Serge has been getting hives frequently over the past few weeks. Sometimes he gets a rash but often times his lip swells up like this. The other day it stayed swelled up like that the whole day but usually it subsides after a couple of hours. There's not much you can do about it, though the nurses told me yesterday that his system is too acidic and he should avoid sugar and juices.

Georgie sure loves to play in the doggie park. I am getting a bit worried that he will understand that he can jump over the fence now that there is a decent snowpack on the ground. I know he could jump it because it's lower than our sofa which he jumps up on from the rear. Hopefully he'll never find out.

Here's what I craved and ate the other day after having been gone on vacation. Nothing says Quebec like this greasy plate of poutine. I read the other day about a new Mexican fast food place up here (another idea of mine stolen) that is making a Mexican poutine with salsa instead of gravy. I'm gonna have to give that a go sometime.

It's so hard to get a crisp clear picture of him since he never stops moving. Oh we've got loads of boring sleeping pictures of him, but awake ones are always a bit blurry. This one made me laugh because it looks like his head is too big for his body. Plus the sad eyes. So cute.
I'm into the second day of my week long intensive so I won't be around the internetz much. And I still haven't even gotten through the blog list after coming back from vacation and it's been nearly a week. So if I haven't been around to visit, don't take it personally, I'm just majorly behind on everything. Have a lovely week peeps.
You should try offering Georgie a scooby snack to stay still for pics. My dog will stay still, but he is scared of the camera so he looks away. That, and he's black and it's very hard to get a good pic of a black dog. Welcome home!
Everything tastes a little bit better with salsa.
I've never had poutine, but from all reports I've heard it tastes great. However, it does not look appetizing. I doubt salsa would improve the appearance much.
Serge's lip does not look good. My natural worrying instincts kick in about now.
Serge is majorly allergic to something. In case he gets a serious reaction that restricts his breathing, you should have some quick-dissolving Benadryl on hand. Meanwhile, find out what's triggering those reactions.
My loverboy breaks out in some sort of rash or hives sometimes and has for years. Never on the lips but always on the stomach, hips, thighs, stomach....giant areas of raised, red, itchy stuff. It shows up instantly and then is gone within the hour or so.
I'm sure this has been said before but that does look like an allergic reaction to something, have you tried antihistamines, either topical or liquid to swallow. I'm sure its not his idea of a good time but what about a referral to a specialist before its his airway thats effected.
Lovely pics of Georgie, I'm just off to take one of the farm cats to the vet as he strolled in with a big gash in his face!!!!!!
Nick from the UK
Wow, he sure has an Elvis lip going on! My friend Penny gets the hives too but she doesn't eat alot of sweets or juices. Some people are just hivey or sensitive. Who knew this was Serge's sensitive side? ;)
Tazzy poses for pictures. He's an egomaniac.
Your puppy is gorgeous and he looks like a sweetheart. I love the photo of him hanging with the big dogs.
Serge still looks sexy with the swollen lip. I hope he's not too self conscious.
I love fries with gravy. I don't think I'll add the cheese.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease post the karaoke. Please...
Maybe Serge is developing a tobacco allergy. Or maybe it's one of the additives in his cigarettes.
Rox beat me to it. I was going to ask if that first picture was of Elvis Presley. Serge's system is out of balance he needs electrolytes. Have him drink lots of Gatorade. Ted
I love all the remedies suggested for Serge.
You're so good to take Georgie to the park in the middle of winter. I lie to Indi and tell her it'll reopen in the Spring :)
I had the same problems with hives off and on for 2 years. Saw multiple doctors, allergists, lots of tests and in the end they never figured out what was causing them. They're a very vaugue symptom and hard to pin down. My outbreaks stopped about 2 years ago, as mysteriously as they started.
Look at Georgie! The leader of the pack! WOW!
I second the advice about keeping some Benadryl on hand, just in case. Serge might also ask his doctor about taking a 24-hour antihistimine (like Claritin) when he has an outbreak -- although they're slower to act, they might shorten the outbreak and they're less sedating than Benadryl. If he ever starts wheezing or feeling a bit winded during an attack, he should see a doctor immediately.
Poutine! I think I'll pass. What the hell is it?
Georgie! So cute!
I had a plate of poutine at a fast food place (Harvey's[?]) in ON when I help my son move there at the beginning of the month. I loved it!! Of course it not approved by my doctor, but I can assure you that I will have it again when we go up to visit.
I have nominated you for the Kreative Blogger award
i think serge needs to see an allergist. a friend of mine in her 50s recently developed an allergy to beef. BEEF!! she gets bad hives. never was a problem before. i agree with the others, do something before it's too late.
I echo all the allergy advice and add that it could be something formerly innocent (like the beef example). In my case, it was any pain reliever except Tylenol. One Excedrin gave me hives and duck lips for 8 hours.
I had the same issue as Serge 2 years ago: http://talesofthesissy.blogspot.com/2008/01/fat-lip.html
Love the pics of Georgie!!
What is dis "poutine" you write of? If that's cheese melted on top, then you best know I want to eat 13 platez of it.
Georgie is like me then...
P.S. do it when he's asleep?
That Mexican/Canadian fusion poutine thing does sound good. I once made a sandwich I called the "North American" Just a regular grilled sandwich but American Cheese, Canadian Bacon, and Mexican Salsa. It was pretty good. It would have been even better with a side of that poutine.
oh, you bastard! I can't find a good poutine in Calgary to save my friggen life and now I have to think about that picture....... man, it looked goooood. I'm a traditional gal though - all I like on my poutine is gravy and curds....
Please tell Serge to go see a doc and have a check for Hereditary Angioedema!
Yes; see a DOCTOR; namely, an ALLERGIST. Nurses who talk about blood pH scare me; I obviously can't work there.
I wish you both the best! Get the help your socialist state allows!
Well, it's obvious: Serge is allergic to Georgie. Don't know why, don't know how, don't know what you can do about it. Serge probably needs allergy shots in order to co-exist with the dog. Is it worth it?
People pay big $$ for lips like that. Maybe you can sell them Serge's secret.
I'm coming to this after the discovery of what Serge is allergic to, so I won't add my two cents on that topic. Just wanted to say I've never actually SEEN poutine, though I've been hearing about it for years. Ryan Reynolds says each dish comes with a heart specialist.
my word verification: canadhos. The place you eat poutine with salsa
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