Sunday, October 22, 2006

Letting myself go

I worked out for the first time in 5 weeks yesterday. I haven't skipped workouts for such a duration in, well, forever. This morning, my chest and arms are carpets of pain. I've learned to appreciate this pain, as it usually indicates some kind of gain. Five weeks of atrophying muscles did make me weaker, but oddly, not flabbier. That would be because I've lost a good 10 pounds at the same time. My secret? Gut-wrenching stress to remove hunger. Try it, it works!

In other physical news, I've fallen out of a decades long habit. Manscaping. You know, the trimming (not shaving!) of unruly hair about the body. Sure it's vain, but no more so than a lady who plucks her eyebrows. Anyway, as I said, I've let things slide and now "down there", I have a thicket befitting of Liberace's head. The goods aren't quite entirely obscured, but with perspective, the merchandise appears, shall we say, more inferior. And my tits look like two sand dollars on a dirty barber shop floor. Quite fetching. My armpit hair is macramé -able length, and my happy trail is so bushy it protrudes between my shirt buttons.

At least spouse isn't complaining.


Jack said...


And they say I'm a worrywart!

Keep thetraining up and EAT!

You didn't have any fat to lose as it was.

Anonymous said...

Of course Spouse doesn't mind. A man don't mind going through a little brush to get to a picnic!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're working out again. I think working out is a much healthier plan over all than the stress. In fact my experience is that the workout may help you deal better with the stress. So keep it up. I'm with ?! tho, from the pics I've seen, you did not have that much too lose. If you want to lose, I can let you have some of mine. It would be win-win for both of us! LOL!

As for the manscaping, I'm not sure that I'm reading into this your desire to return to it or your willingness to forego it. I loved jgm and ed's comments, and if Spouse doesn't seem to mind... I'm sure when you and Spouse are doing your thing that the giant Sequoia rises above the tops of the tress of the rainforest. Inferior, never! There is something to be said about the element of mystery and surprise.

Petie said...

I agreed with the first comment by jgm, we demand some photographic evidenceS :)

toobusyliving said...

Well I've always said that manscaping, if well execued, can always add "an inch".

Anonymous said...


Mon boss m'a donné de l'orignal!
Maintenant que t'es poilus, en manger pourrais te donner du panache !

Parle s'en à ton Spou, peux-t'être le week-end prochain à St-lambert ?
S'il fait froid, nous allumerons le foyer pour la première fois de l'automne.

mainja said...


nice visuals!

Adam said...

I stopped working out for a 6 weeks and I lost 25lbs. I'm just now back at the gym. Its good to break the routine every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I need some stress in my life jeans are all getting too tight.

The whole manscaping thing left me speechless momentarily. I can understand the trimming. We'll all look like white gorillas in the nursing home someday.

(Again, posting before coffee.)

toobusyliving said...

I wanna be in St lambert with a nice roaring fire!

GayProf said...

I doubt that you are the hairy, weak, anorexic you present in this post.

We all go through periods when we lose track of the gym and our clippers get tucked away for a bit of time. It's only natural, esp when you have many other things on your mind.

Anonymous said...

Like the other readers, I am not sure I am going to believe these statements without at least a video to substantiate them...

madamerouge said...

looks like we have a consensus for your return to HNT!

Snooze said...

No excuses - get back to manscaping. Love that term,btw.

Sunshine said...

LOL - I was eating breakfast when I read this. Kept thinking there was hair mixed in with my cereal in my mouth. :P

The Persian said...

I used to clip, but now rarely do. I'm half Persian and nearly half Sicilian, you can imagine what that would indicate.

I think body hair is very attractive.

Don't clip off too much!


Anonymous said...

I so have to get laid soon.

Doug said...

I can do macrame. Do you want beads in it?

A Bear in the Woods said...

I'm intrigued and frankly excited by this new and earthier model of my favorite sticky crow.
Perhaps your new hirsute adornment is a fitting accompaniment to your serene, semi-divine detachment from the mundane cares of daily life. Sort of transmuting from an Apollo figure to the more exciting Gilgamesh(he was into wrestling).
In short, I Want Pictures!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

phoptographic evidence!!! now there's a thought!!

St. Dickeybird said...

I worked out yesterday for the first time in over a year.
I feel your pain.

S said...

You know, you just made me laugh (at you).

That's bad, I know. I'm horrible. But, those descriptions are hysterical... so in a way, it's all your fault!

dpaste said...

While manscaping isn't always necessary, if the hairs are poking through the shirt then maybe you do need to pay a little attention to that. Also, there nothing wrong with giving the goods a little more breathing room. I say leave the pit hair alone, but that's just my personal preference.

Nitram said...

I love hairy guys, we need more of those...

Patricia said...

careful with those scissors. you could put an eye out.