Monday, May 25, 2009

Big Turd

Serge put up a new, no clue what it's called, railing canvas. Except this time it's a product specifically made for this. A couple years ago he fashioned one out of a painter's tarp and riveted little eyeholes for attaching. The trouble with that was that it got covered with mold and looked dirty. This is supposed to be waterproof so hopefully that won't happen again.

Oh how I giggled when I saw this. No papal poking people, lol.

I was all charmed yesterday when we were sitting around with a friend on the patio noshing on guacamole and rosé and Serge said that I was his best friend. Totally unprompted or anything. You don't know how rare that is. We had been talking about how we're bad friends because we don't call and invite people to do things so if you want to be our friend you kind of have to do all the work and we end up losing friends that way. (Runon sentence anyone?) By way of explanation he said that we're best friends so we don't really go after more.

What candy bar did I just eat? (See video below for answer.) And is the bottom of my face getting bigger? Weird. I went shoe shopping last week too and none of the 11's fit me. I ended up buying a size 12. Do our feet get bigger as we age? I thought we shrunk except for our nose and ears.

Well it's a regular old workday up here. Happy Memorial Day to my peeps down south.


Franciscus van Munster said...

So did you like it or not?

Anonymous said...

I hope that Serge didn't drop that candy bar on the deck then pick it up and eat it. I mean the outside deck. Where animals and birds and bugs all crawl and poop. Come on Serge don't smoke! ed

Anonymous said...

Serge REALLY likes the Final Jeopardy theme, doesn't he?

I think you were just the victim of an unfortunate camera angle, since your face looks normal in the video.

Rox said...

I'm so glad you tried the Big Turd! I love them but I know they are not for everyone!

I like the privacy slat thing! It's lovely! Will you have to take it down in the winter to shovel the snow through the railing?

Patrick said...

Our feet grow as we age, because years of standing and walking on them make them spread out. Just another way gravity wins.

Anonymous said...

Serge's smoker's cough was most unattractive. I imagine he smells worse than he sounds.

Mel said...

Do you have any requests for when we head north next week? I'm already planning to bring Nutter Butters.

I think that if your spouse isn't your best friend, then the relationship has a problem.

lattégirl said...

I saw the title "Big Turd" in my feed reader and I kinda rolled my eyes and thought, "Oh no, I'm not going to read this post." It actually took me hours to finally get up the nerve.

Unknown said...

i used to like big turks when i was a kid, but find them way too sweet now. i also don't like the way the gel stuff sticks to my teeth.

i prefer chocolate covered peanuts. shoppers drug mart has organic dark chocolate covered peanuts. they're pretty good.

evilganome said...

Trader Joe's sells Jelly Sticks which sound similar. I hate to admit it but I like them.

Serge is a riot! I loved it when he kept shushing you.

As for the feet, yeah, they keep growing. I am not looking forward to the idea that I may eventually have to step up (no pun intended) to a 12, since I am only 5'3". I already look like I'm wearing skies wearing size 11's.

Greg said...

Yay, drunken vlogging!!!

I'm a particular fan of the first five seconds - keep the quit, buddy! Time to join in, Serge!

Midge Barbinera said...

Thumbs up on that canvas railing thingamajig! Now you can do the nude sunbathing that you were probably going to do whether it was there or not!

A Bear in the Woods said...

I used to wear a size 10 1/2 on one foot and a 10 on the other. Now I wear a 12 on both feet. Obsessive-compulsives around the world are rejoicing over the new-found symmetry of my feet.

Lots o-f hyp-hens today, huh...

A Bear in the Woods said...

Have you noticed how SOME people feel perfectly free to be horribly rude when it comes to other people smoking. It's one of the least attractive things about American political correctness.

Oh Gawd, I've gone all indignant now...

I love to end everything with dots now...


Mandy said...

Turkish Delight is actually rose flavoured!

Here in NL (Newfoundland and Labrador) it's the #1 selling bar... and I kid you not lol!

So a big turk is actually turkish delight (that rose flavoured jelly) and chocolate.

I had them all the time as a child... they are so good and surprisingly a healthier choice as opposed to other types of indulgences.

I know this is the first time I've ocmmented on your blog... so Let me introduce myself... I'm Mandy from Labrador... but now I live in St. John's. I spent more time in Quebec than any other province (other than the one I lived in) but I still hardly speak French lol... anyway I have a mediocre blog but I like to read more than I write. Have fun on Vacation!