food (useing that word relatively, mind you) got angry, or it hailed because Mother Nature loved your swifty lifestyle?

GayProf said...

Coffee is usually the better option.

Birdie said...

I'll watch Harrison Ford in just about anything. He ages extremely well. I'd watch you, too, sweetie. Nice shot with your students!

Lemuel said...

I loved the comment about conjugation. [oooh, that sounds "dirty" ;) ] I want to scream at so many people around here - "Were you asleep when the teacher told you about the three principal parts of the verb and how to use them!"

Butch said...

Definitely a full day of events for you. I look forward to seeing the new Indiana Jones movie as well. I enjoyed the older ones.

The coffee and doughnut sound good but I would stick with the coffee only and give my pancreas a break.

(What's the countdown until the big holiday?) ;-)

Brice said...

The blond(ish) girl looks familiar. Can't place her though...

libhom said...

You should hire one of those naked boy cleaners. They expect you to be home.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the new Indy. I remember absolutely loving the first two and I stayed away from the new film, afraid that it would ruin my memories. Now I think I'll go see it. Harrison Ford is amazing - IMO and based on a recent interview - he looks great. I'll start saving up for a movie ticket.