April was a changeable month. Most weather phenomena were represented.

It was sunny one minute,

and snowing the next.

When it finally did turn warm,

everyone went outside.

Serge rolls his eyes when I stop to take pictures of doors.

Speaking of Serge, lol. You can click on the pics for larger versions.
That is a very interesting door. It is right that we have bad weather it makes the good weather more appreciated. Love the new skinhead Serge. Ed
It is amazing how everyone goes outside at the first sign of warm weather.
did you ever see KIDS IN THE HALL... they did this one sketch with buddy where he's talking about serge... everytime i read his name, i think of that... it's so funny...
Did you notice the only person looking at the camera in the crowd photo was the little boy with the red hat?
Also, I noticed that you have a lot of wine glasses. And that you keep the hootch with the vitamins. And that you have a nice coffeepot. :)
That door is totally cool. I WANT that door.
D'oh -- Chunks beat me to the snooping-esque comment. I like the yellow mixing bowl, though.
Did Serge just get a haircut? Thanks for your comment on my blog. I thought of writing you, but I'll just say it here: I read all the sacred texts and see a communality in all religion. I may follow one, but I don't discount the others. There are a variety of paths to spiritual fulfillment. However, I am ashamed of my own kind at times. That's why I wrote that post. They need an ass-kicking.
So, with the door gone (looks like everyone wants it), whose going to replace it? I'm a sucker for a photo shoot.
Very creative pictures! As everyone else, I love the door. Serge is cuter, though. :)
I ran across a blog that was nothing but pictures of doors with accompanying discussion. And it was really interesting.
I thought I was the only one with a "weird" thing about doors! I love them. The one in your photo is wonderful.
I feel an urge to rub Serge's head.
I really like those open shelves in your kitchen.
Serge does have handsome smile. Nice teeth too :P
I love doors, too. Serge is so cute!
I think the door is fascinating (and the color choice is definitely unique as well).
And I love Serge's new doo.
I don't have a particular fascination with doors, but I really like the one you photographed. I like the colors, but I really like the way the asymmetrical panels on the right of each window give the illusion that the windows are not square.
Great pics!
Serge has the kind of eyes that make a person want to talk to him...very sincere and genuine-looking.
So, he's either a super nice guy or has the potential to con me out of all of my money! LOL
i, too, love snoop-worthy pics.
so do you guys have any plates or is it a mostly liquid diet?
either way, i'm in.
Mmmmmmmmmm.... dimples. :-)
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