Yesterday, Serge got a bee in his bonnet about getting a new dishwasher. Ours has been broken for the last month and we shopped for them last weekend but didn't buy because Serge wants a stainless steel one and I think it's a rip-off to pay hundreds of dollars more for a silver panel. It really is a racket. Anyway, lacking agreement and due to the distraction a new pooch brings, we didn't buy anything. Well. Friday, Serge got all the back vacation pay from his old job that he was due and went out to splurge. Yesterday he put in the new dishwasher, stainless of course. When he was finished, we had the following conversation:
Me: So when you took out the old dishwasher, were you able to figure out what was wrong with it?
Serge: Yes
Me: So what was it?
Serge: Um, the plug.
Me: What do you mean? Was it plugged in?
Serge: No
Me: (Thinking what freaking idiots we are for having been washing dishes by hand all this time and neither of us thought to check if it was plugged in.) And you decided to install the new one anyway?
Serge: (nervous, eyes darting this way and that) Yes, but I'm going to SELL the old one.
Me: Hey, do what you want, it's your money you've wasted.
In the old days, I'd have flipped my lid, but now I just shrug and think "whatever makes you happy". He did discover that the new one is an inch and a half smaller inside (the depth) which he isn't too happy about, but it's stainless and apparently that's all that counts for him.
Let's bookend this post with Georgie, shall we? Here he is with Sara's old giant rawhide bone that she never was able to eat. He made quite a clamor with that thing, flinging it in the air and it banging onto the floor. I'd feel bad if the guy downstairs was up on his rent.

Love that expression, "bee in your bonnet". Well at least you now have a stainless steel dishwasher.
Loving Georgie!
You guys are like us, in a way...we can never agree on anything for the house, hence we still have no decent furniture in out living room.
Us, too. If we don't agree, we usually do nothing.
Georgie is unbelievably cute! Love the color coordination. I just hope he doesn't turn green in the spring.
I am kinda with you on the stainless thing. It looks nice, but I am not sure it's so nice to warrant extra $. Still, if Serge is happy, it probably is worth a little extra cash.
Georgie is way adorable.
My dishwasher has been acting sub-par for months (it's new, like a year and a half old or something) so I've been washing dishes in the sink. I actually prefer it, oddly enough!
That Georgie is a cutie, for sure!
For those of you who are having trouble with the dishwsher it may be getting clogged up with all of the gunk it has to put up with. Plumbers trick: Get some Muriatic Acid (careful it is actually hydrochloric acid and very dangerous) Put on some rubber gloves and pour a cup of it into the bottom of the dishwasher. Let is set for about an hour then let the dishwasher run through a complete cycle. It will work like new and if you do this every other month your dishwasher will run like new unless you forget to plug it up. Yeah, a stainless steel upgrade! now are all of your appliances stainless or does serge have more work to do?
Georgie is such a cute hushpuppy, yes he is, what a good doggie, hugs. ed
I like the stainless. Ok, not a good excuse, but what the hey.
That is a huge rawhide bone Georgie has there. I'm amazed he can carry the thing. I figured out what his color pattern reminds me of: Rorschach inkblots. Though "Georgie" is a wonderful name for him, it would have been cool to name him Rorschach.
Superman cleans our dishes so thoroughly before putting them in the dishwasher, we really don't need the dishwasher. If he adds a drop of dish detergent to his clean-up regimen, the dishes are cleaner than our machine gets them.
I have learned over the years that if it makes the spouse happy and doesn't harm anything, it's worth whatever.
oh! Those Georgie eyes!!
I think it's part of a mature marriage and relationship (and a sign thereof) to let the other one have his extravagances now and then without undue lid flipping. :)
The last time I bought a dishwasher was when the ex pressured me to do so. I found out when he dumped me a month later that he was already planning to get rid of me at the time.
I should have disconnected the fucking thing and flooded the house when I left.It wasn't stainless steel, though.
I can't believe he kept the stainless one after that! Stainless = hell to clean = nothing I would ever buy! But if it makes Serge happy, like you note, he spent his own money.
Man - he is so frickin' cute. Georgie that is. Nothing against you or Serge.
I dunno - I'm pretty good w/the stainless appliances. I think they look better than most. Haven't had too much issues w/cleaning them.
I'll admit - checking to see if it was plugged in probably would have avoided a whole lot o'mess.
The puppy eyes! The puppy eyes!
You've got a great attitude about the totally wasteful purchase of a new dishwasher you didn't need -- probably because you've got the cutest dog on the planet!
Love these word verifications...today's is: "numbegul". I could really run with that....
Haha, that's so me: if a bulb goes, I don't change it but I buy a new lamp.
Look at those cuuuuute puppy eyes.
Your last line made me laugh out loud. Karma brings balance.
Every psot should be bookended with Georgie!
And thanks for the heads up on the plug thingee. Since I've only owned a home fro less than two months, and it has a dishwasher as well, i shall now always remember your tail and the moral it provides: Always check the plug before buying something that's 'broken'. :)
Your dog is so frickin' cute. I miss the doggie snuggles. Any doggie. I went to a pet shop in Paris and started tearing up. All those puppies need love.
I'm a sucker for stainless steel even though it's a bitch to clean.
The old dishwasher may have been unplugged because it might have had a short circuit. That happens once in awhile with dishwashers.
But hey, new isn't bad and it's more energy efficient too so it's a win.
Georgie looks like he's adapting nicely. Good choice on your part I suppose.
Friend adopted out all their pups but the last one they sold came back. I helped them tell the person who bought it that buyers remorse isn't a valid reason.
You're a better person than I to have zipped your lip about the dishwasher!
I don't wanna rain on your parade, but (always the but) I've read things about rawhide bones that have stopped me from giving them to Indi. First I read that you should only buy ones that are made in the US (and maybe Canderdia too???) because the others have awful chemicals or something. So I did that for a while, because Indi absolutely loves the things. I'd even take them away from her after 2 or 3 hours because she wouldn't stop til they were gone.
But then I read a couple of articles that said the rawhide isn't good for them, period. Since it's basically a piece of leather, their stomachs can't digest it and it sits in their intestines, with acids that can't break it down. Or something like that. I dunno, there are probably a hundred other articles to counter this theory but it stuck with me.
Smooches to Georgie nonetheless!
I just LOVE the look in Georgie's eyes in the last pic. My dogs got that "dare to take this bone from me" look, too. So cute. Bone's almost as long as he is. Your last line made me laugh, too.
Just think of it this way: a stainless steel appliance is an investment in your home, which will be appreciated by potential buyers when ever you go to sell it. (This is how I justify everything BTW.)
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