Thoughts from an American turned Canadian in Montreal.
Monday, May 24, 2010
This and that
It's been a long time since I've driven a convertible. Since my college days when I ran around with a Triumph Spitfire (such a fun car, such a piece of shit car) in Southern California. Now that Serge inherited the Cabriolet, I'm rediscovering the fun of driving with the top down. Not with Georgie though, I'm afraid he'll jump out at the first sign of a lady doggy passing by. Or a man doggy, any doggy will do for him.
Look our blooming jasmine made a berry! When it started to shrivel, I tasted it and Serge shrieked at me. (Truly shrieked, I thought he'd become a woman for a moment. Not that there's anything wrong with that.) "Check to see if it's poison first!" I ignored him and tasted the sweet fruitiness of it. I didn't eat the whole thing since he made me scared. When I got around to checking on the internet about the berry, I found that he was right. Deadly. Fatal to humans. Good thing I didn't eat all of it.
Say hi to Emile, or as I prefer, mimi. Our friend Dan adopted him, though I use "him" rather lightly since he's had his nuts removed. It's weird though because they didn't remove the scrotum, just the nuts, so he has a little empty nutsack back there. We were over there for a bbq on Saturday and kept daring each other to touch it. None of us were brave enough. Nice cat though and very distinctive looking.
Georgie's not a real man either what with his removed testes. Thankfully, his scrotum is not really there. I don't know if they cut that off during castration or if it shriveled or what. I'm just glad he doesn't have an empty skin and fur bag dangling there.
The weekend has been full of apartment showings and ad postings. I went and bought a "For Rent" sign to affix to the front balcony of the upstairs apartment. This is the first time we've done that and it already generated 3 calls and two visits. We do live on a busy street so it makes sense, but we've always been successful advertising on the internet so didn't need it. I'm feeling much better about the whole thing. The fickle renters are leaving June 1st (a month early!) but I've got a hot Frenchman to take their place who will come today to pay. And yesterday, we had two girls that claimed serious interest in the upstairs apartment. Hopefully one of them will submit an application today and we'll get all of this business squared away. It was supposed to be a nice long relaxing weekend but landlord duties have trumped all that. Oh well at least it's in the 80's! For once it's a truly happy Monday. I hope yours is too.
The word Cabriolet reminds me of Robert Goulet. :)
Kamir is too fuzzy to know if he has a dangling sack. Tazzy does not have one though. He barely has a peener! I think it's because he has a dick-do. You know, where his belly sticks out more than his dick-do?
I'm not even leaving my name on this comment because I can't believe where I've gone.
When we visited australia we saw small furry pouches for sale that said they were Kangeroos scrotums, no idea what you would use it for though! Perhaps a doggy seat belt would keep Georgie safe. Didn't your mother tell you not to put strange things in your mouth?
All this talk of empty sacks and stuff. *shudder* That's why it's easier to have a girl.
Thank goodness for Serge's shrieks!
Empty skin? Fur bag? Nut sack? What sort of site are you running here???
I envy your Cabriolet.
Bob Barker would be so happy to know of all the empty sacks.
Just happy you trimmed your nosehairs before you took that photo in the cabriolet.
The word Cabriolet reminds me of Robert Goulet. :)
Kamir is too fuzzy to know if he has a dangling sack. Tazzy does not have one though. He barely has a peener! I think it's because he has a dick-do. You know, where his belly sticks out more than his dick-do?
I'm not even leaving my name on this comment because I can't believe where I've gone.
When we visited australia we saw small furry pouches for sale that said they were Kangeroos scrotums, no idea what you would use it for though!
Perhaps a doggy seat belt would keep Georgie safe.
Didn't your mother tell you not to put strange things in your mouth?
Glad you're not dead from the Jasmine, but it may also depend upon the variety of Jasmine you have as to how toxic it may or may not be.
It is about the right size berry you could use it as a prosthetic nut for the cat!
We generally don't remove the scrotum; it usually shrivels up on its own given enough time.
Semi-related: Castration fetishists have found my Flickr photostream.
I always tease my man dog about his pee pee and his ball sack. He does a cheesecake pose to show off his stuff.
I, for one, am glad Serge shrieked. And shame on you for making him do it. We want you around for a long time.
Anonymous, you're not fooling anyone. :D
You mentioned the "long ... weekend". Does Quebec celebrate Victoria Day? I had been under the impression that they did not.
I've never had a convertible; they must be fun.
Hot Frenchman. Please fill us in!
Do all dogs lose their balls that way?
Funny mustache on mimi there :-)
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