It's all Georgie all the time around here. I forgot how much figurative space a dog occupies in one's life. Unless I'm engaged at work, my thoughts are consistently centered on the little guy. And I'm learning more and more about him as we go. I'm certainly his master (this both pleases and displeases Serge) and he seems like he's becoming a lap beagle. He always wants to be parked in my lap when I'm seated. This is fine except that it starts hurting after a while, him being 33 pounds and all.

We live across the street from Mondou, a place that sells pet supplies but no actual animals. Georgie loves to go in there (you can bring your animal in) and get treats from the staff. He ripped apart the colorful octopus that we bought him last week in about a day. Yesterday, I got him a "strong" toy. It's still going to get destroyed but the stitching and nylon fabric will make it last longer. One nice thing they have over there is a dog washing station and it's absolutely free! What a great marketing technique. Talk about added value.

I keep thinking he's fully housetrained but then he does something to refute that. Like peeing in the middle of the bed. I wanted to kill the little fucker. I think that's the biggest "fuck you" a doggie can do aside from outright biting you. Anyway, we walk him enough and he has plenty of patio time that he shouldn't be doing this in the house. He peed right in front of me the other day and I whacked him and then felt terrible about it. I have no business whacking my little amour, but I kind of lost my temper. I pledged to myself that I wouldn't hit him again.

