Georgie's a pretty dumb dog. He ate a glass ornament the other day. Well maybe not ate exactly but broke it up into a bazillion tiny pieces like he does with the used kleenexes he fishes out of the garbage. We've both got colds right now so there have been plenty of kleenexcapades on his part. Anyway, when I saw the glass ornament he chewed up (chewing on glass sound like fun to you?) I said, "If you die because you ate glass, you deserve it!" Dumb dog. But I love him still.

I finally got a purple shirt. I've been wanting one for a while now. I still would have liked it a shade or two darker but it'll do. Yeah, we were goofing around with the Christmas antlers the other day. Alcohol may or may not have been involved.

Serge has gotten hives twice in the last week. It's always different. Usually there is swelling in strange spots like his lips or his weenis. Occasionally he'll get a rash all over his body. This last time, his eyes practically swelled shut. He thinks it's due to the terrible abrupt coldness we've encountered since we got back from the Caribbean.
Two days til Christmas, ready or not!
Eyes swelling shut? Eaten glass ornaments? Ho Ho Ho!
What is it about dogs and used kleenex?! Our dogs did/do it too. Unused they leave alone. Used they shred all over. We try to be very careful to put our used ones where she cannot get at them.
Sorry about the colds and the hives! I hope they both pass soon.
Ahhh! what a cute boy. His little ears need to be nuzzled. He looks like he is up to something bad. Oh yes, the dog is cute too. Merry Christmas guys! ed
Oh, I'm glad you've added a purple shirt to your repertoire. They are so nice.
Got one last year - changed my life. Mine is a shade or two darker, and I like it quite fine. But yours is very spiffy, too.
Ugh, poor Serge. And Georgie too...eating glass like that.
That is the greatest shot of Georgie ever. My vet recommended painting our lowest light strand with Tabasco when the cat wouldn't stop chewing on it. Worked like a charm; we only had to do it once. Put some in a spritzer on your ornaments, but remember to wash your hands after handling them. (We had to get a trash can with a step-lid to keep Sophie out of the kleenex.)
Hives is a pretty serious allergic reaction. Serge would do well to note whatever he ate or came in contact with prior to those episodes. Dissolving Benadryl works fast to relieve the swelling.
You guys have a great Christmas!
Dev's hubby has been having some unexplained swelling too. Apparently the other day, he looked like Angelina Jolie. I'll send you a pic if I ever get one! LOL!
The dog and cat leave the tree alone here, but the cat? Can't keep his paws off the bows on the gifts. Nor the napkins in the sleigh on the dining room table.
I like the shirt and the antlers too!
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo.
The gift that leaves a lasting impression (for the wrong reasons).
Is your cold going away yet? I hope you all feel better soon.
I like the purple shirt.
I'd worry about the hives. It could get worse, though I hope not. Serge looks uncomfortable.
Love the family's expressions!
My cat used to leave little puddles of tinsel-barf all over the house every Christmas.
I agree with Birdie, those hives are nothing to sneeze about... seriously, he may be showing early signs of a dangerous allergic reaction.
Love the shirt.
kewl shirt!
joyeux noel et bonne annee pour tout!
You look great in the purple shirt, despite the reindeer antlers. Your unconditional love for Georgie is admirable. Here's a tip: rather than tossing kleenex in the trash can where Georgie can pull them out, toss them into the toilet. Sorry about Serge's hives, but I would wager it has nothing to do with the temps. Probably an allergy to something he's eaten. Thanks for the Christmas card. Merry Christmas!!
"kleenexcapades!" Love. it.
Have a happy Xmas :-)
Used kleenexes taste nice and salty. Yum!
The purple shirt looks great on you. The hives on Serge? Not so much. He is right that cold exposure can trigger hives, but it seems a bit odd at his age if he's had no prior history of it. If it keeps up he needs to get it checked out.
A purple shirt???? YAY!!!!!
Although I'm sure I've ever heard purple shirts, Kleenex eating and spots on his weenis (LOVE that word!) all in one post before. :)
Happy holidays!
The picture of Serge made my eyes water. Ugh.
Poor Serge! That sounds terrible.
Nonetheless, I hope the three of you have a happy holiday!
I had hives frequently aqs a child--the exact trigger, thought to be food-related--was never identified. Puberty and the surge of testosterone put an end to that--and started MUCH more enjoyable swellings.
Purple is definitely your color, or one of your colors. The antlers are just dear.
Merry Christmas to you both!
I got hives above my eyes one summer when I was a kid. My dad said I ate too many fresh peaches, but I think it was a psychosomatic reaction to knowing that I had to return to school -- those traumatic jr-hi phys. ed. classes, in particular -- within a matter of days. Is anything stressing Serge out?
Great photos!
I don't get the glass chewing thing either. One of C's dogs just destroyed his sunglasses by chewing on them. Didn't shatter the glass luckily, but they now have teeth gouges in the lenses.
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