Sunday, December 24, 2006

Time's up!

I hope you're ready! I'm cookin' a turkey today for the in-laws. And stuffing, and pecan crusted sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole. Of course we have to clean the house too, but I'll leave spouse to that - I seem to be dirt-blind.

We went up yesterday to check on the cat. No water again. At least nude dancer left the ripped open sack of cat food on the floor for the poor thing. And the stench! Cleaned up the cat box (again) too. There was a long letter on his door from his ex. She was worried about him, knew things weren't going well and "please don't disappear like last time" and "please let me know your new address for real, not like the fake phone number you gave me". Also, she had received the divorce papers and she needed to talk to him. This put a human face on his situation (whatever it is) and I actually felt some pity for the guy. Still, we have a plan of action.

Next time we see him (we are changing the entrance code to the building to force him to ring our bell) we are going to give him three choices. Well one choice really, it's just the manner of proceeding. We are going to tell him that we want him out, and that we will get him out. 1. File a request for eviction with the rental board, as we have enough evidence now to support the request.(they are closed until Wednesday.) 2. We change the lock and empty his apartment. It will be up to him to sue us in civil court for wrongful eviction (once he's out, the rental board has no jurisdiction.)We also have a strong case to defend ourselves there. 3. You sign this paper cancelling the lease and you get out by the end of January. Don't pay us a thing, just sign the paper and get out.

I feel pretty strongly that he will jump at the chance for number three. But we'll have to see his reaction. This is my first goal of 2007 - get nude dancer out!

But I feel sad too, this is probably his worst Christmas ever.

I hope you and yours have a splendid holiday!


Anonymous said...

Dinner sounds excellent - what can I bring? I think you are being more than fair to ND - might I suggest that part of #3 is that he leaves Nude Cat with you - that way you all can find a good home for it - because you know the poor thing will suffer where ever he takes it.

Anonymous said...

I can smell the turkey and the sweet potatoes. What time do we eat? LOL!

May thoughts of nude dance pass from your mind for a day and may you rejoice (revel, even) in this day and every good thing it brings your way!

Anonymous said...

You are doing the right thing with dancer, actually the only thing. If you see him again, I think he will jump at number three although he will whine and cry and get you to let him stay until probably spring.
Have a merry Christmas, a happy Boxing Day, and a Jolly New Year!

Anonymous said...

i bet he's had worse christmases... and i bet each and every one of them were of his own making!!!! you can't help people unless they're willing to help themselves... i learned that the hard way... good luck... i have to go to the in-laws tonight... i'm thinking of scheduling a last minute root canal!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm cooking dinner today too, it will be the only chance we will all be able to be together, I hate this thing where your kids get older and start having their own lives.

ND probably will pick #3 but I would pull a #2 on him. He doesn't have the follow through to sue.

I hope you have a wonderful dinner with the in-laws. Will there be video?

dirk.mancuso said...

Dinner sounds fantastic! Is there no end to your talents? Teaching, blogging, videos, knitting, cooking...and the list goes on!

I agree with everyone else that #3 will most likely be Nude D's option of choice, but I like Spider's suggestion that the cat not go with him.

Merry Christmas, Torn!

bob said...

Merry Christmas and the happiest of nude-dancer-free New Years. x

Doug said...

Wow, dinner sounds wonderful! Have a Merry Christmas!

r said...

Turkey... mmmmm.

But, then again, I get the pierogi tonight. Wahoo!

I will send the GET OUT intentional thoughts towards nude dancer, a la "What the Bleep do we know?" movie.

Hope he gets out soon.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you are even offering Option 3. Isn't that just prolonging the whole thing? That doesn't sound like much fun.

But you know what does sound like much fun? TURKEY! And someone else cleaning!

Happy Holidays Torn.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Good luck with nude dancer...
Option #3 is extremely generous, I'm thinking he's have to be crazy not to jump on it...

Snooze said...

Option #3 is generous, but I worry he will trash the place. It makes me sad to think of his situation, but you've had enough dealing with it.

Anyhow, Merry Christmas! The dinner sounds delightful.

Joel said...

Just stopped by to wish you a very Merry christmas. I was JUST talking about you last night. One of Joel's classmates was in town and he married a Canadian. They have lived in Atlanta for 10 years however he just lost his jobs so in July they are moving to canada and he will become an immagrant. I thought of you and was telling him some of your story.

Anyway...wasn't The Devil Wears Prada awesome?

David said...

I guess, getting rid of Nude Dancer, is one goal that can happen in 2007.

You've been generous with him, and as stated above, while you could feel sorry for him about the divorce, most of his issues seem to be of his making.

But human nature is not to ask for help, even when it seems you are in desperate need of it.

ND has yet to hit bottom -though he seems to be very close to it. Maybe, ironically, evicting him will be the final straw.

Well, I hope you and the spouse have a wonderful Christmas.

All the best.

dpaste said...

Good luck. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for the dancer. Sorry you have to be the heavy here.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the only nude dancer you have to encounter during 2007 is Serge dancing for you!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. You're being very generous to him. Just be clear there's no option 4. And, Merry Christmas, guys.

Patricia said...

i know i'm so very, very behind the times in my comments here. but i hope your christmas dinner tasted as good as your descriptions and that you had a wonderful holiday. merry late christmas!