Thursday, December 28, 2006

This 'n that

Well we went to the rental board yesterday and filed the eviction request for nude dancer. He's been absent for over a week now, so we haven't had a chance to pitch options to him. The hearing won't be until the beginning of February, but I don't know if I'm willing to wait that long. We'll just have to see if he shows his face around here anymore. If he doesn't, we might just take things into our own hands and empty his place. At least the animal has been rescued. Yesterday, the SPCA came and took away the poor cat. They have to wait a while to see if the owner wants to claim it (hahahahaha), and then it will be put up for adoption. We had to send a certified letter to him informing him of the action taken but he will never get this letter, nor go to pick it up at the post office. He has a dozen such notices on his kitchen table amongst the detritus.

Some of you remarked about my skinniness in the videos. Well, that's what stress'll do for you, however real or imagined the stressors are. There was a day last week I forgot to eat dinner. Plain forgot. The following morning I was ravenous and realized I hadn't eaten in 20 hours. Don't worry though, I polished off the pumpkin pie yesterday and there's still the pecan pie and the ice cream log in the freezer to get through. A little insulating fat would be welcome about now as it has turned much colder.

Today we 86 the christmas tree and decorations. Ditto for the christmas music and left over sweet potatoes. We've eaten turkey at every meal since the 24th, and turned the remaining carcass into soup. Frankly, I'm sick of it now. (Still, it's amazing how many meals you can get out of a $20 bird.)


Anonymous said...

Tell you what! You can have some (any! ALL!) of my insulation anytime you want! As envious as I might be, Torn, you do need to eat and to eat well. As a stress eater myself, I can relate (but not recommend) your pumpkin pie diet. I hope you can find other relievers for the stress. I hope the nude dancer scenario is now on its way to resolution.

Timmy said...

mmmmm leftovers are sooo goooood!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're too skinny. Just about right, actually!

Anonymous said...

I agree with St. Dickeybird, you (and Serge) look fantastic.

Our once magnificent xmas tree is now just a bunch of sticks and needles on the debris pile, as it, too, was '86ed' yesterday. We do still have one small (Charlie Brown-sized) tree and some select decorations out in the den.

Turkey, turkey sandwiches, turkey salad, turkey soup, turkey stir fry ... the food that keeps giving and giving and......

Anonymous said...

I know quite a few people that switched from turkey to prime rib this Christmas. Unfortunately, I was not one of them.

vuboq said...

I'm glad the kitty is safe. I hope they can find it a good home.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Naked Cat finds a good home - I am glad he is out of that situation... and I hope once Naked Dancer is gone your stress level decreases significantly...

Anonymous said...

I wish I have your kind of stress... I gain like 6 kilos from my preferred weight :P

S said...

Ugh. Leftovers. So many leftovers.

Considering an aversion to turkey... but not stuffing. Definately not stuffing.


I've been on that diet, before. Lost five pounds in two days. Amazing results.

Anonymous said...

I'm like you, I lose weight when under stress. It's not that I forget to eat, it's that I am unable to eat and can't hold it down even if I manage to eat. It sucks.

I'm happy that Nude Cat has been rescued. I'm happy that this is the beginning of the end of Nude Dancer. Is it possible to keep all his belongings in storage and then sell them? The whole thing smacks of the movie 'Pacific Heights', smacks of it I tell ya.

r said...

stress making me lose weight?

ha ha ha ha...

Only time I lose weight is when I'm in the first fluffy moments of falling in love.

I've gained alot of weight in the last 8 years.

I'm scared to go back to Weight Watchers now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I find that stress and depression are great weightloss tools. Instead of going to Weight Watchers I just need someone to break my heart and I'll drop 20 pounds. Maybe Weight Watchers would be easier.

You have to wait till Feb? That makes no sense. Just throw his stuff out. The season of being peaceful and bright is officially over.

teh l4m3 said...

I wish I could forget to eat... Hey, you don't suppose it might have been ambient meth smoke drifting up from nude dancer's apartment that curbed your appetite, do you?

madamerouge said...

That cat was lucky to have you guys.

Nice xmas pics!

A Lewis said...

Oh my god, that Turkey thing can go on years, it seems like. So, I guess that nseaking into a nude dancer's place isn't as naughty or arousing as it sounds? You bad boys....but good for rescuing that poor little cat. Keep an eye on the stress thing,'ll kill ya. ...believe me, I know.

Anonymous said...

I just finished the last of our turkey this afternoon. Didn't think it was going to be possible, but I guess it was the last of this year's Christmas miracles. Congrats on the rescue & imminent departure of your stressor.

And I'm with Dawn on the best course of action considering the change of seasons.

A Bear in the Woods said...

Well, you look fabulous, but I hate to think of you going twenty hours sans food. You seem to have been building a slow "mad" for a while now. I hope hope hope you and Serge can find a creative outlet to release that, and, well, you know what I think the best outlet is...
Hopefully this will soon be over.
Merry belated Christmas and a better new year.

Snooze said...

You can tell you have worked in a restaurant. No one else would refer to 86-ing a Christmas tree. I love it.

dpaste said...

I wonder how long it will take for nude dancer to transform from a stress inducer to a mildly amusing anecdote? Hopefully very little time at all.