We watched the dreadful 2012 last night. Well I didn't even watch all of it. My eyes hurt from rolling back in my head so many times that I decided to go to bed early. Even though I hit the hay at 9:30, I didn't wake up until 7am. Sweet!
That finger wound from Georgie that didn't look all that bad on the previous post? Yeah, the nail came completely off. I thought the nail grew out of the cuticle but it seems kind of like it's regenerating from the nail bed. Weird. I took a picture, but you don't want to see mangled flesh.
Well I've sat here a spell and there doesn't seem to be anything else (of course shortly after I publish I'll probably think of something) so why don't you get off the computer and enjoy this fabulous weekend. (Fabulous because it's work-free!)
Yikes. Different cameras; almost identical shots. :) For the record, I set up the post to publish at 2a - I was well in dreamland by that point.
I hear your pain about '2012' - and I haven't even seen it yet, but those were my thoughts too. Yet, I'm sure I'll watch it as someone else I know wants to see it.
See Blobby's Post. He posted first, so I commented first there! :-)
I want to see the finger. I can't believe it fell off so quickly!
I'm happy you got to meet another blog buddy!
I'm still trying to find the ambition to watch Avatar, never mind 2012!
If work-free defines weekend, then my weekend will be Sunday-Monday this week.
And thanks for not posting the no nail pic
Thanks for sparing us the picture of your rotting finger. Blah!
Email Rox the picture so we don't stumble upon it here. Gah.
Isn't Blobby a blast? The time we had together just flew. If he gets to meet the rest of your crew, I'll be even more jealous.
You are like the Montreal Welcome Wagon
Rox isn't the only one who'll look at gross, nail-less finger pics. Just sayin'.
Oh that's just great. You get to hang out with all of the Cool Kids, I see.
I like the fact that Blobby claims in his blog that you definitely now have a Canadian accent. Doesn't take too long, eh? :) And I'm certain you're a great ambassador for our great city.
Yay! Looks like a great time! I haven't been out to a bar/lounge in years. Hubby and I usually hang at restaurants - we feel too old for the lounges.
Anyway, 2012. Ugh! I hated it too. I'm a history buff so of course I thought the movie was going to have more of a historical slant to it, but it was just "let's see how much crap we can blow up to sell movie tickets". In my opinion, it's a BIG Hollywood FAIL!
Come on, post the pix! Some of us aren't squeamish in the least.
the nail isn't really that bad. the original pic was worse. I saw it current version up close and personal.
nope, no gross pix here! just sexy ones (like blobby and serge)!
I'll take your word about the finger.
Now, I'm totally logging off as ordered.
Give me the finger please!
I LOVE that you will post poo and toilet pics, but won't post a picture of your finger.
You look good in a blazer.
The photo of your finger is probably not nearly as bad as you think it is...and it will help remind so many people to be careful where they stick their fingers!
Always good to hear of blogger people meeting in real person from time to time! Hope you folks enjoyed yourselves.
I can't believe you'll post pics of your poop but not of your finger. Wait a minute... yes I can. :)
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