For this month's 12 of 12, we see the 24hr period from 5pm on the 11th to 5pm on the 12th. Mother in law came over to take us out for a belated birthday dinner. We had a martini together before we headed out. I thought this picture came out great of spouse and his mother.

We went to Kobe, one of those places where they make a show out of cooking the meal at your table. Here was the big ooh fire moment.

The next morning I got up to have this weather report staring me in the face. You don't understand. That screen has been peppered with rain clouds the entire summer. Finally, it looks like we're in for a stretch of hot dry weather.

I haven't mentioned my new cup. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. It took me a while to find one that would fit in my bag properly and sealed up real well but I found this one at Starbucks that works great. It was twelve bucks but I've already saved $40 from not buying my morning coffee in the city.

There's my bus waiting for me. I love that we live at the start of this bus route. That means I've always got the prime choice of seats. Within 5 or six stops it is standing room only in the morning.

Then I go spend four hours here. My student informed me yesterday that he was taking today and Friday off for vacation. Smart guy, he must have seen that weather report too.

My class is very near the Jean Talon market, a huge open air place where local farmers peddle their wares. Avocados don't grow here though, so they are usually imported from Mexico. Look! three for two bucks. Such a deal. I grabbed a few.

It pays to shop the place first before buying. Look these are $2.25 apiece for avocados. Glad I didn't see and buy these first. I noticed that tomatoes and corn are dirt cheap right now. The corn is a quarter an ear.

Then home crossing the train track bridge.

At the same spot on the other side of the street is an advertising billboard. I liked the clever advertising. I'd translate, but that's no fun for those who want to practice.

Then I got home and Serge reacted to the fact that I put that video up yesterday. This is his mad face. He insisted that I take it down and I said okay. But then I didn't do it. I'm hoping he'll forget to insist again.

Out of the work clothes and time for a quick game of scrabble. (Note to self: time to trim the underarm bush.) Also, an update from yesterday, we received a text message from missing bounced check tenant. Apparently she is in Mexico, is sorry, and will take care of everything upon her return. Which of course she didn't specify when. And no, we don't have the right to go into her apartment.
If you'd like to see other people's 12 of 12s, head on over to Chad's site
The gods of beer are smiling at you?
Love this. Always fun to see what bloggers see in their daily life...like a window into your world. thanks!
I keep promising myself to do this 12 of 12 thing and I never remember.
Even when he's mad, Serge's amazing blue eyes look gorgeous. Tell him we all think his video is (was?) cute as could be.
I don't know much about avacados, but I LOVE corn on the cob. Mom gets it free from relatives that grow more than they can eat and then we both share in the spoils! :)
Looks like a fun day.
Hey, you may not be allowed as landlord to go in her apartment, but are you sure someone is going in to take care of the cat? I'd be worried about that. Wouldn't that be reasonable, humane grounds to check? Anyway, just wondering...
Thanks for pointing out the cheap avocadoes at MJT. I have to run over there soon in the hope that deal is still on.
It took me a bit on the billboard because it was all shrunk down, but I got a good chuckle. And doesn't Serge know we all love seeing videos of him because he's beyond adorable?
But, if Serge knows you are making a video of him, what does he think that you will do with it?
That's a good deal on avocados. It's rare if you can get one here for less than two bucks a piece. And as you know the trees are all over California. I can see at least two of them from my back yard. But does anyone share, heck no.
I finally convinced Spouse to bring coffee from home in a reliable, sealed up. Its amazing how much $$ it saves.
Thanks for the photos of your day!
That was great fun!
love the pictures from your every day life. so cool to see how other people live.
ps, wow- what a resemblance between serge and his mum. funny!
You're not allowed to go in the apartment. She's not allowed to neglect her cat. It all evens out in the wash.
And now I want guac.
no, No, NO...do not trim the pit bush...I'm in love with it...it's definitely one of my turnons. And as made as hubby was, hit georgeous eyes still make him perfect.
please take care of kitteh...the stripper will never know you were there.
"the beer gods salute you" (my guess)
I does like my menz hairy... :-)
Hey! First time commenting! I lurvez the "big ooh fire moment!" I want someone to set tingz on fire in front of me! I know it lookz awesome, but how derriciouz was the outcome?!
Don't want to cause any worry, but that spot on your spouse's left nose might need to be looked at by a pro. I used to work derm (as a nurse), and I think it looks like an actinic keratosis (translation: sun spot). BUT, always nice to have a doc sign off on it being non-cancerous.
And text the tenant back, asking for permission to check the cat. If you phrase it right, then you'll be able to evaluate what's happening up there.
A quick game of scrabble? Is that possible? Or even wise? And in which language?
Would it be cool to play in two languages at the same time?
OK, mad face is teh cute.
I'm in the same club as Birdie for forgetting about the Twelves every month. Maybe in September.
He's adorable in the video, you should totally forget to take it down. Really, he didn't make a fuss about Peggy Babcock or the New Bar, but the Carpenters lip synch bugs him? Hee.
Very relieved that Photo 2 wasn't your living room!
Have a great weekend!
But what about the cat? You had this problem before with the previous tenant? F the law, feed the cat, please.
I guessed the beer gods are smiling at you, too. And I like the ooh fire moment!
Sorry I'm late - busy at work and then a long weekend away!
Helen (Dogeared)
The view of the train tracks in August is gorgeous! Well, the tracks look like tracks, but the trees along the tracks and the sky with puffy clouds, those are very nice.
Thanks for the train track photo. :)
Serge is adorable. Does he know how much your readers like him?
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