Friday, December 01, 2006

Snippets n photos

* Interspersed with other snippets are some shots from my 45 minute walk during my break yesterday.

* I believe I have hurryitis. I've had it since I was a boy, wolfing down my food. "Taste your food!" my mother would shriek say at every meal.

* Remember giggling at the word "masticate"?

* In Quebec the equivalent for the derogatory American English term "faggot" is "tapette", which literally means "flyswatter". Makes about as much sense as a bundle of sticks.

* Shouldn't exterior holiday lights be banned? I mean all we hear the rest of the year is about the importance of energy conservation.

* A friend of mind once told me that when your "gaydar" goes off, to be careful, as there is always a second possibility - German tourists.

* Always note wind direction and intensity before peeing outdoors.


Jack said...

Very nice shots.

Anonymous said...

Right, we Germans are worst ... ;-)
Very nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

To rian - I thought that was "wurst". :)

Anyway... yes, great shots! In particular I like the last one of the "gasse" (alley). I'll reserve comment on the one above it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great set of photos! The dildos on a rack are a little freaky.
Is the third photo of a religious statue?

Doug said...

Awesome pictures! Not sure what public place would have the dildos (wood?). Those aren't in your closet, are they? ;)

Bill Mahr suggested banning holiday lights. He got fired for making the suggestion (among other things).

Your last snippet is excellent advice. Also applicable when on a sailboat: note the heel of the ship.

Snooze said...

The statue in the third photo is fantastic. Great post. I had no idea that tapette literally meant flyswatter. I only knew it in its derogatory sense.

Anonymous said...

Ah! Le Vieux-Montréal. Lovely.

Timmy said...

nice pics! I love you, my little flyswatter!

St. Dickeybird said...

Along with wind direction and intensity, note the slope of the ground. That picture doesn't look safe for your shoes!

Great pics.

Anonymous said...

i always love your photographs.

Will said...

Words of wisdom for the ages. I've always had hurryitis myself. But in the last decade or so I've trained myself to slow down at dinner and juggle conversation with mastication. Even when I'm with German tourists. I like masticating with them very much.

Kevin said...

In Antigua, we saw an art shop (not a porn shop, an ART shop) that had a few wooden cocks for sale. Two of them were different types of bottle opener with the mechanism poking right out of the tip.


Anonymous said...

wooden weinies!!! stand in that store and say masticate three times fast!!!

Polt said...

BWahahaha....your last two snippets are so funny yet, so true!

And are those wooden dildos??? If so, for God's sake, where are you taking your walks???


Anonymous said...

What is the name of the piece of sculpture in the 3rd pic, and what is the 4th pic of? And I agree completely about the pissing in the wind issue...

dawn said...

Did you pee in that alley?

Your city is beautiful.

S said...

Ah oui. Un fagot.

That confused so many of us in French lit class.

dirk.mancuso said...

Hmmmm, pine penises and maple man-wangs...veddy interesting.

As for "hurryitis," my mother also told me to slow down and taste my food.

I love snippets. And the photos of your city.

dpaste said...

My mother begged me to eat more.

I usually keep the direction of the wind in mind when I am breaking my own.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a wooden wang give you slivers? Some of those looked a little dusty...

I can't believe you guys don't have snow yet!

Enemy of the Republic said...

Lovely photos. Ah, you men always have it better; we have to squat and use leaves. (comment on last photo)

Jane said...

Love the statues.

And your snippets as well.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Like the 3 chatty women

Bit like Beryl Cooke's paintings!ty

Nicki said...

Okay, I'm just going to come out and ask, as I'm sure everybody's wondering - where did you go that you saw that collection of wooden penises?

The other shots were lovely, as well.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone is being "mindful!"

In "Full Catastrophe Living" the authour talks about mindful eating - with raisins. I hate raisins and did it with pomegranate seeds, and it worked.

Patricia said...

i'm the slowest masticator you'll ever meet.

love the gargoyles.

dusty dongs are frightening. do they go limp in the afternoon? (get it? morning wood. ha! i crack myself up.)

the alley looks kinda scary. i wouldn't want to be there at night.