Anyway, there were some materials left over so we decided to take them back to Home Depot. Since we were going to Home Depot, Serge wanted to show me the lamp shop he had discovered while I was in California. It's in an industrial park East of here. There were a couple of lamps (we've been shopping for a lamp for a whole year now to put above the dining table we bought last year. Until now, there have just been wires dangling out of the ceiling) that we liked but of course they were out of our price range.
We left the store and headed up to Home Depot but since it was nearing lunch time, I suggested stopping at the nearby Costco for a poutine. Now who could resist such a fine idea? Not us. So then we were scarfing down our hotdogs and poutine and Serge says that since we're here we have to walk through the store. I said okay but no cart. That way we'll have to really want to buy it to carry it around the store. Serge insists on walking every aisle and I don't mind, it's fun hanging out with the spouse sometimes. We had a lively debate over the words need and want and I guess I held forth since we actually left the store without spending anything, er, except for lunch. Please admire, won't you, our restraint and skillful delayed gratification technique.
So we finally made it into Home Depot and returned the things and of course Serge said we had to walk the store. I protested reminding him that just last week we did the Home Depot walkthrough when we bought the stuff for the bathroom remodel. He held forth this time and we spent a long time in the lighting aisle and I found a stained glass lamp that I liked because the colors matched our living room. Surprisingly Serge said okay. After a whole year of checking lighting it was a very pleasant reply. Serge then said we had to buy a dimmer, but instead he grabbed a package of two dimmers. "In case I scrap the first one," he tells me and I remember that it's true, he tends to explode dimmers and thermostats trying to get the wiring right. (When we got home, he discovered that he already had a brand new double package of dimmers unopened. It was impossible for me not to berate him, but he told me to shut up since it was on his credit card. I couldn't argue with that.)
Then there was terrible traffic, it seemed like everyone in the city was out and about. I suggested checking out the pound and surprisingly Serge said okay and we headed across town. It was really sad in there but there was one dog that I liked and when I knelt down, she stuck out her paw and touched my arm. Here she is. Serge was very stern though and said we still had to wait. If I find out she's going to be euthanized, I'm getting her though. She's been there for two months already (it's the spca) so I can't imagine they'll wait much longer.
Finally, we got home from our ten minute errand, five hours later. Then the lighting installation took forever and was a pain in the butt. And for once, he didn't scrap a dimmer. He did nearly kill himself, but he would solidly deny that. (I heard a terrible cry from the other room that made me jump up, my heart in my throat, and run in to see what happened. I'm pretty sure he got a terrible shock but he acted (nervously, evasively) like nothing happened.) He futzed with the mounting and the electricity for five hours before he gave up on getting the wiring right. Then on Sunday morning his dad called and gave him the answer to the electrical mystery. Even he had to sleep on it before it came to him. Behold the new dining room light.

The light looks fabulous. You made a wonderful choice. I'm still trying to figure out what poutine is. I could look it up, but I figure it would be more enlightening to ask you.
You need that dog!
Lovely! And, what a CUTE puupy!
I used to play around with wiring and such until I got shocked the first time after having my defibrillator installed. The shock from the wire added to my defib knocked me back at least a foot and hurt like hell. NEVER AGAIN, unless all the power is turned off. All the power for the whole city!! I've got several project lined up if there's another hurricane this year!
Beautiful lamp. I really enjoyed this post. It makes me grin to think of you and Serge wandering through various stores and shops, debating "want" and "need". And I'm just thrilled to hear that you are, at least, browsing for puppies. (She's beautiful, btw)
I want you to get the dog. Serge should relent. The dog needs and wants you both. Please.
(and the lamp is wonderful and I love your blog)
I am awed by your restraint. If I ever were to walk into a Costco and leave without purchasing anything, the universe would collapse.
By the way, I do not think that "hold forth" means what you think it means.
That dog needs you.
Two thoughts:
1. I dig that light...a LOT!!
2. I HATE HATE HATE those kinds of days, the running around, the not being at home, etc.
You need to go back and get the doggie. The fact that she extended her paw was a cry for rescuing her...She said "Please, take me with you". You would find out soon how much happiness a dog will bring to your (and Serge's) life.
Serge has been outvoted. That cutiepie dog needs you, and you need that dog. My dog-hating husband finally realized what sweeties they are and loves our pup. (But he still moans, "Why does she keep following me?!" Maybe it's the treats he keeps giving her. Duh.)
And as a former power shopper, I do in fact admire your restraint and skillful delayed gratification technique.
My Two cents: The dog looks Awesome! Why make her stay in jail any longer? What if you are not informed in time to save her?; things(dogs) can tend to slip through the cracks at those places.
I bet you both have been thinking of her all day today.
I wasn't going to comment but my word verification is noteworthy - "harbur".
That was exhausting. I'd have to take a sedative if my spouse played with electricity.
Get the dog.
I like the lamp.
If you felt an instant bond with that dog, I would probably push harder for her. Black labs are sweet dogs.
Nice lamp! I had to chuckle on the install thing.
I know how to do wiring so it's maybe an hour project at most to install a new light.
I'm also smart enough to do it during the day and cut the main power to the place when I do so. Even practice the one hand method where possible.
Very nice lamp. Crappy day. All's well that ends well, though, right?
Are you guys going to any Rogers Cup tennis this week?
I do the same thing when Derwood is wiring lights in. Sit patiently and wait for the THUD of his electrified body hitting the ground...
Get the dog and then you can sing Little Jeannie to her! Seriously! She looks adorable! You just tell that Serge if he gets to walk through Costco AND Home Depot in one day you should get to have the dog.
Helping with some wiring in India, I discovered that turning the electricity off there doesn't necessarily mean it's off. I've gotten enough stray voltage and other shocks over the years, though, that I'm generally *very* careful. And I've never blown out a dimmer.
The dog is a cutie. I'd tend to think that an SPCA in Canadia would have less need to euthanise, but I've also had a bit of experience with the quebecois mindset on pets. Had a particularly upsetting case recently where the husband of a family didn't want to spend money on their very sick dog and he (the dog) died what was almost certainly an unpleasant death overnight. Then the husband was just going to find someplace at the RV park to bury the dog, so he wouldn't have to spend money on disposal of remains.
I love the lamp. It fits the space perfectly.
I agree with everyone that the dog needs to come home with you. However, until you're both in a place where you're ready to bring one home, you can't go window shopping again. My heart can't take it! Seriously, it's why I don't go to the shelters because I know there's no such thing as "just looking" without having my heart ripped out.
At least I don't over dramatize.
Please get the dog!
I was going to write about need and want, but all I can say is... BRING GENIE HOME!!!!
Statistically those black dogs are harder to find homes - as no one wants them.
All based on weird psychological profiles - so you'd be doing a great thing x10 by adopting her.
Blobby is right. Black dogs just don't get adopted as often.
She's lovely.
The lighting looks great. Be sure to keep us posted on the pooch.
You know very well you are going to get that cute pooch. Why wait?
Have you two 'mos never watched a home improvement show on TV? You should always turn off the power to the light fixture and/or switch before swapping either out.
The new light looks nice.
Futzing. Heh.
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