* I tweaked my back. How? Putting on my socks. What next, spraining my shoulder raising the cup of coffee to my lips?
* It's Friday the 13th. I don't believe in the unlucky bit. Both the day and date are imaginary names we agree on for organizational purposes. Since they are imaginary, luck has nothing to do with it.
* If you put any cow substances into my coffee, I will not drink it.
* Here's why you shouldn't send restaurant food back simply because you don't like it. You waste food ( the sent back plate must be thrown away, by law) people's time (the server and cook's) and money. (The restaurant serves two plates but is only remunerated for one.) So. If you order something that you've never tried before and you don't like it, the only person who should pay for that journey into "self discovery" is you.
* If they could put diesel exhaust as an incense, I'd buy it. I love that smell.
* How is toilet paper like the Starship Enterprise? It rings Uranus in search of Klingons. (remember that one?)
* Snow. Splendid Nuggets Of Winter or Spring's Nasty Offensive Waste. (I'm lame at reverse acronyms)
* Here's what it looked like when I got home from work.

In 1995 I threw out my back fetching 3 t-shirts from a clothes dryer. I was flat for a week. I do not doubt that one can do it putting on socks.
They are calling for a nor'easter this weekend here.
1. Beautiful.
2. Haha, if you sprain your jaw, let us know!
3. My mum had a successful brain operation on Friday the 13th. I don't believe either.
4. Me neither
5. I agree wholeheartedly.
6. Ew. Pot as incence though...
7. Hhahahahaha
8. #2.
9. Yikes, that's upsetting.
I just saw the same sunrise, here in Atlanta. Beautiful here, too, an orange ball of fire in a cloudless baby blue sky.
It is the coldest April in over One Hundred years so far. So where is that Global Warming when we need it? Ed
Actually, I won't even send it back if it's wrong for those same reasons. I hate waste even if it means not telling the server the order was incorrect. (Or it could have been I didn't speak clearly enough) That is unless it's something I really don't like or something I had my heart set on.
And I'm with you on car exhaust. It must have been due to walking through gas stations on the way to grade school.
Sorry about the weather, but your photos are so lovely.
So if someone throws a New York Strip Steak into your coffee, you're saying you won't drink it?????
Although I agree with you on the restaurant thing, I bet you get a few people that disagree with you.
Jason (waiter for 8+ yrs).
the smell of diesel fuel is just foul to me. typical ol' unleaded though... love it. hey gas is $2.95 a gallon here, i gotta get a little extra pleasure from it.
Just to clarify, I never send something back if I ordered it and don't like it. I've eaten many a poorly chosen entree. I only, and rarely, send it back if it is wrong. This is especially the case if I've requested a change to the order for dietary reasons. If I ask them to hold the bacon bits on some potato skins and the dish arrives with bacon, I send it back.
Would you object if someone, who is allergic to fish, orders a Caesar Salad and asks them to hold the anchovies and if that is not done, sends the dish back? Or because they have an allergy they just have to suffer, or never have a Caesar salad out, and it's too much to ask that a waiter and a kitchen hold the anchovies?
Just want to see if there are qualifications or if it's a hard and fast rule for you.
capturing a sunrise is so hard. at least where i live.
I drink my coffee black. As of yet, I have not suffered an injury while consuming it.
Still, I once threw my back out watching t.v. Yes, the mere act of sitting wrenched it out of place.
that Starship one was great!
David has a point. I'm allergic to Seafood, Peanuts, and Chocolate. So Your saying I should just eat it and die quietly? O.K. but won't you feel a little guilty?
As I said yesterday, if the kitchen or server makes an error preparing your order (ie forgets to remove what the customer requested be removed)then you have every right to refuse it. I'm just saying that if you've never tried steak tartar and then it comes and you don't like it because it's raw or whatever, then no, you should not send it back.
Tucsonans are shivering, as it's down into the 70's here.
But don't worry, you know we'll make up for it with a verngeance this summer.
I would think most good restaurants would have a vested interest in ensuring that their customers enjoy their meals-and that may involve offering to get you something else if they find that you dislike what you ordered (& you're not being an asshole about it).
I'm totally with you on the Friday the 13th thing.
Cow substances? I'll have to use that in a sentence sometime. Expect a royalty check in the mail. ;)
Hope your back feels better.
You should live where I live,if you like the smell of diesel! Half the vehicles up here are big diesel hemis, blowing their stink all over. Gag.
Fresh sundried linen. Now that's a smell!
I can't believe the amount of snow! I love winter, but enough already.
Looks like your Saturday is going as well as mine. I'm off to the funeral viewing of an old friend. It is raining here. A gloomy day.
I don't ever send anything back. Hell I don't even tell them what I don't want on stuff, just because I don't want to be high maintenance. So I end up picking stuff off and going with whatever I'm given. I don't like to make waves in food places. Maybe cause I used to be one of the people making the food...
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