Okay kids, once again I'm outta here. Time for the annual summer trip out west. This means very infrequent blogging for the next two weeks. I'm looking forward to disconnecting though, I just can't help feeling like the computer takes up too much space in my life. Tomorrow I'm heading to Vegas with Laverne for our annual junket. This year she got comped rooms at the Monte Carlo so it will be fun to be on the strip. Normally, we stay in downtown Vegas which is more subdued and generally costs less. We'll have pool access so if we blow our money we can cool our jets there. After Vegas, I head to Socal to visit for a week. I know it seems like I travel a lot and you're probably right. It's simple really. Buy your clothing used, cut coupons, spend money only on things that are essential and you'll have money for travel. It helps to have a job that only needs you 9 months of the year too.
I was kinda pissy yesterday reading several bloggers who were lamenting the Michael Jackson coverage, how they didn't get what the big deal was, how he never really did anything for them. Such bad form people. Do you go to a funeral and ask what the big deal is, you didn't really care all that much for the deceased? Show a little respect for Chrissakes. I know we bloggers tend to have huge egos but can we let the others grieve properly and keep our collective mouth shut for once. Sheesh. Anyway, I (kinda) feel bad about a few of my comments I left in the blogosphere, perhaps I was a bit harsh. Hollywood is having a pretty bad week it seems. I would say something snarky about Billy Mays, but that would discredit the entire paragraph : )
Okily Dokily that's about it. Hope you all have a wonderful start to July, happy Canada day to my adopted peeps and happy 4th to my original peeps. See you on the flip side.
Have fun!
Have a good, safe trip.
You forgot one big money-saving idea: QUIT SMOKING!
Have a great trip.
have fun and stay safe!!
I couldn't agree more with the MJ coverage. Seriously, who judges at a time like that...for anybody. Have a great trip....I can't believe you're off AGAIN!
Have an awesome time!! Give lots of pictures!
I agree with you. In terms of respect, people seem to forget that MJ leaves behind young children. I feel very sad for any child who loses a parent. Hope you have a safe and fun vacation.
Safe travels.
Safe and fun journeys. And good luck in Vegas!
Have a wonderful trip! Give Laverne a hug for me, and take a few for you and Serge.
I can't wait!
Travel safely and say hi to Laverne! Much love.
We should all leave behind a body of work like MJ! Mesmerizing! Have a great trip and hopefully the construction next door to the Monte Carlo won't be too distracting when you're poolside.
There certainly are plenty of people without good manners, even when it comes to matters of mortality. The feeling of safety conveyed through the Internet just makes some people's behavior worse. *sigh*
But let's focus on good things... have a great time and a safe trip!
have a great trip, and be fabulous in Vegas...!
You DO travel a lot. Good for you. Have a fab trip!!
Our blogs are totally in agreement over MJ.
Have a great trip!
The flaw I see with your analogy re MJ coverage is that this is not us going to a funeral or other memorial event. This is such an event taking over every form of media and being shoved in our faces.
I agree to an extent it is disrespectful, but I think it is acceptable to be disrespectful in my own living room. ;)
Had fun hanging with you today.
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