Thursday, December 07, 2006

Off the cuff

There's nothing going on here. Work, work, work, rush, rush, rush. I got quite a lot done yesterday, little of which is blogworthy. We're coming up on the end of the session, so there are finals to grade and evaluations to pump out. Instead of thinking about all I have to do before the holidays (causing as it does anxiety and panic), I'm trying to just look at today, now. and "forgetting" what has to get done in the next two weeks. This is a strategy I'm not used to employing, but it seems to be working. Today is manageable. The rest of my life will come as it comes.

It's working so well that I forgot to think about what I would blog about today. oops. Well there you have it, off the cuff blogging at five am.

I'm putting snippets on my list for things to do today. See you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Well I am so glad that the snippets are on yout to do list - they always make my Friday...

Anonymous said...

Life is what happens while your busy living. Looking forward to the Friday Snippets. Don't dwell in the past or look to the future. Today is all we have. It is a wonderful gift, that is why it is called the present. Merry Christmas, Serge and Tornwordo.

The Lone Rangers said...

Good stradegy take care of today first....

St. Dickeybird said...

The only thing off-the-cuff at 5am is drippy and gooey.

Or was that TMI?

Nicki said...

omg, that comment just made my day.

Anonymous said...

I can't really think lately so off the cuff is better for me.

The not smoking is making me dizzy.

r said...

I'm feeling just behind in everything. If I tried to look at the whole picture, I'd probably pass out from the shock.

Anonymous said...

You got up at 5am?!

I'll try that for my mounting workload here too. Right now I'm frozen because of the volume of work.

anabel said...

As much as I like having relaxing days, I really enjoy the feeling that I got a lot done on any particular day.

I'm going to try out that "trying to look at just today." Thanks.

Timmy said...

I love snippets!

Patricia said...

selfishly, i hope many cool things sneak up and snippet you today! in a good way, of course.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say either...:o)

GayProf said...

Time is really going fast. I keep thinking that we are still in November.

Anonymous said...

Let me know if your new strategy works. I'm trying not to have a panic attack as we speak.

dawn said...

Off the cuff is difficult at 5 a.m., I'd imagine. Pretty much everything seems difficult at that hour to me.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Even an off the cuff blog from you, friend, is a pleasure to read. Enjoy your evening.

teh l4m3 said...

You could blog more about your boyfriend's "beard." Lol.