It's that facebook thing that's going to kill blogs. I'm off right now so I can keep up, but when I go back to work, how am I going to keep up on the 200 blog posts in my feeder and the 400 status updates on facebook, every day!? No way. Oh plus I have to write a blog. Something will have to give. If there's a secret-admirer-anonymous-sugardaddy-moneybags who wants to donate to solve this dilemma by allowing me to skip the working part, just email me, kay?
Today we have to take Georgie to doggie jail. He was bad at the last place so it's kennel time for him. And we've got to pack, go to the bank, and close up the house tight. Speaking of Georgie, he was so funny the other night when Serge was clearing the patio of snow. He started barking like the dickens at Serge. I posted a video on facebook that I think you can watch by clicking here.
I know there were more things I wanted to mention, but since I didn't write them down, they've disappeared into the ether. I probably wanted to complain bitterly about the three non-stop days of snow. Or maybe I wanted to share an interesting internet tidbit. Perhaps I had a scatty anecdote. Who knows really? What I do know is that this is the last post for a while. I'll check in once or twice most likely, since Serge is bringing his laptop. No promises though. To conclude today, I give you a gratuitous Georgie shot with spouse. All together now, "Awwwwww!"

Did I do it correctly? I might have added too many 'w'!
no, seriously now... The picture's so cute!!!!!
You need a blue toque to bring out your eyes. I wish I was skilled enough, I'd make you one.
All we ever do is say goodbye. It's a new John Mayer song and man, it's fitting! Travel safely!
I'm thinking of a digital cleanse. And no, it's not when you stick your fingers up your arse...
Georgie should be on TV...
Would not mind a good dose of Socal and Hawaii right now myself. You guys are sooooo lucky! Have a great trip!
Have a wonderful trip. Make sure you go to the volcano park on the Big Island, but be careful of the steam coming out of the ground everywhere. I saw some tourist stick her finger in it and she was burned!
If something has to give, ditch the facebook. I am not sayin', I am just sayin'.
Have a fun trip!
poor Georgie in jail for two weeks..that poor thing...
have a great vacation!
1. Aaawwwwwwwwwww.
2. Have a great vacation.
3. What the *heck* is Serge doing, shovelling snow in his bathrobe?! ;-P
have a great time in the land of no snow and warm temperatures!
If voting has any sway, I say stick to blogging. It tells me what you're thinking; FB only tells me what you're doing.
Hey, if you're going to the Big Island, look up this guy and tell him Birdie says hey.
I want to travel as much as you do!!! And to the places you do it.
Poor Georgie in doggie jail. I'm sure he'll be good if you don't put him in there. He'll think he's back at the shelter!
Have a great trip! Color me jealous. Bon voyage!
Of course I'm jealous of the trip, but I think I may be more jealous of the arm candy you're taking with!
Really, Serge seems to look younger and trimmer with each of the recent photos you've posted. What's his secret? Good, clean, wholesome living? A partner with crazy mad Photoshop skills? Dorian Gray's portrait painter?
I'm sorry to see that facebook is killing the blog stars. I prefer well formed sentences and stories instead of status updates with just one or two words that mean nothing at all.
And oh, Mai Tai may be my favourite cocktail ever.
Happy Hawaii!
Serge looks very cute.
You already know how I feel about Georgieboy.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
God, you travel a lot! Good for you!
Have a great trip. And your puppy is really cute!
Oh, that is cute!
Be sure to wear clean underwear! See, Your mother was right. :)
What is it about your hat and that expression that makes me want to double-dog-dare you to lick a flagpole. :D
Pet the spouse and kiss the pup for me. No, kiss the spouse and pet the - oh, it's such an adorable photo of them both, I'm all confused!
Safe travels; many photos! Keep the blogging (but on your terms!)!!
Hey Sticky, have a great trip and a relaxing time in the warmth!!! It's been cold down here in the south as well so hopefully you are visiting somewhere that is tropical. BTW, I did "come out" recently to that guy in my blog, he took it pretty well. I hope to have an update to mine soon. Have a great time!!
I am SO behind on blogs but am loving getting caught up with you again and had to comment, even though it's late. The vid of Serge and Georgie made me laugh til I almost cried. Somewhere, Sara was looking down at that scene and smiling and shaking her head, thinking, That's what you get for choosing a silly boy this time around...
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