I'm looking outside at the snow falling. It really is pretty. But the sun, traversing high in the April sky, keeps it from accumulating much on the pavement. They're playing Christmas carols on the radio this morning as a kind of joke. I imagine the whole town laughing the laugh of hate, damn snow, damn cold, it's Easter for crying out loud. I'm trying to see the beauty in it, but oh how we are all aching for spring. Crap snow's supposed to pester us all weekend.
I know the days will come when I can't even imagine there being snow on the ground, can't even fathom "chill". There will come days when I curse the heat, and huddle inside the air conditioned bedroom. And then the falling leaves, the briskness of autumn, and the first flakes will once again pierce the air above. And it will be magical.
Today though, is today. April frickin 5th. Enough! Here is what I woke up to this morning:

Oh joy, more shoveling. Feh.
I saw snow flurries in the air yesterday here. It is 32 degrees F. right now. After 80 degrees last week it is quite a shock to the system. Damn Cold!
It's been so long since we had snow that the weatherman forgot to mention the "wind chill" this morning. My hairless head hates him now.
I was so shocked to see the snow this morning.
I hear you, Torn. I remember several Easters where the bunny had to negotiate snow. Our snow, except on higher levels, is almost gone. The last will be gone by the end of this weekend because ... and I am admittedly bragging here ... it will be 17 degrees tomorrow! After almost six months of continuous snow, I feel deserving!
i couldn't do it!! i think i'd go crazy!! the temp dropped to the 60's here and i'm freezing!! i'm too big a wuss!!
Choices man, we all make choices.
I'm sorry friend. I remember visiting right around this time and getting snowed on. Other folks are getting tan in Mexico or Hawaii right now on Spring Break, and you all are freezing your patooties off.
It's been socked in here with solid fog for the last three days.
Okay, not the same.
I have a feeling that the Easter Sunrise Service will find Jesus and his followers with snow on their heads.
I flew from St. John's, NL, on Tuesday. It was 28 degrees F there and snowing. I arrived in Raleigh, NC, later that day where the temp was 84 degrees F ! What a shock. I was actually wearing shorts yesterday, when my sweetie from Newfoundland called to say that the bay had frozen over.
No new snow here for a change, but still -15C this morning with three feet of snow still left on the ground to melt.
It could be worse, dear! We could live in a place where it floods, or tornados, or earthquakes, or wild testicle biting crickets...you should be thankful it's just snow. At least, those are the lies I am telling myself today.
Can we buy domesicated "testicle biting crickets?" My lease doesn't have a "no insect-pet" clause...
We had flurries this morning, but nothing near that. No thank you.
WTF God! I mean, isn't it supposed to be spring? Hello? Can you hear me up there?
i, too, am less than amused by the snow. we had 50 mph wind gusts yesterday and it is snowing again as i type. the easter bunny is gonna freeze his ever loving cottontail off.
Your snow means our "wintery mix" a day or so later. Ugh -- "Wintery mix" is just too nice a term for snow/freezing rain/slush.
It looks about the same here outside of Calgary right now. For all you Americans, we don't usually have snow at this time of year and if we do, it doesn't stick to anything, it melts as it falls. Goddamn global warming doesn't feel too warm to me!! Mother Nature has taken up smokin' the crack. Devo
It seems we're all quite eager for spring this year, myself included. Why is that? Is it because we've had several 'teaser' days with temperatures in the 70s and 80s? I know that did it for me.
Try to enjoy the snow this weekend, thinking of it as "the last snow of the season"... or something like that.
It was 90 degrees in Tucson the other day.
Life's a tradeoff...
isnt that april snow great? everything looks clean for a while and it melts fast. you got considerable more then the dusting i had on my deck this morning. i could have xcountried on what you had. i hope the great north warms for you very soon.
It won't last long.
We got flurries here today and I was like, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???" It was 80 freakin degrees last week! Feh. ;P
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