Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More whining

Pornstar is awol now. This would be great news if all his stuff weren't clogging up OUR garage and OUR basement. We call, he doesn't answer, we leave messages, he doesn't return calls.

So we changed all the locks.

Oh and three of the four tenants all came up with excuses why they didn't have the rent yet. Here are the three excuses:

1. My roommate didn't get his unemployment check.
( We replied that your roommate isn't on the lease, so it's not our problem, it's yours.)
2. I twisted my ankle.
( Do you need a ride to the bank?)
3. I made a mistake and misbudgeted.
( Okay, it happens, but it's not a great way to start with the new owners.)

Looks like we have to brush up on our "tough love" skills.

I'm having a heck of a time getting caught up on blogs and finding time to write anything of note. Bear with me during this transition period.


Lemuel said...

It sounds like you guys will need Ph.D.'s in "tough love". Good luck and be firm! Errr...ummm... ***grin***

Anonymous said...

Have an eviction notice sent to them then they will miraculously come up with the rent. Also, send them notice that from now on late penalties will be assessed and added to what they owe. If you let them slide by they will only come up with excuses more and more. Hang tough, guys.

Jack said...

Looks like pornstars family is living in the building.

As for his stuff, check with La regis du logement. I'm sure they'll tell you the LEGAL way to get his stuff out quick.

Hang in there. I'll buy you guys a few beers at the next happy hour.

The Persian said...

That last excuse is priceless! I mean what a thing to say to your landlord.

St. Dickeybird said...

It's hard, but you'll need to be "business-cold" with this place. After all, that's what it is.
And this is a larger version of why Wifezilla and I don't just rent out our current house instead of selling it.

Kevin said...

Take your time. We'll be here. The important thing is to get the money from your deadbeat tenants! :)

Anonymous said...

For #3: You misbudgeted and I "mis-rented."

GayProf said...

Did PornStar select these tenants? It might explain a lot. Also, given his own lack of life-skills, he might have been a pretty flexible landlord.

Blogs are supposed to be a hobby, not another commitment. Relax and go with the flow.

Anonymous said...


Petie said...

How long before you can went through Pornstar's stuff and keep what you wants?

I concurred with spider's comment, Yard Sale!

Enemy of the Republic said...

I'll bear with you. Your life sounds sufficiently challenging. And I think Em makes a good point.

Chunks said...

Upside to all this shit is that your new digs are frigging fabulous! I love it! Is there a guest room?

If I were you I would demand that all the tenants give you six months' worth of post-dated cheques for you to keep on file. I was a landlady once and I learned real fast that people screw nice people right in the ear, if given half a chance. So I was a bitch. I had a pretty good head start on that bitch thing though, so it's not like they turned me INTO one, I just had to step into that role an awful lot more.

A Bear in the Woods said...

If Dave trained all your former tenants, the prognostication is not sunny and clear.
I've resolved not to fall in love with anyone named Dave anymore. He's going to have to be pretty fabulous to overcome the Karma that names carries for me now.
Take your time getting back in gear, although you are missed... Your absence only makes our hearts grow fonder of you.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I have heard or ever used the misbudgeting excuse before. As nice as my landlord is, I dooubt he would go for that one! Good Lucj and be firm!

A Bear in the Woods said...

oh yeah, and any cool sex toys you find in Someones belongings, can I have first bid?

Kalv1n said...

You make me feel like such a good tenant! I don't envy your position.

Petie said...

Daniel are you sure you wanna buy the sex toys? Don't you mind that they were probably been used already :P

Sunshine said...

Geez, what's wrong with these people? Are you renting out your place to adults or kindergarten kids??? *incredulous head shake*

dpaste said...

You know I love you guys, but I can't help wondering what the comments would look like if you were the tenant and you provided us with the full backstory of why the rent was late, and then told us about the hard-ass response of the landlord.

My guess is that all the above folks would be chiming in with comments about what a prick your landlord is.

Just a thought.