It appears he doesn't snarfle up dog turds like Sara used to do, but cat turds are a whole nother story. He loves finding those buried treasures. I think it's pretty gross and avoid doggy kisses for hours afterward. He does cry quite a bit when one of us leaves the house but luckily it only lasts around a minute. I tied him up outside the convenience store so I could grab something and you'd have thought someone was out there cutting him up with a knife. The piercing cries he was making made me think that tying him up is probably not the best idea - especially if he can't see me.
In other news, I'm on the cusp of the crunchiest crunch time of the session. I'm doing back to back intensive week-long courses for the nurses the next two weeks. That means that I'll be largely absent from the blogosphere because I will have no time. I don't even have net access on my lunch hour. I'll try to post here and there nonetheless, maybe a Georgie pic if nothing else. If I don't get around to say hi, don't take it personally, I'm just balls to the walls busy. Mwah and that goes for all of you!
He's still a pretty small guy, judging from that first pic. Curled on right on your chest! Totally aaawwwww!
You're so right about dogs taking up "space". Life around here is all about the Bandit.
I have to say, and I seem to say this on all my comments to you, Georgie is the cutest damn thing! I just want to give him a big snuggle.
Well yes - more pics of Georgie, if nothing else.
I'm living my would be dog-ownership through you right now.
Yes dogs do take up quite a bit of psychic space.
I hit my old Lab Andy Panda once for something, I felt so guilty I cried.
Taz stopped eating his turds too once I switched his food. If he goes anywhere near the firepit though, he's a cat turd hunting dude! The firepit is surrounded by sand and the cat craps there all the time.
Try to take care of yourself during the crunchiest crunch time. Don't run yourself down, you'll end up sick for Christmas.
This is so gross that I can't believe I'm typing it, but cats eat a LOT more protein than dogs, so in a way, their desiccated turds are like those fake bacon strips you can buy as "treats" for a dog.
Just from experience with other animals, I'd recommend training Georgie to lie (in a nice comfy doggie bed) on the floor vs. your lap. Of course you'll end up allowing him in your lap eventually, but only on command. That way, you can keep him off you if you ever have a real need to do so (surgery, bad cough, just can't take 33 lbs. of pressure anymore, impromptu sex with the spouse, etc.).
No idea about that whole peeing the bed right in front of you issue. I have indeed heard that it is a major display of either unhappiness or illness in adult, well-trained dogs and cats. Since your lil' guy is still technically a pup, perhaps it's just misplaced excitement or lack of control.
I'm sure a lot of us have been there with you about feeling we over-reacted to a pet's misbehavior. At this point, I even feel bad about scolding, since my own little furry child is "elderly" for her age and species. However, I bet you didn't really hit him any harder than a swat, and there are still a lot of training books out there that recommend that (coupled with a firm and stern "NO!" or "BAD!"). Do dogs of that size even respond to spray bottles? I'm guessing not, but you should probably check with the agency you got the dog from as far as how to deal with specific training issues (and I'm guessing you knew that, but thought I'd recommend it just in case).
All in all, it sounds like you're getting what you wanted: a dog. And it sounds like Serge is accepting of your needs, which is really sweet. Best of luck to all 3 of you!
Cat turds? Gross!
33 pounds? I had no idea....yeah, that wouldn't be good for the tummy or chest, would it? Such a handsome man. Georgie will always be on my mind.....
I've been thinking of getting a dog, but then I read/hear stories about things like them peeing in the bed and it kinda kills the interest.
Still, he is probably just testing his boundaries (like a two-year old).
I think that Beagles are notorious for "slip-ups" in the house training department, so don't be too hard on Georgie and don't, don't hit him - definitely not with your hand! Use positive reinforcement.
As for being a lap beagle, we have a lap dog par excellence and it can be a pain in the butt when you want to get something done (as well as hurting other places as you note), but, oh, the love!
Our cat will occasionally pee in the house (not in her litter box) but almost always on Sproing's bed. I think she's trying to say something... Frankly, I don't blame her, but it's still not acceptable.
Georgie is full o' the luvs!! Such a beautiful boy.
I love the idea of a free pet washing station. Wish we'd had access to something like that when our old girl was still around.
I have two kids of my own but often babysit my friends' and cousin's beagles - both male and NEVER together. Both are young and well behaved but beagles are notorious for separation anxiety. Good pack leader training and lots of toys are key.
Also, I have learned about CRAZY BEAGLE SYNDROME - couldn't find it online but the vet and lots of people seem to know about it. It's not a disease, just crazy, entertaining, sometimes worrisome behavior.
Georgie is the cutest li'l guy ever!!
We have two beagles and they are just the most wonderful little guys. We rescued them a year apart from each other. They each had some initial issues (chewing, peeing, etc.) at first, but they gradually stopped and are very well behaved and predictable now. Not perfect, but when you're that cute, you don't have to be.
I just love hearing your Georgie stories - keep them and the pix coming!
I love my dog even though he can be so gross at times. He eats bunny turds he finds in the backyard. I say I will stop kissing him but can't help myself and start smooching him again. Was Georgie mad about something when he peed on the bed? We had a dog that did that when she was upset at us, like putting her in the house when the boys had friends over and were playing football in the yard.
33 pounds! Jesus, my cat is 9 pounds and he gets a little heavy after a while. He's beautiful. :)
You stopped with the doggy kisses, but only for a couple of hours? What, was there brushing and flossing during that time? Ack.
Still, he's so darned cute.
Georgie even LOOKS Canadian!
I like to tell people that we got our cat Rupert in Vancouver. "He's Canadian, ya knowwww..." we always say.
A friend's dog would sometimes pee in houses where she could smell another dog. Territory-marking stuff, I guess. Could Georgie be picking up lingering scents of Sara?
Paul Brownsey
I think Brent was on to something about the "cat candy" being a source of protein. When our dog was guilty of snacking, the trainer recommended putting her on very high-quality protein food. There are only a few out there, and we use Diamond brand Premium Edge. It also contains no corn or wheat, allergens for Sophie. Bonus: she eats only 1 cup a day, since it's so high in digestible protein, so cleanup in the yard is easier.
That last shot of Georgie is so coy. Adorable.
I would imagine a dog you rescued from a shelter would have abandonment issues if left tied up outside somewhere for even 30 seconds. Probably not an option for you. I had a stray cat I took in a few years ago who loved to wander around the apartment building but if we headed outside she would totally panic.
Hello again, love Georgie Boy! Lovely photos, glad all's well with you. Will try to be more frequent with blogging.
What a great guy though...and the peeing will be figured out..usually smart dogs are the ones that test their masters.
Oh boy, do I already love that boy or what? So flippin' cute I can't stand it.
Beagles are pretty stubborn-minded; they do what they want to do it seems. Bugler was never 100% potty trained, but he always peed and pooped in the same place in our house; right by the door from the house to the garage. We had a bleached spot there for years, even after he was gone. It was almost sad when we ripped up the carpet for the new. It was like the last bit of Bugler to lose.
I know. Getting misty about a pee spot.
I miss my dog.
Beagles are so much more scent-driven than other dog breeds. He will never grow out of using his nose more than his eyes. He's so darned cute!!
He is adorable!
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