Thoughts from an American turned Canadian in Montreal.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
This and that
Well I thought I was going to have a quiet couple of weeks but no, the college called me and asked if I could squeeze in 45 hours between now and next Friday. So today I start with a new student and I'm going to have to prep my intensives this weekend. I had hoped to spend a lot of time with Georgie but now it looks like Serge will be the caretaker. At least he's fallen head over heels with the little guy. He can't believe how "good" he has been. The trees are turning all over the city and the one pictured is across the street from our place. Loveliness.
I was checking my email yesterday afternoon when I heard honking. Not the car kind, the goose kind. So I went out back and looked up and sure enough there they were all heading south. They are so lucky they get to flee the icebox that is winter here. They were really high in the sky, I mean they are bigger than chickens but look how small they appear.
While Georgie was throwing around his chew thing yesterday, I grabbed the camera to video him in action. I think what Ed commented yesterday was right - a beagle basset hound mix. When I took him to the dog park yesterday (where he got along famously with the other doggies) there was another beagle there but he was taller, thinner and lankier. The head is a bit what, puffier I want to say. Anyway check it out and tell me what you think.
If there's any bassett in there, it's very, very little. He's mostly beagle, and his legs are really quite typical shape and length for a beagle. Definitely a cutie, though.
Well, if you ever want ot book a doggy-plydate, I'm sure this energetic little fellow would have a great time with our pair of doxies! (I wonder if Blogger knows I'm here - the verification word is 'airic' which is what I had silkscreened years ago on a t-shirt with the picture of a plane!) Eric - airic; get it?
Oops...forgot to mention, Georgie looks all beagle to me. Keep him in a secured area, as beagles loves to follow their noses, take off and may be lost.
Absolutely Mr. Cute! and such a happy tail! I think he will wear both of you out with his energy and play. As for what he is (besides cute!), I wonder if he might even have a touch of terrier in him. Mutts make the greatest dogs anyway!
Is Georgis simply not THE most ADORable puppy??? :)
Just wait though, till he's shaking that toy around and lets it go and flies over or through the railing! Somebody's gonna be trapsing outside to get it, and I'd wager it's NOT gonna be Georgie himself. :)
So cute and I also love the pic of fall. Dude, again, go skiing and you will embrace winter. As cute as Georgie is, the BEST part of the video for me was the end where you are saying, "There's your first video" and then in your possessed voice, "I'm sure they will be ma-ny!" Little does Georgie know... lol
Georgie is such a cutie. He looks like he's going to fit in nicely.
The gaggle of geese was huge. They are starting to gather here in the Northwest, with the nights getting cooler as well as the days. Our trees are turning and the one Maple in the front yard is already dropping its leaves. We've been getting the yards and house ready for the eventual Winter that's not too far around the corner.
Congratulations!! To you and Serge - but most of all to George! He´s a beauty, he is extremely cute and he got adopted by two men who will now love him and take care of him for as long as he lives - may it be a long and happy life! Please keep the videos coming,this enery loaden dog is such fun too watch! Love those flying ears :)
Oh I have been out of the loop for a while! So excited to meet Georgie! Losing cookies makes me sad too. That moment when he flings the toy away just kills me.
I'm with Mel: I don't see the Basset. His legs, ears, and face look all beagle to me. Beagles usually come in either 13" or 15", measuring from their head to the ground. He is completely adorable!
What a cuuuuuuutie. Who's a good dog! Who's a good dog!
Oh, it's so much fun to see (hear) you being a doggy daddy again! Puppies are fun!
Nice goose capture, BTW.
If there's any bassett in there, it's very, very little. He's mostly beagle, and his legs are really quite typical shape and length for a beagle. Definitely a cutie, though.
Georgie is adorable--I am so happy for all of you!
I am in love.
Well, if you ever want ot book a doggy-plydate, I'm sure this energetic little fellow would have a great time with our pair of doxies! (I wonder if Blogger knows I'm here - the verification word is 'airic' which is what I had silkscreened years ago on a t-shirt with the picture of a plane!) Eric - airic; get it?
What a ham! I love it!
I'm glad you're getting so much work, so many people aren't so it's good to hear from those who are!
And the geese? Doesn't it make you want to cry out "Take me with you!" to them?
Somebody is clearly enjoying his new home! And he is very adorable.
OH he is adorable! I love when they entertain themselves!
Very cute dog! I love dogs but I understand that my life does not lend itself to dog ownership.
Not to mention I'm allergic to pretty much all dogs.
I love his color pattern! He's adorable.
That's a huge flock of geese. I don't think I've ever seen that large a gathering of geese before. Nice shot.
Georgie is used to playing alone in his cage at the shelter. He loves the attention he is getting now. Word verification: remane -ed
That is one freaking huge deck you have. Damn.
Love the moment he accidentally tosses the toy behind him. I love those moments when you can see the synapses firing behind their eyes.
what a cutie pie puppy you have there!! nothing like a new baby to help you move forward after a loss. I love fall, I wish we had those reds here.
Awww, what a happy dog! He's so adorable.
He's so happy and I think he's found the perfect home.
who's a cwute widdle doggy poo?
thanks for sharing!
too adorable!
Georgie is such a cute boy! Come join our Happy Tails Beagle list, it's a great place to meet other beagle owners.
My beagle Molly is 10 yrs old, and she loves to run around the way Georgie does. What a hoot!'s a link to the Happy Tails list.
Hope to see ya there!
Ice Pony Girl
Oops...forgot to mention, Georgie looks all beagle to me. Keep him in a secured area, as beagles loves to follow their noses, take off and may be lost.
Enjoy your boy!
A totally cute, and obviously very happy pup!
self-entertaining. that's a treasure in any animal :)
Absolutely Mr. Cute! and such a happy tail! I think he will wear both of you out with his energy and play.
As for what he is (besides cute!), I wonder if he might even have a touch of terrier in him.
Mutts make the greatest dogs anyway!
Is Georgis simply not THE most ADORable puppy??? :)
Just wait though, till he's shaking that toy around and lets it go and flies over or through the railing! Somebody's gonna be trapsing outside to get it, and I'd wager it's NOT gonna be Georgie himself. :)
Super, super cute! What total fun - she's a lover.
So cute and I also love the pic of fall. Dude, again, go skiing and you will embrace winter. As cute as Georgie is, the BEST part of the video for me was the end where you are saying, "There's your first video" and then in your possessed voice, "I'm sure they will be ma-ny!" Little does Georgie know... lol
Georgie is such a cutie. He looks like he's going to fit in nicely.
The gaggle of geese was huge. They are starting to gather here in the Northwest, with the nights getting cooler as well as the days. Our trees are turning and the one Maple in the front yard is already dropping its leaves. We've been getting the yards and house ready for the eventual Winter that's not too far around the corner.
Congratulations!! To you and Serge - but most of all to George! He´s a beauty, he is extremely cute and he got adopted by two men who will now love him and take care of him for as long as he lives - may it be a long and happy life! Please keep the videos coming,this enery loaden dog is such fun too watch! Love those flying ears :)
Oh I have been out of the loop for a while! So excited to meet Georgie! Losing cookies makes me sad too. That moment when he flings the toy away just kills me.
I'm with Mel: I don't see the Basset. His legs, ears, and face look all beagle to me. Beagles usually come in either 13" or 15", measuring from their head to the ground. He is completely adorable!
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