I'm completely naked here. Too bad the covers are blocking the view.
The strangest job I ever had was working graveyard for a company that transferred paper documents onto microfiche. We worked in a large room with long tables on various tasks. I was assigned to staple removing. From 11pm to 7am, I removed staples from documents. That's it. The supervisor hovered over the hundred or so of us making sure no one nodded off. I drank a half gallon of milk every shift because my stomach hurt so much from taking no doze. I got written up twice for purported staples I had missed. When we finished off the insurance company's contract, half of us were laid off. I was so grateful.
What was your oddest job?
* HNT = Half-Nekkid-Thursday I know I said I would only play once a month. But hey I'm a comment whore.
Staple remover? Wow, bet that looks good on the resume ;)
Happy HNT!
damn covers... staple remove hmm, dont they have machines that do that? Happy HNT
Hehehe geesh that's quite a job there. I never really had old job, but then I never really worked before my computer jobs. I'm lazy like that =P
oh goodness. If I'm right, that's the job where you would call me sometimes on your break (in the middle of the night) and I would fall asleep talking to you.
"no no, I'm awake... re..eall...y.
I had a job where I dressed up as Barney and delivered balloon bouquets to offices, schools, and kids' parties.
I got into trouble for wearing the costume head while driving.
I got fired for (in costume) stopping for a pee on the side of a deserted road. Wasn't as deserted as I thought.
I think the oddest job I ever had was when my friends and I answered a casting call for a Japanese beer commercial when we lived in Phoenix. It was $50 for the day and they provided a lunch. It was set in a minor league baseball park and when they got to filming they instructed us, the large crowd that had responded to the call, to pretend like we were cheering for the baseball team withouth making any noise. In one of the takes I turned to look at the crowd of pantomimes, flailing arms and mouths wide open with no soind coming out. It was worth the $50 and free lunch.
an admin job where we played guess the celebrity in the afternoons-what a doss of a job
nice peaceful pic ;-)
That's a pretty mundane job. I had one similar working in a mail room for a huge corporation, I just fed envelopes in to a automatic letter opener all day. That's all I did, put mail in to a machine. Needless to say I didn't stay there long.
Happy HNT!
Hey sleepyhead - Happy HNT!!
I worked for a company called Inkadinkado - they made rubber stamps!
my worst job? detasseling corn in illinois. it was horrific. hahah.
lose the covers!!
Strangest job? Rolling industrial wire onto those big wood spindles. VERY exciting.
Happy HNT
i'm a school teacher - nuf said.
happy hnt - and watch those staples, you could put an eye out.
NICE pic! You look MUCH MUCH younger thatn you are. That coming from a gay man of 42! Happy HNT!
looks damn comfy... :)
I once built a bathroom at the lake! Your so handsome!! Happy HNT!!
Hey dude. Finally getting caught up on everyone's blogs, and enjoy reading your thoughts lately. I feel kind of guilty not leaving comments on all your entries, but it looks like you're not doing too shabby in that department!
Hope we get to see you during the holidays...
Word up to the big toe.
Thats a whole lot of staple removing. wow.
And yes, a real shame about your covers! ;)
Happy HNT, Cheers!
woo woo!
Nice pic... my oddest/ most mundane was uh, you know those little numbers on the side of files in doctor's offices? i spent a whole summer making 50 cents per file putting on those little numbers. i want to sleep just thinking about it...
wow, staple remover. that's quite a job. :oP how did u not go insane?
i think my worst job was in footwear at kmart, though a cpl friends worked there too and we had a lot of fun. i just didn't like touching the shoes that ppl tried on. ewwwy.
nice pic btw. pesky covers.
happy hnt!
Got room for 1 more? Damn covers!! Happy HNT!!
you do look pretty cute there, I think you look good with longish hair. Do you think that's why "we all flock to you"? I always thought it was because of your sparkling wit and loving compassion. Maybe I'm wrong and em is right. (wouldn't be the first time)
worst job=scooping ice cream as a teenager in a shop on Hollywood Blvd. I got fired after three days for being too sloppy and not quick enough, two traits I seem to have kept over the years!
Woo! Nice pic!
Happy (late) HNT!
Nothing better than to be completely naked under a ton of covers... love that! Happy HNT
"I'm completely naked here. Too bad the covers are blocking the view."
Please fix this.
My oddest job was working for Coca-Cola, answering that little number on the side of the can during the night. People calling at 2am to discover whether it still contained cocaine were amongst your sane callers.
Awww...poor thing! you look like you need a cuppa tea and bacon and an omlette. Dairy-fucking-free too!
Actually the weirdest job I had was cooking in the kitchen of a nursing home. the residents used to come to the door and beg for cookies. Once I figured out who wasn't a diabetic, I used to slip them treats all the time. It was really fun, but backward because usually kids are begging the Grannies for a cookie.
awww.. you're completely adorable all sleep fuzzed.. ::smooches::
Happy HNT
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