Exiled to the patio for piddling. He knows he was bad and stares glumly from that corner. He had done great for four days with no accidents whatsoever and then when we had company over he let loose. We don't leave him out there for long but it still tugs at the heartstrings. Have I mentioned the fartbombs the little guy makes? Oh my oh my. How could such a small creature have so much gas? The sears your eyeballs kind of gas. Good thing we are in love with him.

We made a seafood feast Saturday night for a friend who just broke up with the boif. We had sushi and mussels and tuna tartare which is the picture below. In the morning I took Georgie to the vet to get a rabies shot ($10 but it's $43 to walk in the door before the ten dollars) and when the vet examined him I asked about the poop eating. He said that if the dog smells anything that survives the digestive process, they will snarfle. For example, he said, if the dog eats some herbed spaghetti sauce, he will probably eat that shit up on exit since some of the herbs will pass on through. He suggested trying different kinds of food to see if that would help, and that the cheaper food has more corn filler that doesn't always get digested. (I take everything as though there's something in it for the vet, believing as I do that most things are a racket. {Hi David} I saw the $80 bags of dry food in the lobby.) He also informed me that there is a product called
Forbid available at the reception if we can't solve the problem. Actually, after just having read the Amazon.com description, I kind of want to try it, erm, on the dog of course.

The most fabulous tuna tartare that I made. So easy too. A little mayo, a little rice wine vinegar, a little sesame oil, a little chili paste and a green onion. I think I've eaten tuna every single day for a week. I should probably cut down on that (mercury) but it's so good.
Last night Daniel came by to faire un tour and have a cocktail after our Spanish lesson. During the lesson Georgie was in my lap and at a certain point he was feverishly licking his anus. Serge, upon noticing this, barked at Georgie, "Heyyyy!" Georgie stopped licking his anus and then started licking my hand. "Thanks a lot, Serge," said I. Then I remembered Daniel was coming over so I said, "I'm going to touch Daniel when he comes in." And touch him I did. Later when Serge told Daniel what I had done, he called me a "Maudite peau de vache." I stopped and thought about the translation for that and could not fathom where such an expression would come from. Maudite is "cursed" but really any curse word could go there, peau de vache though is cow skin. Cursed cow skin is what he called me. Of course they think the expression raining cats and dogs is equally ridiculous.

Could you please stop moving while I try to sleep on your stomach? Sheesh. Hey I realized something yesterday. I remember when I was in French class and came across the word jouaient and had no clue how to pronounce all five vowels in a row like that. (It's the verb jouer - to play- in the l'imparfait third person plural) Well what do you know, English has a word of its own that does the same thing, but I only realized it playing scrabble. Miaou which is a variation of the cat's meow in the past tense. The cat miaoued and miaoued. All five vowels in a row. Easy peasy!
I love how the common Quebec curses are all so mild-yet-bizarre.
So when you say Georgie pees when company comes over, is it like submissive peeing because he's so excited or is he stressed and sneaking off to pee because he can't deal? If it's the former, you need to be very careful with how you approach it and alert your guests, as well. Leaning over to pet him can trigger it and actually make it worse, because to a dog, the whole leaning over thing says, "I am alpha bitch and you must piss yourself before I open a can of whoop ass on you."
No it's not the submissive kind. We had a dog once, a cocker spaniel, that whenever we had guests over we had to say, "Don't touch the dog!" Because the moment you did, the pee would fly. I'm not sure why Georgie does it, but he did the same thing at thanksgiving but those guests brought a dog so I figured it was a territory thing.
when i was growing up we had a dog that used to eat the cat crap. the vet said to put tabasco sauce on it. that would stop her from eating it. it worked. might be a little cheaper than their stuff.
georgie is very cute by the way.
Five vowels in a row isn't easy, no matter how many peasies you put after it.
Supercute Georgie rides again! I hope he gets that pee outside thing figured out soon.
I'm sure you know this but the fart bombs could be from the food. Usually canned food makes it worse and better quality dry food should not only reduce the bombs but also the size of the poo. (less to eat) Also, changing food can cause diarrhea, so mix half of the new food with half of the old for a week or so.
I'm sure Georgie will feel better too.
Ahh, he'll figure it out...just be consistent with the admonishments when he does it in the wrong place.....Mason has it down at this point, at least at home. But when we take him other places, I'm very nervous....he tends to like to mark his territory elsewhere. I'm a 90% dry food guy with just a small amount of wet to make it soggy....and I've started including carrots, lettuce, apple, red pepper, tangerine....he LOVES it.
Oh poor thing..he does look so pitiful on the patio.
The guilt you see on him while he's outside is yours - not his. He probably has no clue why he's exiled.
And all can be forgiven as he's so damned cute!
word verification: bumumbu
I tried the poop pills on Tazzy (they are called Deter out here) and they work. You have to keep them on them though. It was really easier to just switch his food and I think I got lucky that the brand I switched to made him stop eating it. It's 100% kibble here. He gets to eat all the lettuce and carrots he wants though.
When Georges farts, does he look behind himself to see who did that? Taz does and it makes me laugh everytime!
Your scrabble knowledge blows me away. You can tell from my scores.
You can only imagine my reaction to all that seafood.
You tuna dish looks splendid. Poor Georgie sitting out there looks pathetic but you did the right thing. Also, the more immediacy in catching the better. And remember to make a big hoopla when he does go outside.
If Georgie's peeing on rugs that can't be washed, I highly recommend a good soaking with Nature's Miracle. It even works on cat pee, and nothing else does.
The "exile" shot is pitiful. You're being a good master; I hope the exile works.
I have found the most effective dog training is praise. While training Jordan every time she did something good I gave her verbal and physical praise. She learned to crave it. When she did bad stuff I used a louder, stern voice to say "No!" It takes time, but it worked on Jordan, and she is a beagle too. That being said, she will still try and eat poop if I'm not watching her.
Your country makes the best dog food money can buy, Orijen 6 fish formula. I would bet a change in diet will stop the disgusting urge.
Georgie is really cute! I hope you all have long and happy lives together.
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