Thoughts from an American turned Canadian in Montreal.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
This n that
This was a fun meal. I made it the other night as I resisted believing we weren't in Spain anymore. It was all excellent but that manchego cheese is way too expensive to have regularly. Yesterday I had my traditional post-vacation poutine (this time with smoked meat in it - yum) which is how I celebrate coming home. When I go to California, it's always Mexican food that roots me in place.
It it great being reunited with Georgie of course. Such a love muffin. He had a little pee pee accident and let go while he was at the door leading outside. Luckily I caught him while he was doing it and took him out to the right spot on the patio. He has gone there every time since. Good boy!
I know this is tacky but I just had to share. This was at the school I was teaching at yesterday. Because I didn't take the shot right (I was a bit ashamed since there was someone else in the bathroom but since they were talking on their cellphone, I thought maybe they wouldn't notice) you can't see how the poo is stacked up like a cone. I couldn't figure out how the person was sitting for the poo to go there. And where is the toilet paper? Did they not wipe? Or did they and the location of the pile prevented the water from flushing it away? Well I tried to trigger the flushing mechanism (the radar kind) but it wouldn't flush. Hmmm. Are there really those who don't wipe? It would seem so.
New immigrant, perhaps? Squat on the seat facing the wall, use the water in the bowl to clean self. Having seen a sign in a factory in Peru instructing workers not to do that, it's at least plausible.
haha, love the poop pic. maybe what happened was that the rest of the poop + toilet paper flushed, and then this stray, rebellious poop escaped and refused to be flushed down. it's happened to me several times.
but at least i've got the decency to cover it with some tissue!
I swear, you could probably write a master's thesis on poop!
I know what it's like to come home from a fantastic vacation while wanting the vacation to continue. After I got back from my last one, I found myself listening to Amy Winehouse and dousing my chips -- er, fries with malt vinegar for weeks.
Georgie looks like he's very happy to have His Two Dads back home, although he wishes one would put the stupid camera down and cuddle! Hope his "accident" didn't piddle away his chances of going on your next trip with you!
Manchego is my favorite kind of cheese! It's a shame it's so damn expensitivo! Now that I don't work at a restaurant, I doubt I will ever eat it again [read as: can't afford it!]. Sad panda!
I love the poutine, but I'll pass on the smoked meat, and perhaps you had better explain that in Canada smoked meat is not just meat that's been smoked.
Maybe everything else (including the toilet paper) got flushed and this stayed behind. That has happened to me before.
Nice looking tortilla, by the way
Life's too short, eat the cheese.
I've often been tempted to take pictures of the poops left behind by others in public toilets. :)
New immigrant, perhaps? Squat on the seat facing the wall, use the water in the bowl to clean self. Having seen a sign in a factory in Peru instructing workers not to do that, it's at least plausible.
I think the person was sitting backwards. Maybe they weren't alone. Perhaps they had a "friend" to clean up after them. tee hee! I know I'm wierd. Ted
haha, love the poop pic. maybe what happened was that the rest of the poop + toilet paper flushed, and then this stray, rebellious poop escaped and refused to be flushed down. it's happened to me several times.
but at least i've got the decency to cover it with some tissue!
Leave it to you to post poo on your blog. You're too much!
I swear, you could probably write a master's thesis on poop!
I know what it's like to come home from a fantastic vacation while wanting the vacation to continue. After I got back from my last one, I found myself listening to Amy Winehouse and dousing my chips -- er, fries with malt vinegar for weeks.
Georgie looks like he's very happy to have His Two Dads back home, although he wishes one would put the stupid camera down and cuddle! Hope his "accident" didn't piddle away his chances of going on your next trip with you!
Manchego is my favorite kind of cheese! It's a shame it's so damn expensitivo! Now that I don't work at a restaurant, I doubt I will ever eat it again [read as: can't afford it!]. Sad panda!
The pics from Spain are great, but I'm glad to see Georgie showing up on the blog again.
Love Georgie, but really can't believe you posted the picture of poo.
Am I the only one reeling from that last photo? What's the matter with you people! Good grief. Everything was so lovely, and then—
Love the pic of Georgie.
If I saw poo in a public toilet I go to another stall. I love my poo, but not other peoples!
No more sh** pix, please. And I really don't need to hear about your own, either. In case you care.
I love the poutine, but I'll pass on the smoked meat, and perhaps you had better explain that in Canada smoked meat is not just meat that's been smoked.
I thought that was a leaf, or something. Conical poo. Interesting concept.
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