Monday, April 09, 2007

Photo funny

We had a lovely Easter lunch at MIL's house. We were feeling a little puffy in the morning. Luckily, Serge is a whiz with the Photoshop, and he was able to retouch the photograph to make us look a little better. Now if Photoshop just came as a tube of cream.....

Back to work this morning. Wah, wah. Hope y'all had a good weekend.


Polt said...

So which picture is photoshopped, the first or the second?

Sorry....couldn't resist.

Hope you had a good weekend as well.


My adventures said...

i gotta get photoshop!!!

Anonymous said...

lol.. too funny! Glad you had a great lunch.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the loving Couple shot. You guys look so good together. Say,do you think Serge could make my photo look like John Stamos?

A Lewis said...

You boys look like you had way too much Easter fun....or too much Easter candy, one or the other.

GayProf said...

The first shot kinda creeped me out... I like the second, though.

We all must work today. **sigh**

Anonymous said...

aahaha I love your teeth in the first one!

What I also love is that Nova Scotia includes Easter Monday in the Easter weekend! My weekend's not over yet! :D

Patricia said...

yeah those pics are funny but ca-REEP-y!

A Bear in the Woods said...

Whenever I see you two togeter, with big noses or not, I just start feeling warm and comfy inside.

A Bear in the Woods said...

And it's lovely how Serge was able to enhance both of your looks in that second photo.

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I prefer the first pic?

bardelf said...

You know what they say about big noses? Hmmm.
Y'all are such a great looking couple.

Chunks said...

In the first one, you look like retarded hillbillies from Butcher Holler! OMG that was the laugh I needed, I am going to use that pic for my desktop!! hahahahhaha!

Snooze said...

Did you get to bring home lots of leftovers?

Anonymous said...

I see that yours is slightly bigger than Serge's! ;) You guys are so, so adorable!

abnitude said...

what a great picture..the second make an adorable couple.

dpaste said...

Good photo-shop work. The colors are indeed sharper in the second picture.