Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Garbage day

Let's see. We have a leak in the garage (which we're avoiding presently) and the main drain backed up in the building (the emergency service - read *expensive*- actually blamed dental floss). I think I'm on record saying that when life gives me lemons, I pretend there are no lemons. However, it's a little harder to take this view when life is pummeling you with them. I know, I know, I made my choices, now deal with it. Join the chorus in my head, won't you?

I squeeze out a few happy moments, don't worry. Funny how work has suddenly become a sheltered cove where events unfold exactly as I predict. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who felt more comfortable at work than at home. But there you have it, still learning shit about myself. Hard shit. Deep shit. I don't want to talk about it.

Yesterday, I was served breakfast by a lady in a nun's habit. She said, "The usual?" and I nodded. I burned the roof of my mouth on the breakfast potatoes. As you can see, the rest of the day fell in line likewise.

Today just has just got to be better!


Snooze said...

Dental floss? Wow. Now I've heard everything. I guess that makes sense seeing as how hair can clog a drain, but I've never heard of good dental hygiene screwing up the drains.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Torn! We're not joining the chorus in your head. We're joining with you in singing the verses.

Lemons? Qu'est-ce que lemons? I don't see any lemons either.

Here's hoping today is a brighter day for you!

toobusyliving said...

I didn't think dental floss was "big" in Quebec....just kidding amd hope you have a great day.

madamerouge said...

Honey, start mixing up some Whiskey Sours! (Ugh. That was greeting-card-like.)

Jack said...
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Jack said...

Dental floss!?


And I'm the pope!?

I think your previous friend dropped a few things in. Or maybe the stripper lost his g-string!?

Served by a nun and it was hot as hell!? lol

I'm sure today will be better.

At least it's been sunny for the last two days. Did you get a sunrise this morning?!

Anonymous said...

That self exploration stuff sucks... hope your journey is a positive one...

Anonymous said...

I am convinced there is money to be made in opening a diner with nuns as waitresses. I'd go. It would somehow cheer me up and I'm not even religious.

Anonymous said...

Do you want my recipe for upside down lemon chiffon cake?

When life gives me lemons, if I can't bake something right away with the lemons, then I sweep them under the rug until one day I trip on them and yell out to the kids "Who left their goddamn lemons lying around?!"

Think of this when life is getting you's finally cold enough for me to poop scoop frozen ones...YIPPEE!

Patricia said...

since lemons make one's lips pucker... (what an odd word. pucker pucker pucker, yup, it's a weird word) i hope you and spouse can put all that puckering to some good use. as my grandpa used to say: it's good for what ails ya.

Anonymous said...

I never heard of anybody putting dental floss down a drain, what morons.
A nun served you breakfast? Maybe she is trying to kick the habit. Sorry. I am so sorry.
A nun, who delivered home health care to the elderly, ran out of gasoline. She walked to the nearest station but they had nothing to carry gas in. She went back to her car and got a bedpan. She filled it with gasoline and carried it back to her car. As she was pouring it in, a couple of guys came by in a truck. As they watched the Nun pour in the gasoline one of the guys said, "If that car starts I'm turning Catholic!"

dpaste said...

Sending you a big, supportive hug. This too shall pass. Lemons have lots of vitamin C and make you stronger.

A Bear in the Woods said...

I'm my way to the bus station now. I'm bringing my shovel, so I can help you shovel some of that deep, hard shit out of there, so that we can bring some of those clear, balmy days back into your spiritual landscape.

Anonymous said...

The Answer to Life's Lemons

1.5 oz Vodka
.5 oz Triple Sec
1 tsp super fine sugar
3/4 oz freshly squeezed life lemons

Shake or stir...either way you get one fantastic lemon drop. And the more you drink these, the less you care about life's lemons.

The Persian said...

Dental floss? really? I once had a backup because my son flushed Paper towels on a regular basis. What a disaster.

Ever use those amazing little individual pic flossers? I like them much better.

GayProf said...

So, people were flushing the dental floss? Putting it down the sink? I am confused by why one would do this.

I am really sorry that you are having a rough patch right now. Sometimes I think that our lives go through little cycles of suck.

Chin up, little trooper.

dawn said...

Oh, the joys of ownership. You sound overwhelmingly chipper about them.

You know things are going well when the breakfast potatoes are pissing you off.

dirk.mancuso said...

I hate when you burn the roof of your mouth and their is that little piece of skin hanging down and your tongue can't stop going there because of the hannging flesh.

Very disturbing.