Friday, October 20, 2006

Feeble snippets

* Every time I work on these snippets, I think, "Who cares what I think."

* Having control over your life is an illusion, albeit a comforting one.

* Useless things: fear, anger, self-pity and regret.

* The more you "need" to win the lottery, the less you should participate.

* Why, if the plural of woman is women, do we change the pronunciation of the first vowel? Shouldn't it be spelled wimmen?

* In the end, it will be ego that destroys the world.

* Lately, I've really been wishing that I could replace my emotions with indifference. Is there a pill for that?

* I had one of those dreams where you stop and go, "Hey, wait a minute, this could be a dream I'm having. (pinching arm) No, no this is real alright."


Jack said...


I like how you think.

And you make me think.

No pill yet, sorry.

But mine are close. lol

Anonymous said...

a) I do, for one. Maybe I don't count, but I do, nonetheless.
b) true
c) absolutely
d) see c
e) Is Tornwordo just a pen name? Are you really George Bernard Shaw?
f) Ego has been working to that end ever since the "apple"
g) Don't EVER do that!
h) frightening! Sometime I try to convince myself that I'm dreaming now and any minute I will wake up and the nightmare will be over.

You and Spouse have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the Snippets. Matt Dillion of Gunsmoke said, "A man who says he's never afraid is a fool". I wouldn't want to erase all my emotions it is what makes us human. Am I awake or am I just dreamig that I'm awake? (pinches self) Oww! but what if I'm just dreaming that I pinched myself? Hahaha! you guys have a great weekend in spite of the weather. Hugs and more.

Timmy said...

"In the end, it will be ego that destroys the world."

I could not agree more!

Anonymous said...

I love your snippets! And I agree on your four emotions that are useless - but I think you forget worry... and you are right - ego kills many thing...

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

could do with a pill for most things :>)

souns like you got the blues

St. Dickeybird said...

1. Your readers do. Otherwise, we wouldn't be your readers.

2. Very true.

3. Add jealousy.

4. Nobody but me and my wife should participate, at least until we've won.

5. The English language is not well put together.

6. Ego can be blamed for most of the bad things so far.

7. Not a pill, a ring. A wedding ring.

8. Normally when I decide that i'm in a dream, I wake up and pinch Wifezilla.

ps. joking on 7.

Anonymous said...

Fear, anger, self-pity and regret. Holy shit, you just described me! Apparently I have some work to do on myself!

We care what you think tootsiepop, otherwise we'd be over at - HA!

Emotions are what separates us from the animals, and not just the ones in bed.

(Again, I shouldn't post comments before I have had even a sip of coffee!)

Polt said...

I LOVE snippets, sweetie! I care what you think!

Ego destroys the world = george w. bush. *sigh* sad....

It looks good for the mid-term elections though...maybe we can get a democratic congress to help put the brakes on his crap...

HUGS and stuff...

Snooze said...

So agreed about the lottery. It should be for fun: when people plan their lives around the big pay-off that never comes, it's just sad.

CoffeeDog said...

Pill for indifference? I think it's called Thorazine! lol

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS look forward to your snippets... where do you think I stole the idea for my Sunday Snippets from...

- Again, I care
- Having control over ANYTHING is an illusion
- Add worry to that list...
- Why not pronounce woman "woe-man"?
- When you find that, write me an Rx please...
- Happens all the time...

mainja said...

*big hug*

Anonymous said...

Well when I was at university in the early 90's, they did change the spelling to wimmen, womyn, and every other imaginable spelling.

Doug said...

Control what you can, accept or ignore what you can't.

mmmm....plural of man....*drool*


Anonymous said...

Hey, I not only like how you think, I love how you write and you've more readers than you think.

Kevin said...

Every time I work on these snippets, I think, "Who cares what I think."

I think that every day.

Lately, I've really been wishing that I could replace my emotions with indifference. Is there a pill for that?

It's called ApathexDM.

bob said...

I was on Prozac for awhile several years ago. it totally made me not care about anything. I hated it.

GayProf said...

I care.

madamerouge said...

Useless things: fear, anger, self-pity and regret

All emotions are valid. When they are translated into action or behaviour, then we can bring valuation into the equation.

madamerouge said...
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Enemy of the Republic said...

I just did something similar, but more verbose on my blog. I think your statement on ego is right on.

dawn said...

I care what you think. But then again, I'm easily amused.

Most useless thing: Blame

There isn't a pill, but there is pot, and that seems to do pretty well in the elimination of everything besides the intense desire to snack and laugh.

A Bear in the Woods said...

Oh please don't leave us ordinary drudges in the lurch, toiling away at our mundane little tasks. We need to know that you care. Maybe you can go for a tone of Serene Detachment. That way, we still can have our hope that, if we try hard enough, we can motivate you to act benevolently on our behalf.
Hang in there tiger, it will get better for you.
Sending several hugs your way.

dirk.mancuso said...

You have no idea how many of us care what you think.

Have a great weekend!

S said...

There isn't a pill, but I can show you a few bottles.