Friday, April 27, 2007


* Andy Rooney had a great line last week: "You can't be a writer without being a thinker. This is depressing for writers."

* I've figured out what I want to be when I grow up - retired.

* I've been showing "Transamerica" in class this week. Everyone has loved it. Great flick.

* In other movie news, I picked up the film "A Touch of Class" at the library. This was the first film that made me cry. It still does.

* Repackage "the power of positive thinking" and you've got "the Secret".

* I've started reading "The DaVinci Code". I know I'm behind on the times. The plot is very compelling, but I have issues with sentences such as these: He advanced, radiating a fiery clarity that forecast his reputation for unblinking severity in all matters. Christ, can't you just say he looked mean? I find sentences like that to be masturbatory and contrived.

* I used to want fame and fortune. Now I just want peace and fortune.

* The adage "practice makes perfect" is simply untrue. Talent plays a role as well.

* Serge surprised me yesterday when he came home sporting a new do.


Anonymous said...

As one who is "folicly challanged" (Is that a word?) I say - O Serge! You had hair for me to die for! Why?

Snooze said...

I like Serge's look and I love your take on the DaVinci Code. I haven't read it yet either.

Jack said...

Read Angels and Demons instead.

Did Serge do this so he could wear wigs and be the "woman" of your dreams from his dream? lol

St. Dickeybird said...

Serge looks good bald!
I've read two of Dan Brown's books, and found them both quite masturbatory. And not in that good way, in the way you describe.

Cincy Diva said...

Thank goodness Serge has a good head for no hair. Have a great weekend!

Brechi said...

Felicity Huffman was good :)

dantallion said...

Spouse's new do looks great on him.

Jason said...

I'm going to check out that movie that made you cry. Never heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Great bullets. Peace and Fortune... how true. I feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Serge would be cute no matter how his hair is!

GayProf said...

What is "fiery clarity?" I could see "fiery intensity" or "fiery determination." But is fire thought of as being clear?

Eh -- What do I know?

Somebody gave me a copy of this book over a year ago. I haven't yet cracked it.

dpaste said...

I guess I'm not such a picky reader. I enjoyed the book. I found some of the arguments a little specious, but still found it compelling. If descriptive sentences go on too long, I just gloss over them.

I like your take on practice makes perfect. I could practice juggling until I died, I just have no aptitude.

Um, not crazy about the new Serge "do." Fighting a case of head lice?

Patricia said...

i am up to here with hearing about the secret. blech. you're right. it's nothing new and people are acting as if it is an original thought.

i like the new 'do but it freaks me out when my hubs just comes home newly shorn, too.

Anonymous said...

I just ignored the masturbatory writing style. What really pissed me off was the Cinderella ending. Such perfection! Gak.

The video made me laugh. I miss you guys. Sigh.

anabel said...

I never did catch the answer to why? in the video.

I liked Transamerica too.

Mark in DE said...

I thougth Transamerica was a fantastic film. I'm sure I wrote about it in my blog after seeing it in the theatre, not long after Brokeback Mountain came out. I remember seeing both films and thinking that Transamerica was the better of the two, despite the fact that Brokeback swept the Oscars that year.

Anonymous said...

I like Serge's new look. I want to run my hands over his head and feel his head against my stomach. and then...Oh I forgot that is Torn's job. Tell Serge he is such a hottie! Ed

Chunks said...

I love it when Serge is trying to be all cool and gets all giggly instead. His eyes are laughing way before the rest of him and that to me is very endearing. He looks cute bald.

Masturbatory and contrived. Couldn't you just say shitty? hahahh!

A Bear in the Woods said...

Ooh, Serge as a suedehead. sexy. Now if he would pose holding a cigarette in the European manner, you'd have to bolt the door against the avalanche of eager twinks.

DaVinci Code is such awful drek. His prose doesn't even make sense. I'm wondering who he blew to get his stuff published.

A Bear in the Woods said...

Oh, and I forgot my real comment!

On his first trip to New York, the famous pianist and composer Rachmaninoff didn't know where anything was located. When he finally got a taxi, he asked the driver, "Do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?". The taxi driver is reported to have said, "Practice, my boy, practice!".

Doug said...

I never want to grow up.

I loved Transamerica, too. I'm glad your class is enjoying it.

I wonder if Serge's reason for shaving his head is masturbatory.

If a lab tech works in a laboratory, who works in a masturbatory?

(repeat the beginning of this comment)

Perplexio said...

Are you going to follow up your showings of Transamerica with showings of Cowabunghole-- the porn flick mentioned briefly in Transamerica towards the end?
j/k of course...

Seriously though, have you ever seen Normal? Any intention of showing that one in class? I will say Felicity Huffman is a much more attractive TS than Tom Wilkinson...