Well, we're just about finished in California. We had final Christmas (feast of three kings to be precise) celebrations last night. Mom has a giant marlin that she caught years ago hanging in the living room and I thought the santa hat was kinda cute and unique. I'd wager there aren't any other santa marlins in town. Well, maybe in a seafood restaurant. It was a great night with wonderful food and family fun.

We also had the annual gingerbread men decorating extravaganza. Always fun for getting the creative juices flowing. In addition, they are quite yummy. I love how they make for colorful pictures as well. Can you believe we also saw Avatar a third time? We did, only in IMAX 3d this time. It was awesome though you can't really see the whole screen at the same time. Too big!

We are headed to Hawaii tomorrow but I tell ya, the weather and sunsets have been spectacular since we've arrived. This was from last night, a real knock-out. I love seeing everyone for the holidays but I always feel a bit guilty, like I haven't spent enough time with the loved ones. I suppose the only fix for that would be to move back here. Unless US immigration laws change drastically, I don't see that happening in the forseeable future. Maybe one day we can be snowbirds though and spend winters down here. That would be nice. One day. Next stop Hawaii people. Don't hate. Mwah!
Have a fantastic time.
have a grand time
stay safe - can't wait to see the pics!
Hawaii! Jealous!
Were you near the earthquake?
More pictures!
our local japanese sushi/seafood restaurant had their marlins dressed up in santa hats for the holidays too.
have a great time...you cannot believe how f-ing cold it is here on the east coast!
Aloha Fucker! LOL! Take your time going but hurry back.
Wonderful! Can't wait to see photos. And when you get back, get skiing!
Bon voyage!!
mmmmm....cheese whiz icing!
That's a lot of friggin' icing.
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