Friday, March 21, 2008

This n that

Good Friday morning to you. (clever, eh?) Four days off, I can't believe it. I toyed with the idea of taking a bloggy break too during this weekend since spouse keeps telling me that the blog is boring lately. I say what I always say to anyone complaining of boredom, "Bored is a state of mind." I remember being vilified as a kid for uttering those words, the adults saying all I had to do was choose something to do to avoid boredom. I remember feeling glum because everything I could think of to do seemed boring, so there must be something wrong with ME. I wonder if kids nowadays have this "I'm bored" problem. With video games and the internet, it seems like kids would rarely be bored, but since it is a state of mind, they probably are at times. Anyway, I learned to stop saying the words and kept the "I'm bored" tape playing silently to myself. Now I'm almost never bored, as there's always something interesting to do or explore.

I was going through the box of old photos I have, all the ones taken before digital arrived, to look for the photo for the Hawaii story. They're all a big jumble in the box, out of order, and I had to go through them one by one to find the one I was looking for. There were so many reminders of how much older we look now. And there were many many pictures like this one, for years I couldn't have my picture taken with a straight face. They make me laugh.

Have a lovely day peeps.


My adventures said...

You both look like you're 12!! I look at old pics and wonder if I ever really was that young.

Anonymous said...

With your inquisitive mind, Torn, you could never be boring. Yet, those around you including us may appear boring in your eyes.
What a great picture! Serge is so handsome, no wonder you fell hard for him. You were/are a clown and we just love you for it. I'm sure your mind will stay sharp well into old age. Have a Happy Good Friday. Does one wish such a thing? Ed

dpaste said...

I wonder why you wouldn't give a "straight" face for photos. Any background to this? Hated how you looked in pictures so just didn't bother to try for the camera? No patience for photos? Just curious.

Polt said...

Heheh, love the photo...looks like someone is grabbing you under the table.

Your blog boring? Never. A smidge too scatagorical (is that a word), perhaps, but never boring! :)


ChickenStrip said...

How old were you here, 15?

Great pic! Have a wonderful long weekend!

Cooper said...

Happy Good Friday to you! My 5 year old has started making those kinds of "hamming it up" faces every time I come near him with a camera. Have a lovely four days puttering.

Anonymous said...

You look "haughty" and Serge looks, well 12! This is why I rarely post pics of myself either...we've got boxes of em and I look like a dork in almost all.

Hallelujah! The Partridge Family is Risen!

Anonymous said...

Have yourself a great weekend enjoying the 4 days. And your blog turning boring? I don't think so. Sounds like Serge might be looking for attention. Put him on an Easter egg hunt. :-)

It was interesting that you brought that up about looking through vintage (pre-digital) photos. I have almost run out of good digital photos for my photo blog, so I was thinking of starting a vintage "day." And the first photos that came to mind were from 1986 Hawaii.

Rox said...

My hubby makes faces in every photo too. I tell him it's going to be a challenge to find one to put on his little funeral card when he dies, yet he still makes the faces.

And yes, kids still get bored in spite of the endless supply of things for them to do. I secretly think it's a way for them to get me to make them clean because that's what I do when the complain of boredom, "Well, clean your room/bathroom!"

GayProf said...

My mother's consistent response was "I am not your entertainment committee" to any complaints that I was bored as a child.

Patrick said...

I know so many people who do or did that with photos... I think it is them not believing they're good looking in a lot of cases.

Then some are just clowns.

I'll let you decide if either of those categories described you at the time. Not that they constitute an exhaustive list.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw this picture, I thought it was an album cover for WHAM!

Calm down, TW. OF COURSE you were George Michale. Serge was Andrew.

Doug said...

What does Spouse want in your blog: gunfights, sex, epic battles with dragons? He won't let you do HNT and then he complains it's boring? What gives??? ;)

(Sorry Serge, I'm just kidding...don't hurt me, please.)

David said...

It ain't the years, its the mileage Indiana Jones once said.

I love the pic though, even with the goofy face and Serge looking like he's saying, "Look, this is what I have to put up with."

Anonymous said...

I find I got a little better looking as I get older, or maybe it's just my perception.

As a kid I was a bit unruly, had long blond hair, the whole bit. Now it's graying and Keyron keeps telling me it's time to color it. I don't know, I want to grow old with dignity and somehow that doesn't jibe with having my hair colored.

lattégirl said...

You funny.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

And while we're at it: Happy Easter!

Mark in DE said...

I can't possibly imagine how kids today could be bored with all the electronics, internet, and gaming systems out there.

Loved the 'vintage' photo.

Mark :-)