Spouse came home the other day raving about the new underwear he bought. He modeled them for me and I said, "Not bad, how much were they?" He said they were originally $50, but got them for $20 at the warehouse sale. I laughed, "For underwear!? That's against my religion." He talked about how they felt so good and snug and then he said, "Here, you try them on."

very nice - Happy HNT!
nice..undies do make the man!! that's the only thing I'll spend good money on
oh, yes! now, can you turn to the side? **EG**
WooHoo! I love Thursdays!
HAWT! nice undies! Serg did good!
What a hot early Christmas treat from Santa!!! I thought I had been a good boy all year long. GRIN
god i need to lose some weight.... lol...
So are they good and snug?
Same here, it's the only thing I'll spend good money on.
But I do always buy them on sale.
So... Did the undies felt as good as spouse said?
And does it felt good to be touch while in it as well? :P
Comfy underwear is worth any expense.
Everyday, my boys get a 16-hour snuggle, thanks to well-chosen undergarments.
Snug as a....well, fabulous. Glad spouse was so persuasive. I imagine he is just as persuasive when it comes to getting you to take off garments as well.
Happy HNT.
For that amt of money, those suckers better not turn out to be Indian Underwear. lol
You look good :-)
Worth every penny.
$50 for underwear?!
Argh... they better be encrusted with gold thread or something. Sheesh.
And well, you and underwear? I'm guessing you save a lot of money in that area.
The word YUM keeps coming to mind...
holy hotness batman!
Oh yes, it is a happy HNT indeed.
I was going to say "Spouse must have really hit the gym lately" but then I read all the way through and realized that it was you.
Very hot.
So, what $50 attributes do these undies come with?
Nice pic.
Your commitment to working out shows. Good on ya!
Oh my. So sexy!
$50 for underwear?? People must be mad!!
Happy HNT :) Very sexy!
Twenty bucks? TWENTY DOLLARS? That's high.
Think about this: a week's worth of undearwear costs $140 dollars. Even if you free-balled on the weekends, you're still in 3-figures.
My nutsack better be grateful!
Well, I like em!
So, did you like 'em?
What have I started with this underwear craze?
Oh, and thanks for making me feel fat with your pic.
Note to self: Don't eat during the holidays.
Well are they comfortable?
wow...nice HNT...but if this is your Christmas tree, why can't we see the Christmas balls? :)
Why do I feel like such a voyeur every Thursday?
Nice, er...um, underwear dude.
I will pay $100 to get my husband to wear one of those.
Happy Thursday to you and the boys.
FACE, BODY AND BRAIN - The Triple Crown. Serge is a lucky man.
You are just beautiful. inside and out. Smoooches, Mandax
My boif spends about 30.00 a pair for underwear and has been known to purchase 10 at a time and sock me with the bill. :(
I buy mine at Marshalls or Ross.
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