What're you taking a picture of? Huh, huh? I'm lookin' at you.

I posted some
pictures last weekend on Facebook about the Just for Men treatment I did on Serge. It was Serge who read the directions but I who applied the hair dye. What he failed to mention was that I was supposed to take pains to avoid getting it on his skin. I didn't want to miss any hair so I slathered it on good and thick and it got onto a good half inch of skin all around the perimeter including his eyebrows. He ended up having to use the potscrubbing side of the sponge to get it out. So now he has black hair. It looks good as long as he is shaved because his facial hair gives it away. I think it makes his blue eyes "pop" more than usual.

Here he is with Georgie and the little toy giraffe that Georgie found outside in November. He carried it all around on his walk and then brought it into the house. It's still one of his favorite toys and a gift of the universe.

I went on a big walk yesterday during my lunch break and passed by the new Place des Festivals which is in the performing arts district of town. It's been a good year and a half of torn up cityscapes but the result is appealing. They're still cleaning up the surrounding area too, but I think they are trying to get much of it done before the jazz festival begins.

There were a couple seedy blocks nearby but they are slowly gentrifying the area. This I believe is the oldest
strip club in the city (We have more per capita than anywhere in the world) and they are fighting expropriation. But you can't fight city hall right?

Hence the title of this post. How can you not melt in the face of such a creature? Explain me that. Uh-oh, it's happened again. My students' poor English is rubbing off on me. I've already accepted the use of take instead of make with the word decision, but now I'm infected by "explain me". At least with "take a decision" I know it's acceptable around here since I've seen it numerous times in the newspaper now. When I met
Blobby a couple weeks ago he wrote that I'm getting a Canadian accent. When I called my friend Em back in California to dispel such a notion, I was surprised to hear her confirm it. 10 years of percolating here changes a person.
I saw someone wearing
this shirt yesterday. I WANT ONE!!!
Yes, Serge's eyes do seem bluer. Nice. Didn't Coco Chanel once say something about wearing black if one wants to accentuate the eyes?
And, explain me how Georgie always looks so adorable?
When I was younger, when you were still allowed to smoke in public places, I was getting my hair dyed and my hairdresser got some on my forehead. He took a cloth, wet the corner, dipped it in my cigarette ashes and proceeded to scour my forehead with it...to my complete horror! But do you know what? Worked like a charm. Not sure whether there is some chemical reaction or if it's just a very fine abrasive...
Very handsome boys in your pics. :)
Ohh... that shirt? They sell that here in Bangkok well.
If you ever visit Bangkok let me know ;) I can take you to where they sell these and similar type of t-shirts.
That shirt is totally you.
HA! I feel totally validated. Ok, maybe not totally, but a little teensy bit.
Georgie is SO cute. But I've said that like 4,382 times before.
Serge is a handsome enough man NOT to need to dye his hair.
To me, dyed hair on men rarely looks natural and gives the impression of trying too hard to look young.
But to each his own!
Ah, the unbearable cuteness of Georgie! Don't think he could get much cuter unless he was covered in kittens.
Serge could dye his hair plaid and still look good.
And where is Torn in this explosion of good-looking guys?
"Take a decision" is the British usage -- you'll see it every now and then on the BBC's web site. "Explain me" is just bad English.
I think Serge looks younger and the eyes do pop.
a canadian accent or a quebecois english accent? i've been told i have a very broad canadian accent.
I don't know which is cuter here: brown eyes or blue eyes.
Here's a trick I learned when getting my hair dyed a few years ago. To avoid getting the dye on the skin, put petroleum jelly around the hair line. It works. Trust me, sweetie (as River Song would say)
Wow, the hair dye does indeed pop the blue eyes. Quite striking.
That first pic of Georgie is especially cute. And I love the one with Serge and him playing with the giraffe.
iPood...of course you'd like that shirt!
Have a great rest of the weekend!
Oh, that t-shirt is definitely you!!
Georgie is just too much. You just have to wonder what is going on behind those eyes. Don't you wish you could read their minds?!
I always thought Serge was darn cute (insert other appropriate adjectives here ;) ) the way he was.
Georgie is adorable as is Serge (the black hair really does make his eyes "pop").
And you KNOW I have to have that shirt...
Very sexy look for Serge. And that t-shirt was made for you.
Hair conditioner around the hairline while dyeing, trust me. I haven't seen my natural hair color since 1983.
With dark hair, Serge reminds me of Bond, James Bond. He has always looked good, now he looks James Bond good.
LOVE that shirt!
LOL at accidently making Serge's eyebrows bigger. At least it eventually came off and that's the main thing, right?
And Georgie's a cutie too!
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