On my morning walk with Georgie, we saw the colors of autumn. Mount Royal (Montreal's Central Park) is in the background.

Because it was such a gorgeous day (they don't last long or appear frequently, it is indeed raining this morning again) I insisted that we go for a walk on the mountain. This is at the lookout on the downtown side. That muffin in the background at the far right is the mountain we hiked a couple of weeks ago.

This is the cross at the top of the Mount. It's lit up white at night except when a Pope dies. Then it is purple.

Me and Georgie on the Mount. He sure did love it up there. But then again, he seems to love EVERYTHING. I wish I could find that zone.

On the way back we stopped at the doggy park so he could play pack animal with the others.

Just as we were leaving I saw this boxer and squirrel in a stare down. The squirrel won as they always do.

A quick check for onion rings yielded nothing but a hotdog. See, I made green bean and mushroom casserole as is traditional and when I went to buy French's french fried onions for the top, I learned that the markets stopped carrying it around here. No, not just one market, I checked them ALL. No dice. So I thought I'd sub real onion rings. Well, they didn't have any so I improvised with carmelized onions coated with crushed swiss cheese bread sticks. Twasn't as good, but it worked. Anyway, I was trying to get a pic of my hotdog, lunch of champions, and Georgie nearly got it from me.

The bird is in the oven.

A little grated knuckle with that sir?

Serge is cutting up the bird for the feast.

Dinner time! Turkey, stuffing, company potatoes, green bean and mushroom casserole, cranberry sauce, caesar salad, crescent rolls and pumpkin pie for dessert. Delicioso!

All tuckered out. Time for bed.
If you'd like to see what other people in other parts of the world experienced on this day, go
Looks like you had a nice day. I am still loving Georgie.
Bringing joy to its owners is the dog's reason for existence. Being human, we only get a glimpse of that.
I've read somewhere that everything you need to know about life, you can learn from a dog.
It's -9C here this morning but "feels like -17C" I'm afraid the good days are a thing of the past for us!
OH. MY. God...a sleeping Georgie! Cutest Photo EVAH! :)
And how cool is it they light it up with purple when a pope dies???? (well not that a dead pope is cool or anything, but the purple part)
Thanks for sharing your day!
Sorry about the knuckle. Looks painful.
The city view is impressive, and little Georgie is just to die for!
glad your day went well! Georgie sleeping is so precious.
I'm sorry, exactly which knuckle is that again? Ahh, look at the little poochies in the park.....
I love your dog.
you're so lucky your spousal unit will carve! I have to cook AND cut. Nasty!
PS: your hotdog made my mouth water - no fair!
Georgie appears to be a very sweet dog. That's great that you guys adopted him.
It took me a minute and then I remembered, it was Canadian Thanksgiving. Me, I was a the NEM march this past Sunday. Walked all over that city, did about 8.5 miles.
But I was tuckered out. Didn't sleep at all on the way to D.C., only slept an hour and a half on the way back. Picked up a little head cold for the trouble but it isn't bad.
you have a great little guy.
Georgie...not Serge. :)
Great day, all around. Except for the grated finger. Ain't fall grand?
We are lucky enough that our grocery stores still carry French's onion rings. We just opened up a new can yesterday. We like them on our salads.
That last picture of Georgie is to die for! I also enjoy the picture of him in the dog park. I see that he was sniffing out the news. :)
Georgie looks so cute sleeping.
I love those French Fried onion rings too. I'll have to ship you up some.
D'oh. Another Twelfth has come and gone. Beautiful pics from you, as always. What a cutie that Georgie is.
Thanks for the heads up about visiting Montreal when the next pope dies. I'll try to remember some of those Frenches onion bits for you.
I'm all swoony over that picture of Georgie sleeping on the bed. SO cute!
Count me in--officially in love with Georgie!
What great weather to show off autumn for you! And oh my, Georgie is indeed a looker. So cute!
that last pic is too adorable
Really nice autumn and dog pics!
OMG, that sleeping Georgie pic is an award-winner!
Looks like you had an amazing day. So much to be thankful for. Georgie is adorable...that last picture made me give an audible sigh. Thanks for sharing your day with us. :)
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