We strode an hour down to the village where we took a spot on a restaurant patio to enjoy a beer and poutine. (We were feeling especially quebecer)

The first thing he did was reach down into his pocket and pull out a 30 day CA chip. (cocaine anonymous) He rambled on in his traditional style, apologizing, and proclaiming his intentions to pay us and he feels really bad, blah, blah and then, "Do you still have my stuff?" I said that yes, it's in the garage, but not for long. I really didn't believe anything he said. But I also had no animosity. Under other circumstances, I would have congratulated him and offered encouragement, and maybe even help. But for him I have no emotions. None. It was nice to see that the intense hate I had held onto for so long had disappeared.
He left and then spouse turned to me and said, "You're wearing his shirt." I smiled, looked up at the sky and winked.
If you've seen one Canadian Warship you've seen them all.
We had nice weather too, i twas 84 yesterday. What would that be in Celsuis? OMG! Nude Dancer, he is drug free now but didn't recognize his shirt. I'd say he remembers very little from that time.
That food looks good. Ed
Gna gna gna !!!
Je te l'avais dis hein !
My reaction to reading your post was a sense of affirmation that you are the man (men) that I think you are - able to deal with what could have been a very uncomfortable, even explosive situation with a sense of grace and dignity - even while wearing his shirt.
Ah, to be eating good poutine. I'm jealous.
Wearing his shirt? Hehehhe...
Poutine???? Um, I've seen pictures of it, that's about as close as I wish to get.
Canada HAS a navy? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
A great post, and ummm, quite the cute photo!
I love that you were wearing his shirt!
wearing his shirt (snicker) I was not expecting that!
Ummm...for us non-Quebecers.....what's a poutine?
Crikey! On Friday I posted this among the sticklers:
Dear Nude Dancer.
Tornwordo is thinking of stopping blogging. This must not be allowed to happen. Please come back and give him something to write about. This is your urgent moral duty.
Yours faithfully,
The World.
And on Sunday he turns up. What power I have!
I love poutine! I have a recipe but I haven't attempted it yet.
You and Serge handled seeing ND quite maturely. I wonder if he even noticed that you were wearing his shirt. Probably not.
Nice photo of you by the ship of war. What color are Canadian sailors' uniforms? Nothing like a sexy seaman, 'eh?
Ah, poutine. I've tried it a couple of times. Tastes great, but I'm sure it's about as healthy as fried dough. Bon appetite!
I love that you were wearing his shirt. Looks good on you, btw.
That's all I have to say about that!
That is hysterical. The first thing I thought was that Paul (the commenter) had called him down upon you. Like everyone else, I find it perfect that you were wearing his shirt.
Montreal in the spring is awesome. I love walking through old montreal and then down to the port.
We have war ships? Oh.
A sunny sidewalk cafe kind of day: Wonderful.
Poutine: Tres beau.
The fact that you were wearing his shirt: Priceless!
The nice thing about navy ships is that they contain sailors . . . Mmmm, sailors.
It's interesting that ND decided to talk with you. After all of that, one would have imagined that he would prefer that the two of you just forget about him.
And as the lyrics say from my fav Disney ride...
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small, small world!
Ok, I just gained 3 pounds from looking at that poutine photo.
You always cheer me up. That is why I am such a fan of this blog. And that looks like so much fun!
I always seem to miss the navy ships when they dock here in Brisbane, but then I hear the line up is about as long so I dont know that I could muster up the patience to wait my turn...Sounds like you had a gr8 day, setting aside the visitor of course...LOL@ wearing his shirt...But then you probably earned the right to his belongings by the sounds...xoxox
Since you've been wearing ND's clothes, do you ever find yourself in the grip of an uncontrollable urge to jump on Serge's lap and start gyrating? It would make a wonderful ploy though, wouldn't it?
Poutine! One of my favorite variations of heart attack on a plate. I really do have to go up north and visit the relatives. (Do you buy the tubs of caramel for breakfast toast?)
After the long cold winter you've had, I'll bet you never thought you'd be sitting outside having lunch again. And nude dancer to boot? Oh, the spider's webs do tend to keep us all tight, don't they.
having the guys shirt on is classic! thanks for the good laugh.
Ha! That is great. Bizzare when you run into people. At least he had the balls to come up to you, that is something. Seems like he was a huge coward in the past.
A coward with your size shirts, so it all worked out in the end.
Ha ha ha ha ha. That was funny. I have been reading your blog for some time now, I am always entertained, but this time I just had to comment. This post really made me laugh, on a day when I really need a good laugh. Thanks!
When I read that you were wearing ND's shirt when he approached you on the street it caused me to laugh out loud!!! That is awesome. Its almost as if the encounter was your little gift from the Universe.
attorney's fees: $300
lost rent: $1,200
seeing him while wearing his shirt: priceless
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