The parade passes in front of our place. God they are dull. Corny costumes, cheap allegorical floats and a dozen marching bands. Everyone waving the flag. It's no secret that I'm against any kind of flag waving, it just seems silly to me. Anyway, we all bought t-shirts and they were only five dollars. However, there is a glaring error on the shirt which we only noticed after the vendors had moved on. Can you spot it?

Some people take the holiday a little too seriously.

Before the parade, I took a stroll through the Botanical Gardens as I just can't get enough of that place at this time of year. I took my book along and finally finished it. Sad to say, it's the first book I've read this year. Very unlike me but I blame Facebook. Anyway it was David Sedaris' latest "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" which Mom told me was about quitting smoking. Actually, 240 pages go by before there's anything about smoking. It's really just like his other books, little slices of his life. I laughed out loud exactly three times. I don't know if he's getting less funny or I'm getting less easily amused.

I'm always noticing the repeating patterns in nature. These struck me as very sea anemone like. Aren't there some flowers called anemones? Anyone know what these are?

This is bugsy. He was brought over by friends who came to watch the parade and barbeque with us. He was very well-behaved albeit a bit slobbery.
Hey did I mention the weird coincidence that happened last week? I had a job doing voice work for the English textbooks in the Quebec schools (an annual gig for the last few years) and the coordinator was a blog reader and friend on facebook. Neither of us realized it since we had never actually met and we were in a fairly professional setting. It was cute as
Lee Ann messaged me on Facebook, "Did we meet this morning and not know it?" Small world, eh?
Yup. Found the faute.
Bon fête, eh?
If you're asking me, I'd say that is a Yellow Flower. My dad was a landscape architect, but the gene skipped me altogether. Don't know about any error on the shirt, either. Anything else I can help with?
A $5 T-shirt? I took my T-shirt off at a parade once and someone paid me $5 to put it back on. Once he was gone, I took it off again until someone else came along and made a similar offer. By the time the last marching band went by, I had $27, a cherry Sno-Cone, and a coupon for 15 percent off on rug cleaning.
Now I want to re-read Engulfed in Flames just to count how many times I laugh.
Nice dog.
I believe the flower in question is a Pot Marigold also known as a Calendula, There is a flower called an Anemone but it looks more like a blue daisy than an Anemone go figure.
I love the flower pics, and I love the pooch.
I think that Sedaris' earlier books were more funny.
Heureux de voir que le temps a coopéré avec les cieux ensoleillés et chauffe des intérimaires. :-)
THANK YOU!!! I've been saying for decades now, how stupid I find parades to be...even the gay one. I usually get bashed for it. But it's so nice to know I am in such prestigious company.
Sigh - I dream of the day when someone from my real life recognizes me as the author of my blog!!
great vacation posts- reading your blogs makes me happy!
ps- about david sedaris- i've read "when you are engulfed in flames". i think his earlier stuff is funnier...
I'm not a parade lover either although I would love to go to the Rose parade on New Year's Day being the flower lover that I am.
I don't get the t-shirt error. If it's a French error, I wouldn't know anyway.
I, too, am not generally fond of parades. I don't much like fireworks displays, either. I'm an old stick-in-the-mud.
Well, if you really want a book about smoking go for "Thank You for Smoking" by Christopher Buckley. It was made into a movie; but, unfortunately, only the first half of the film stuck with the book's plot.
The book is funnier, and far more cynical.
John R.
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